Good morning patriots! I woke up this morning with this train of thought: We've heard that the U.S. military has been infiltrated with marxists; they aren't even hiding it. Patriotic Americans are now being called "domestic terrorists". What if Q's pleas for us to all sit by to eventually let the military take care of all the treasonous SOBs in our government was just a ruse to make sure the portion of the citizen population with the guns, patriotic Americans, felt comfortable when the military takes control, only to have that military round up the "domestic terrorists"? Remember the rumored "FEMA camps"?
Sorry to have a negative train of thought like this, but when I wake up, I sometimes have either great ideas (creative ideas, inventions, etc.), or sometimes thoughts like this.
Just because we have not gone all Rambo on the demons does NOT mean we are not locked and loaded. Remember the Minutemen!!!
Military pussification image is Art of War tactic...appear weak when you are commie leftist agendas are moving forward, only patriotic movements and bills that are the exact opposite. Would that happen if Joe and Kameltoe were truly in power?
It happened before, in the Soviet Union I believe.
I would instead trust General Flynn's advice to GET INVOLVED.
(If you have the skills to do so.)
Forget Antifa and BLM violence for a moment. Think about how the left quietly infiltrated our local community councils, mayoral and gubernatorial seats, school boards, etc. ALL WITHOUT FIRING A SINGLE SHOT.
That is where the battle is really fought.
Marxists in the military are also a very noisy minority. I'd estimate well over half the troops won't follow unlawful orders. It'd also be a big night to take down all 100 million or so patriots at once.
It would be helpful to have secondary and tertiary communication methods set up, so if it starts in one place during a comms blackout, the word can still get out.
90% is my estimation. There are some downright morons in the military - I can say this because I served with Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force personnel. Asvab score minimums were pretty damn low in the early 2000s.
But I still feel like an overwhelming majority of our military will fight for US. You don’t join the military to be a gun bashing, rainbow loving, flag hating piece of garbage. Well, I didn’t at least.
Soldiers are taught to follow orders. If they are led to be convinced that "domestic terrorists" should be apprehended, for the "safety of the country", then I don't think it would be too difficult. It didn't take much to make people believe Japanese-Americans were enough of a threat to round them up during WWII. (I don't know if the U.S. military was who rounded them up) All the information "big brother" has been able to gather over the years would be enough for them to know who are the most likely to cause problems for them, and would likely be high on a list of people to apprehend. Alternate communications is a good idea. The "black out" period, if it happens, would be an excellent way for them to activate and carry out such a plan. I'm starting to get a creepy feeling just thinking about it! It actually makes as much sense as "The Plan", maybe more!
American soldiers defend the Constitution. There are consequences for failing to do so, even under orders.
Exactly, I had hours of training about how to identify and not follow unlawful orders, one incident that was always brought up was the My Lai massacre.
Troops, specially those in combat arms aren't going to follow unlawful orders, most hold the same values as we patriots.
Serving isn't like basic training, yelling and hazing everyday. There are so many misconceptions that the general population has about the military.
I'm not talking about soldiers shooting Americans. Rounding people up is a long way from shooting them. I just don't think it would be difficult to convince soldiers that they ARE following the Constitution by apprehending people who are "a threat to the Constitution". Propaganda is powerful.
So what happens if the cows being rounded up have guns and want to be free to hold their long heads high?
They sure didn't mind rounding people up and disarming them during hurricane Katrina.
they'll try to bring in out side help, china troops dressed in un white helmets.
...which the patriots in the military would immediately dispatch.
After Merrick Garlands statement yesterday, it became clear to me that they are most definitely coming after Q followers, Patriots, Conservatives; however, I am sticking with the plan until I can't or until President Trump gets back to work and starts fixing this mess.
Believe me that thought goes through my head every day.
Idk if I'm right. These are just my two cents. But if it were truly the case, there wouldn't be a need for all the performance pieces, imo. Maybe I'm missing something, but there wouldn't be much of a reason to be so coy about everything.
This has crossed my mind too fren
When the legitimate President of the USA deputizes every one who has signed up for selective service as a US marshal.
For this to be true, it would also mean that Trump has been playing us all. Not just the American people, but all the staff that has worked with and believe in him. He has had many opportunities to denounce Q, even subtly, but he instead chooses to send a wink our way. This is the most convincing "proof" of all in my opinion.
I've been noticing people here going down this path of thinking recently, and it seems to coincide with the MSM narrative that "QAnons have lost faith in the plan."
Don't fall for it.
This is a propaganda effort underway to separate us from the military and vice versa. Part of the January 6th False Flag was an attempt to turn the military against Q, Anons, and MAGA in general. There have been other attempts at trying to draw MAGA into FF events. The objective is to create the excuse to force the military to take up arms against us.
All this Marxist in the military noise is trying to do the same thing, turn us against the military. Yes there are politically motivated military people, primarily career officers. It’s never clear if they are playing the go along to get along game, or if they really believe this stuff. But the vast majority of the military are truly patriots and that’s another facet of this propaganda, drive true patriots out.
Ah, morning dooming. We've all done it.
Have a coffee and read some proofs.
100% not going to a camp, ill tell ya that.
Smoke and mirrors my friend. The military will come through because they’ve sworn an oath to the constitution, not the federal government.
I’m a vet and literally every single vet I know would fight for our citizens, not against them. They would defend the constitution, not the Chinese regime taking over. You are dooming, but fear not - God is always in control.
If I’m being honest, if patriots starting revolting, we might as well just hit the reset button for the entire country - which would leave us wide open to attack from rivals. United we stand, divided we fall. What’s happening is an awakening so we can unite as one. Like Q noted, there will be some that cannot handle the truth and they will be lost forever. But the majority will wake up when presented with undeniable evidence.
Just my personal opinion.
This is 100% possible. I don't worry too much about it though because I will fight to the death in this scenario. I'm ready to get off this ride anyway so...
We're going to have lots of fun after we found out the sealed indictments contain our names, not theirs.
Less that 1 million sealed indictments.
80 million +++ of us.
Seriously! They may be sealed for that reason! All it would take is some leftist judge siding with some leftist LEO who shows all the "dangerous" internet posts made by someone, for that judge to rule, "Yes, here is your warrant for the arrest of that dangerous individual".
Over 3 years ago on the CBTS board..we watched our numbers go from 2,000 to 20,000 followers. We were thrilled at how quickly the membership grew.
We also noted back then that the indictments were increasing at about the same rate.
Afraid? Maybe...but who wants to be part of the chaff?
I’ll take my chances on the side of good..for we know not the glories the Lord has prepared for those who believe and follow truth.
Be brave Frens, put on the Armour of God and PRAY as Q told us to do.
Q posted over 60 times.
Find another directive that was commanded that many times.
Omg…. Just about pissed my pants laughing at this…. I call top bunk!