Man I’ve been the subject of stuff like this for years. I’m always the only guy on the job, going on for 45 mins, and none else talking. They are listening, but never EVER get involved. They never ask questions. They just kinda go “huh”. Literally a week passes by and I hear “ hey did you hear about so n so?” ...I’ve been talking about that for weeks! And it all new news again to them. Back to silence, back to having absolutely no fight in them. They love Trump, they want to win. But have given up fighting along time ago. They would probably engage when they hear knocking at the door, maybe. I can sense when I start some real juicy hopium, and I’m thinking “ I’ll get a rise out of them on this one “.....nope. It’s almost a sigh, when I get started cause they know they have to hear it, the hopium, the hope.
this^ and I don't try with those people anymore as I'd rather help the ones who are curious and want to listen. of course if they ask questions I'll answer, but I think it's better if they initiate this time.
It's one of the reasons I believe the MSM and BigTech are Enemy #1 of the US. Imagine if we actually had an honest media? We would NEVER be where we are today.
I'm still holding out hope that Trump's EO on election interference allows the military to hold China accountable, and anyone who conspired with China accountable. Part of that EO allows the seizure of assets for those responsible.
Imagine if the assets of the MSM and BigTech are seized?
'These are the same people that think nothings going to happen after AZ MI GA PA etc all find fraud. The same people who’ll recognize that fraud happened but think nothing will happen because “nothings happened before”.'
I know of approximately 100 Trump conservatives who are now obviously in this category. Some have even taken to criticizing Trump because they feel he's let them down (translated as 'he hasn't done things the way I would'), some of which caved shortly after the election and most of them because of the faux inauguration. I think a good number of these may wake up to what's really going on as soon as one thing happens that busts their paradigm.
I can almost guarantee you that these same people think FoxNews is conservative. They didn't have the light bulb moment when Fox called AZ prematurely, that the FOX was in the HEN HOUSE. This was the signal flair that told the battleground states to stop counting (i.e. to manufacture ballots). And this ultimately swung the election over night.
They still tune into Fox news for their "conservative" news and continue to go on their way. They literally think they are informed if Fox tells them the news.
We all know that NO ONE in the MSM tells the truth and none of them report the actual news, only narratives, and so we've found ways to learn the truth.
The conservatives you describe have no idea how to fend for themselves, learn for themselves, or CRITICALLY think for themselves. Their just a different color of sheep.
Stay strong. Continue to share the truth. Continue to enlighten your contacts.
Our nation will need all of us when the truth is finally revealed.
I'm aware enough to comprehend the difference between the people I know versus your assessment. These folks knew Fox was a joke on election night and most have abandoned it. They're all mostly into firearms and protecting themselves, many live rural with an eye to providing for themselves with cattle/hogs/chickens and gardens, and many have owned their own businesses. Critical thinking is not their shortfall; rather, it's not being able to view things from a broader perspective and open themselves to a different paradigm, which in some ways is an entirely different skill set.
Well, I guess that's why I threw in the "I can almost guarantee" caveat. Sorry if I jumped to conclusions. Let's hope the "one thing happens that busts their paradigm," happens soon. I know I'm ready for that too.
I agree with the last sentence. The MAGA rallies got people's attention. Most of the apathetic crowd saw Trump as a rich TV personality and nothing more. Once they heard his speeches followed by his amazing win, they realized he had a plan but weren't convinced until he started doing what he said he would do. Building the wall, opening the XL pipeline, ending the wars, making U.S. companies reverse course and opening plants in the U.S. instead of sending them elsewhere. As the economy improved they felt better because they had more jobs, better pay, lower taxes, low cost of gas, etc. Many heeded the call and voted for him in 2020.
Then the big steal. Many were confused. MSM kept saying how bad Trump was and they couldn't figure out how Trump lost unless all the negative stuff was true. Slowly, the MSM has been shown to be the liars they are and viewership has plummeted. It's a sign that lots of people don't buy the BS anymore. As more comes out to show the enormity of the steal as audit info is revealed, they will be more awake than ever. The number of people will drop much further as the truth about Covid and the vaccine is revealed. Nothing changes the heart and mind as much as a once healthy person dropping dead after getting the shot.
The way I see it, the country is in a pressure cooker and the temp has been slowly rising. The declassifying of info regarding the corruption, pedophilia, election theft will be amplified by the Durham report and the vaccine related illnesses and deaths. When the lid blows there won't be more than 10% of the population still asleep. Half of them will be the criminals who won't be able to escape and are pretending they know nothing, the other half will simply go down because their egos won't let them admit they were wrong.
Ugh my brother in law... for someone with a degree I wonder how this happened? I do accounting all day, he has an accounting degree I told him about the elections “Please you have never heard the term Garbage in Garbage out! That’s a recount, a forensic audit is all the Garbage is set aside so you can count the real stuff.” It went completely over his head!
I was kinda think'n that 4-6% lost forever might be the evil fucks who sold their soul for wealth and power,...sacrifice children and shit. You could be right though. Dang those folks to hell who are to busy working and raising families to pay attention to AOC! Me personally, I like sweater season.
People dumbly believing that doctors are terrorist dictators now, and can order an infinite amount of crime and damage with no liability or accountability is something that grinds my gears more than most.
If cars were breaking down, do mechanics get elevated to the level of gods? Can plumbers order robberies and death and dismemberment if a city area gets flooded, or electricians if there is an electrical storm? Outright lunacy.
If you assume a bell-curve type distribution with the awake at one end, and 'normies' in the middle, then I guess these clinically brain-dead types that otherwise outwardly appear to be functioning people are at the other extreme.
I’m sad to say I know a lot of these people and they all just say IM the crazy one but I’ll still be here in 3 years to still be talking about it all !!
I actually disagree. Most of the people I know that fall in this category are so ignorant of politics they won't know what to do with themselves. So they'll get over it. The 4-6% are the activists and the far left. They will be furious and they won't get over it lightly. These are people who use extreme mental gymnastics to justify their asinine political positions. They won't get over it and they will probably try to fight it.
What about the ones who have suffered TDS brain damage? I feel like they’ll be part of those lost forever because they won’t be able to admit that not only was orange man not bad, he actually saved them and this country from Great Reset hell. I just don’t see all these lefty nuts coming around, but I hope I’m wrong.
Man I’ve been the subject of stuff like this for years. I’m always the only guy on the job, going on for 45 mins, and none else talking. They are listening, but never EVER get involved. They never ask questions. They just kinda go “huh”. Literally a week passes by and I hear “ hey did you hear about so n so?” ...I’ve been talking about that for weeks! And it all new news again to them. Back to silence, back to having absolutely no fight in them. They love Trump, they want to win. But have given up fighting along time ago. They would probably engage when they hear knocking at the door, maybe. I can sense when I start some real juicy hopium, and I’m thinking “ I’ll get a rise out of them on this one “.....nope. It’s almost a sigh, when I get started cause they know they have to hear it, the hopium, the hope.
this^ and I don't try with those people anymore as I'd rather help the ones who are curious and want to listen. of course if they ask questions I'll answer, but I think it's better if they initiate this time.
Amen. No sense burning your energy if someone's going to waste your time.
Well stated. I completely agree.
It's one of the reasons I believe the MSM and BigTech are Enemy #1 of the US. Imagine if we actually had an honest media? We would NEVER be where we are today.
I'm still holding out hope that Trump's EO on election interference allows the military to hold China accountable, and anyone who conspired with China accountable. Part of that EO allows the seizure of assets for those responsible.
Imagine if the assets of the MSM and BigTech are seized?
Oh what a glorious day that would be.
Now that would be a shame.
'These are the same people that think nothings going to happen after AZ MI GA PA etc all find fraud. The same people who’ll recognize that fraud happened but think nothing will happen because “nothings happened before”.'
I know of approximately 100 Trump conservatives who are now obviously in this category. Some have even taken to criticizing Trump because they feel he's let them down (translated as 'he hasn't done things the way I would'), some of which caved shortly after the election and most of them because of the faux inauguration. I think a good number of these may wake up to what's really going on as soon as one thing happens that busts their paradigm.
I can almost guarantee you that these same people think FoxNews is conservative. They didn't have the light bulb moment when Fox called AZ prematurely, that the FOX was in the HEN HOUSE. This was the signal flair that told the battleground states to stop counting (i.e. to manufacture ballots). And this ultimately swung the election over night.
They still tune into Fox news for their "conservative" news and continue to go on their way. They literally think they are informed if Fox tells them the news.
We all know that NO ONE in the MSM tells the truth and none of them report the actual news, only narratives, and so we've found ways to learn the truth.
The conservatives you describe have no idea how to fend for themselves, learn for themselves, or CRITICALLY think for themselves. Their just a different color of sheep.
Stay strong. Continue to share the truth. Continue to enlighten your contacts.
Our nation will need all of us when the truth is finally revealed.
I'm aware enough to comprehend the difference between the people I know versus your assessment. These folks knew Fox was a joke on election night and most have abandoned it. They're all mostly into firearms and protecting themselves, many live rural with an eye to providing for themselves with cattle/hogs/chickens and gardens, and many have owned their own businesses. Critical thinking is not their shortfall; rather, it's not being able to view things from a broader perspective and open themselves to a different paradigm, which in some ways is an entirely different skill set.
Well, I guess that's why I threw in the "I can almost guarantee" caveat. Sorry if I jumped to conclusions. Let's hope the "one thing happens that busts their paradigm," happens soon. I know I'm ready for that too.
What got me was when Fox called VA for POTATUS with 2% of the vote in.
Tim Pool, Ben Shaprio, and Glen Beck feed on these people.
Even Freedom Toons takes anti-Trump jabs.
Tim Pool, Ben Shaprio, and Glen Beck feed on these people.
Even Freedom Toons takes anti-Trump jabs.
I agree with the last sentence. The MAGA rallies got people's attention. Most of the apathetic crowd saw Trump as a rich TV personality and nothing more. Once they heard his speeches followed by his amazing win, they realized he had a plan but weren't convinced until he started doing what he said he would do. Building the wall, opening the XL pipeline, ending the wars, making U.S. companies reverse course and opening plants in the U.S. instead of sending them elsewhere. As the economy improved they felt better because they had more jobs, better pay, lower taxes, low cost of gas, etc. Many heeded the call and voted for him in 2020.
Then the big steal. Many were confused. MSM kept saying how bad Trump was and they couldn't figure out how Trump lost unless all the negative stuff was true. Slowly, the MSM has been shown to be the liars they are and viewership has plummeted. It's a sign that lots of people don't buy the BS anymore. As more comes out to show the enormity of the steal as audit info is revealed, they will be more awake than ever. The number of people will drop much further as the truth about Covid and the vaccine is revealed. Nothing changes the heart and mind as much as a once healthy person dropping dead after getting the shot.
The way I see it, the country is in a pressure cooker and the temp has been slowly rising. The declassifying of info regarding the corruption, pedophilia, election theft will be amplified by the Durham report and the vaccine related illnesses and deaths. When the lid blows there won't be more than 10% of the population still asleep. Half of them will be the criminals who won't be able to escape and are pretending they know nothing, the other half will simply go down because their egos won't let them admit they were wrong.
Ugh my brother in law... for someone with a degree I wonder how this happened? I do accounting all day, he has an accounting degree I told him about the elections “Please you have never heard the term Garbage in Garbage out! That’s a recount, a forensic audit is all the Garbage is set aside so you can count the real stuff.” It went completely over his head!
I was kinda think'n that 4-6% lost forever might be the evil fucks who sold their soul for wealth and power,...sacrifice children and shit. You could be right though. Dang those folks to hell who are to busy working and raising families to pay attention to AOC! Me personally, I like sweater season.
People dumbly believing that doctors are terrorist dictators now, and can order an infinite amount of crime and damage with no liability or accountability is something that grinds my gears more than most.
If cars were breaking down, do mechanics get elevated to the level of gods? Can plumbers order robberies and death and dismemberment if a city area gets flooded, or electricians if there is an electrical storm? Outright lunacy.
If you assume a bell-curve type distribution with the awake at one end, and 'normies' in the middle, then I guess these clinically brain-dead types that otherwise outwardly appear to be functioning people are at the other extreme.
I’m sad to say I know a lot of these people and they all just say IM the crazy one but I’ll still be here in 3 years to still be talking about it all !!
Also, the people that continue the face-diapers after even the MSM says there is no 'need' for them...
Nah, the dumbasses that STILL drive or walk alone with a mask
I actually disagree. Most of the people I know that fall in this category are so ignorant of politics they won't know what to do with themselves. So they'll get over it. The 4-6% are the activists and the far left. They will be furious and they won't get over it lightly. These are people who use extreme mental gymnastics to justify their asinine political positions. They won't get over it and they will probably try to fight it.
That’s why it’ll get worse before it gets better. The public had to be rocked awake.
The consequences of the jab and an economic collapse will wake the majority that are still asleep up.
no man is too lost for Jesus
Oh, you mean the "ohhh those cheating dems, we'll get'em in 2024!" Fuck those people with a rake.
The lukewarm ones which will be spit out.
What about the ones who have suffered TDS brain damage? I feel like they’ll be part of those lost forever because they won’t be able to admit that not only was orange man not bad, he actually saved them and this country from Great Reset hell. I just don’t see all these lefty nuts coming around, but I hope I’m wrong.