A colleague at work asked if I was getting the vaxx, I just said “no”.
The silence that followed was an awkward silence… like this person was waiting to hear the reasoning, but couldn’t fathom that I had no interested in this line of dialog. It was all smiles and such, but deep down I knew my colleague was stuck in a loop … brain froze, had to undergo a system reboot. The eye flutter… the stuck smile with the slow nods, the irregular blinks, not knowing whether to look you in the right eye or the left eye…
2 So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
There will be things that will help. There are now. Ivermectin is the leader in my opinion. These therapies will prevent many of the deaths if taken early enough.
Don't write off all the vaxers.
I've 10,000,000% lost any sympathy I have for the cultist vaxxers. Most are understanding and respect my choice not to get the mystery science juice. Sadly my parents are the ones that can't shut the hell up about it, and flat out DEMAND that I get it. They have disowned me, and doubled down on it this weekend, after my beloved Grandmother died. They used every chance possible to demand that I get the shot, or else.
Needless to say, I'm finished talking to them. I thought they would accept my medical choice. They didn't do so.
I have family who took it too, it’s very sad. It’s part of the programming since childbirth.
Ok, so they got the jab. Now it’s time to ensure they’re immune system is in top order. A few things to look into….
DMSO — topical application (majority of the time), VERY powerful solvent. If you do get this, get a pure grade one, not the raw stuff from the hardware store. It should not smell as it’s been distilled. There are so many uses for this it’s practically a medical principal. This stuff will make any drug even more potent so be careful.
MSM (aka DMSO2) — ingest. Get the pure stuff.
Vitamins C and the rest of the alphabet :) — get the liposomal form, much more bioavailability.
Mushrooms — lots here. Suggest you look at Stamets and Mushroom Science.
I also suggest investing in a Ozone generator. Make ozonated water, insufflations, etc. lots of applications.
Ozone IV is expensive but will destroy all pathogens in your bloodstream … nothing survives it. So called ‘super bacteria’ will succumb to it like any other.
And lastly learn and understand how pathogens and the microbiome affects you. Parasites, bacteria, fungi. Keep the balance …. You will be surprised how much of your disease has a root cause by a pathogen or part of the chain.
For example - the drug Ivermectin. Why does it work for C19? It’s an anti parasite drug for roundworms/threadworms. There is some relationship between parasites and virus load. If you kill the parasite, you effectively break the ‘chain’ and now your immune system can recognize the pathogen. Pathogens have a unique ability to ‘signal’ cells… the immune system just bypasses them. But we can’t overdo it or the immune system will go into overdrive and create a cytokine storm … this is what kills the majority of C19 patients / hell even the flu!
There is so much real medicine and knowledge out there, big pharma and the cabal has been suppressing this info from humanity.
Same fren, nothing is certain yet though. Worse, these same people I cry for think I'm out of my head for seeing the world without rosy lenses. It's a thankless task but I know where I'd rather be. You are never alone patriot.
Vaxxers: Have you been vaccinated?
Me: Nah, I'm waiting to see how many of you fuckers die.
Every study needs a control group. We are heroes to volunteer.
That would be a great way to turn around their "noble sacrifice" onto them!
WE did this for YOU
Stupid narcissistic libs...
A colleague at work asked if I was getting the vaxx, I just said “no”.
The silence that followed was an awkward silence… like this person was waiting to hear the reasoning, but couldn’t fathom that I had no interested in this line of dialog. It was all smiles and such, but deep down I knew my colleague was stuck in a loop … brain froze, had to undergo a system reboot. The eye flutter… the stuck smile with the slow nods, the irregular blinks, not knowing whether to look you in the right eye or the left eye…
I loved every minute of it!
Just like an NPC.
Is the correct response.
2 So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
That's not what this, not even in the same ballpark
Lmao this meme!
Hey BB! ?
So sad, I tried as hard as fucking possible, even begged wife and kids not to, now I just feel like crying waiting for everyone I love die
Some people might’ve gotten lucky and gotten a placebo such as saline
There will be things that will help. There are now. Ivermectin is the leader in my opinion. These therapies will prevent many of the deaths if taken early enough. Don't write off all the vaxers.
I've 10,000,000% lost any sympathy I have for the cultist vaxxers. Most are understanding and respect my choice not to get the mystery science juice. Sadly my parents are the ones that can't shut the hell up about it, and flat out DEMAND that I get it. They have disowned me, and doubled down on it this weekend, after my beloved Grandmother died. They used every chance possible to demand that I get the shot, or else.
Needless to say, I'm finished talking to them. I thought they would accept my medical choice. They didn't do so.
That kinda goes to show just how crazy this whole thing has made people. Parents disowning their kids for not getting experimental gene therapy.
I have family who took it too, it’s very sad. It’s part of the programming since childbirth.
Ok, so they got the jab. Now it’s time to ensure they’re immune system is in top order. A few things to look into….
DMSO — topical application (majority of the time), VERY powerful solvent. If you do get this, get a pure grade one, not the raw stuff from the hardware store. It should not smell as it’s been distilled. There are so many uses for this it’s practically a medical principal. This stuff will make any drug even more potent so be careful.
MSM (aka DMSO2) — ingest. Get the pure stuff.
Vitamins C and the rest of the alphabet :) — get the liposomal form, much more bioavailability.
Mushrooms — lots here. Suggest you look at Stamets and Mushroom Science.
I also suggest investing in a Ozone generator. Make ozonated water, insufflations, etc. lots of applications.
Ozone IV is expensive but will destroy all pathogens in your bloodstream … nothing survives it. So called ‘super bacteria’ will succumb to it like any other.
And lastly learn and understand how pathogens and the microbiome affects you. Parasites, bacteria, fungi. Keep the balance …. You will be surprised how much of your disease has a root cause by a pathogen or part of the chain.
For example - the drug Ivermectin. Why does it work for C19? It’s an anti parasite drug for roundworms/threadworms. There is some relationship between parasites and virus load. If you kill the parasite, you effectively break the ‘chain’ and now your immune system can recognize the pathogen. Pathogens have a unique ability to ‘signal’ cells… the immune system just bypasses them. But we can’t overdo it or the immune system will go into overdrive and create a cytokine storm … this is what kills the majority of C19 patients / hell even the flu!
There is so much real medicine and knowledge out there, big pharma and the cabal has been suppressing this info from humanity.
Same fren, nothing is certain yet though. Worse, these same people I cry for think I'm out of my head for seeing the world without rosy lenses. It's a thankless task but I know where I'd rather be. You are never alone patriot.
We all have friends and relatives that got the jab. We will all be in the same boat.