The first and only time I tried DMT, I went 'there.' A short, ugly muddy-green taught-skinned, hairless, shirtless creature, with pointed ears and sharply pointed teeth (yet wasn't scary to me) smiled really big at me and tried to hand me something. I didn't take whatever it was tying to hand to me...and then it ended, I was back in my kitchen.
Dwarfs were running from the grey's. They hid in the mountains and armed the Vikings to protect them. Gave Thor the weapon that has been interpreted as a lightning hammer. Vikings fought the alien species that chased them.
But I am interested more in the removal of the grey's off our planet and these damn snake people who run these satanic cults.
Once I get my tendies from AMC, first stop will be the iron library and the 13th Aztec temple. Based on that success, the next will be the dwarfs. Then the pyramid in the grand canyon. Stop over for a visit of the city of Atlantis (eye of Africa). Then I plan on being too old and enjoy my last days like hunter Thompson. Shooting gas cans on my property. If you want to be a treasure hunter, read history books.
Nope. Just need to rely on the greed of man. Sheep are easily persuaded with money. Intentions will be vague or miss leading. Getting past the tribes will be the major hurtle.
Sweet! Australia got balls, a step in the right direction ! We want full disclosure & open, peaceful contact with other civilizations. Not buying a "threat" narrative like the US "report" suggests.
We saw one about 4 years ago over Lake Nacimiento in California. It was dusk. Husband pointed to a star moving weird. Looked like a star. Moving all through the sky, changing direction with pinball like precision, moving FAST, all over the sky. I feel like a fool for not filming, but probably wouldn't have been able to see it very well, so high up... And the fish were biting! And the idea of real UFOs is never something I really thought about. Couldn't have been a drone or a satellite. Moved the way the tic tacs are described. This is also military airspace, you would hear sonic booms through the day etc due to jets. My imagination loves idea of aliens, but secret military stuff makes more sense to me.
And I have, for what feel like that long. Read a book called God Drives A Flying Saucer when I was 12 and had two completely undeniable ufo sightings in my life, with other witnesses. 1978 California, 1997, AZ. As for GDAFS book, it did not interfere in the slightest with coming to know Jesus is real.
Of course I have, but this isn't about what I know... it's about what "they" are admitting... of course it's fucking obvious, to you, to me... to anyone that's been paying attention to anything but their own cock for the last, forever. Think outside of your spank bank for 2 seconds and consider what a "normal person" would think about it.
Screw these governments. For me to care, I need video and pictures at this point. Or just bring one of the aliens into the public view. Not this weak sauce. Seen more effort put into finding the HWNDU series by 4chan then what the government gives us in the last 200 years.
Aliens has always been the cover story. I will never believe that Aliens flying around in our atmosphere just trolling us or something. it doesn't make any sense.
Nikola is quoted as saying on Oct 15, 1911 with the New York Herald
"The flying machine of the future my flying machine will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached."
Jokes on them we can focus on everything all at once without getting distracted. We aren't some bush league operation. Lmao
I see your Arizona and raise you a Pennsylvania.
See I can pay attention to two audits!
I bet while I'm waiting the many many hours, possibly days for any new information coming out of Maricopa, I'll be able to look at other info.
Or should I only stare at the old info and not do anything more?
Sorry Uhtred if I came off a little snarky, I hadn't had my morning coffee before starting work.
I've got this one, Uhtred. <hooking up fellow pede to IV coffee drip> ;-)
Seems to be reports of people's encounters.
You would probably find the same info in any book about the same subject.
Or by watching X-Files.
Dwarfs are what people see tripping on DMT. Pretty sure interdimensional fallen angels.
The first and only time I tried DMT, I went 'there.' A short, ugly muddy-green taught-skinned, hairless, shirtless creature, with pointed ears and sharply pointed teeth (yet wasn't scary to me) smiled really big at me and tried to hand me something. I didn't take whatever it was tying to hand to me...and then it ended, I was back in my kitchen.
Glad you didn’t take the offering.
Ya whatever he was giving you probably is something you dont want.
Dwarfs were running from the grey's. They hid in the mountains and armed the Vikings to protect them. Gave Thor the weapon that has been interpreted as a lightning hammer. Vikings fought the alien species that chased them.
But I am interested more in the removal of the grey's off our planet and these damn snake people who run these satanic cults.
You have my attention. Any links for me to rabbit hole myself in?
Once I get my tendies from AMC, first stop will be the iron library and the 13th Aztec temple. Based on that success, the next will be the dwarfs. Then the pyramid in the grand canyon. Stop over for a visit of the city of Atlantis (eye of Africa). Then I plan on being too old and enjoy my last days like hunter Thompson. Shooting gas cans on my property. If you want to be a treasure hunter, read history books.
Nope. Just need to rely on the greed of man. Sheep are easily persuaded with money. Intentions will be vague or miss leading. Getting past the tribes will be the major hurtle.
Start out with a some music to get you in the mood for Norwegian folk the hall of the mountain king from Peer Gynt by Grieg.
Yes, that seems like a good reason to keep it classified for 70 years... right?
AZ audit.
This is the same type of stuff we've been reading in the National Enquirer and the Weekly World News for decades.
I guess the MIB boys were right about where to get the best news. Kek.
Bat Boy is Q!
Damn, you're right! <smacking self on forehead> Why didn't I think of that?!? Kek.
Big whoop
Unless they are about to tell me Bush did 911 i really can't care about aliens anymore
AZ Audit
Link to full report:
Thanks for finding that, I was looking but gave up temporarily to eat my dinner and deal with my kids bedtime routine.
They knew all along!
haha, too funny they want to humor us with little green men. where are they from? hahahaha.
Sweet! Australia got balls, a step in the right direction ! We want full disclosure & open, peaceful contact with other civilizations. Not buying a "threat" narrative like the US "report" suggests.
I would worry more about demons than stupid aliens.
That's what "aliens" are... it's all demons and shit... just called something else.
you guys must be new here
I might be daft but I don't think anyone is going to know what you're getting at.
Aliens! The investigators probably went to Tasmania,that would scare the shit out of anyone!
Kahji wants coin
We saw one about 4 years ago over Lake Nacimiento in California. It was dusk. Husband pointed to a star moving weird. Looked like a star. Moving all through the sky, changing direction with pinball like precision, moving FAST, all over the sky. I feel like a fool for not filming, but probably wouldn't have been able to see it very well, so high up... And the fish were biting! And the idea of real UFOs is never something I really thought about. Couldn't have been a drone or a satellite. Moved the way the tic tacs are described. This is also military airspace, you would hear sonic booms through the day etc due to jets. My imagination loves idea of aliens, but secret military stuff makes more sense to me.
so thats why their are so many cat videos.
And I have, for what feel like that long. Read a book called God Drives A Flying Saucer when I was 12 and had two completely undeniable ufo sightings in my life, with other witnesses. 1978 California, 1997, AZ. As for GDAFS book, it did not interfere in the slightest with coming to know Jesus is real.
Hint: They're not "aliens" anyway... and trust me when I say you don't want to know them. This is just public discourse. Think about it.
Those aliens better apply to be legal! 😆
WAIT! Cat Face Paralyzing Ray Beam!! You mean.....Arizona Audit?!....Daaaamn!
EVERYONE PANIC!!! AHH! Nice try, all eyes on AZ. Well at least one eye
Here we go again.
Sure we have, we invented them.
LOL we know more than just "knowing about them."
Ever heard of planet Serpo? The Ebens? How about Emery Smith?
Of course I have, but this isn't about what I know... it's about what "they" are admitting... of course it's fucking obvious, to you, to me... to anyone that's been paying attention to anything but their own cock for the last, forever. Think outside of your spank bank for 2 seconds and consider what a "normal person" would think about it.
Screw these governments. For me to care, I need video and pictures at this point. Or just bring one of the aliens into the public view. Not this weak sauce. Seen more effort put into finding the HWNDU series by 4chan then what the government gives us in the last 200 years.
UFO just means they didn't know what the item was. Could've been anything. Doesn't immediately mean aliens.
Aliens has always been the cover story. I will never believe that Aliens flying around in our atmosphere just trolling us or something. it doesn't make any sense.
it does :)
How so?
Really? How so?
Well that explains dr Fauci.
Fauci is a Bene Tlielax
Nikola is quoted as saying on Oct 15, 1911 with the New York Herald
"The flying machine of the future my flying machine will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached."
Meh. If there were real aliens the pervert cabal would have screwed and roasted them at a farm by now.
Lucifer was the angel of light. Counterfeiting and lying are his game. Fall for it if you want.