Hard to say, Maybe Eisenhower, maybe Calvin Coolidge. String of mostly bad Presidents since Woodrow Wilson/The Progressive Era as a whole, since that's when the whole 'rule of society by top men' thing was implemented more openly via the institutions.
There should be a lot more shit on that shirt.
Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr. all deep state in recent history. I don't think it gets much better before that.
Hard to say, Maybe Eisenhower, maybe Calvin Coolidge. String of mostly bad Presidents since Woodrow Wilson/The Progressive Era as a whole, since that's when the whole 'rule of society by top men' thing was implemented more openly via the institutions.
thanks for the needed laugh!!!!
The three before the shit pile should be clowns too but I love it!
Clinton should be pedo-bear
Bush, clown George H.W. Bush, clown Clinton, clown Nixon, clown Reagan, clown FDR, clown Carter, clown Johnson, clown
johnson = vader, buah = vader
Love the joke!
The 7th should have sun glasses too. As well as the 35th.
Just sayin...
Maybe, he was a bit of a sellout. Only president to attack Americans on American soil.
Calling Biden a clown is an insult to clowns.
Clowns can actually make you laugh.
^Make you laugh on purpose.
Should be some clowns before the obamturd.
The 3 before the POS were clowns too... But I would buy this!
Classic 🤩
Not accurate by any stretch.. Almost all were in fact clowns.
Agree. The clowns should be Bush 1 and 2...
In reality, the clown shouldn't even be there, 'cause that drooling stooge ain't President