The disagreements we have now cut too deeply through the core of the human being.
There's no way I'm going to engage in more than a polite "hello, how are you doing" with my neighbor whose home is wired with Alexa, who's in her thirties but took the jab because "she doesn't want to die", who thinks her father is an abominable racist because he makes accurate observations, who cultivates a flamboyant gay best friend perhaps because they're such good friends, or because she thinks it's a virtue signal...
You can't play cards with people who do not even agree that it's not right to cheat at cards.
They tried to divide society along every line – race with Obama, sex with Hillary. But the division we really have is between the sane and the mentally ill. The mentally ill are a minority, but they have the current unelected government. And the mentally ill do not subscribe to any principle that a sane person respects. Because they are mentally ill.
Fuck that, these leftist want nothing more than to give us a vax that will kill us within 5 yesrs max. Ensure the global elite have enough Adrenochrome from kids and to destroy our way of life. Are you symapathic to thst agenda? What the fuck is wrong with you.
Hell yeah dude we need to see more like this coming out of congress. I was in the tax office earlier today and the majority of workers and customers there were wearing masks, one even wearing two masks. Thankfully I wasn't the only one in there unmasked but people are gonna require some SERIOUS rehabilitation from all this shit when they're forced to finally see their government has been lying to them about COVID from the start. I can understand in the beginning when it wasn't clear what was happening but now over a year later it's just gotten retarded. If there is a civil war it will likely be between the brainwashed vaxxed and those who refuse to allow government, or any authority figure for that matter, continuously demand more freedoms for our so called "safety."
ESPECIALLY SINCE SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated and all of this is political. PCR tests are a fraud. We are being laughed at and this gentleman is hinting at it quite severely.
I find myself growing numb to the words, the promises, the "should" and "maybe" of strongly worded letters. I feel like I am being raped, and I am out of energy to fight.
Great statement, but those commies didn't care one iota about what he said. We need to do something that will show them we are fed up and aren't going to take it any more.
Awesome! Exactly right!
Holy Shit that was awesome.
Not sure what the deal is with him saying "... my friend, the Speaker ...". She is an enemy of the people. Period. If they are friends ....
I'll leave this here. Regardless, my man was on point.
The disagreements we have now cut too deeply through the core of the human being.
There's no way I'm going to engage in more than a polite "hello, how are you doing" with my neighbor whose home is wired with Alexa, who's in her thirties but took the jab because "she doesn't want to die", who thinks her father is an abominable racist because he makes accurate observations, who cultivates a flamboyant gay best friend perhaps because they're such good friends, or because she thinks it's a virtue signal...
You can't play cards with people who do not even agree that it's not right to cheat at cards.
They tried to divide society along every line – race with Obama, sex with Hillary. But the division we really have is between the sane and the mentally ill. The mentally ill are a minority, but they have the current unelected government. And the mentally ill do not subscribe to any principle that a sane person respects. Because they are mentally ill.
If you think this is about politics, you misunderstand the depth of the chasm.
Drinking tea with Pelosi today is like drinking tea with Hitler while he was putting your people (the Roma, the Slavs) in concentration camps.
There are acts that are inexcusable and being a leftist right now is inexcusable. I can drink tea with people after they stop being abhorrent.
Fuck that, these leftist want nothing more than to give us a vax that will kill us within 5 yesrs max. Ensure the global elite have enough Adrenochrome from kids and to destroy our way of life. Are you symapathic to thst agenda? What the fuck is wrong with you.
I got the sense he was saying it sarcastically.
Yes, the do it in the House of Commons here:
''To the Right Honorable Gentleman....'' it begins. It ends in a red-faced exchange of 'opinions'.
He’s not referring to Pelosi.
Great video, way to go Chip!
Fuck your masks Nancy.
He ain't wrong. If the vaxx works, why mask mandates? If masks work, why push the vaxx? Pick one assholes because it can't be both.
Well neither of them really work. So there's that
Ka-ching! ☝🏼💥
I agree.
Shut down all 3 branches of gov't.
Install military.
Reinstate POTUS.
Hold fair elections. The jetsam will not get back to DC while those members who are patriots will regain their seats.
Anyone interested in why I chose jetsam instead of flotsam:
"Flotsam is defined as debris in the water that was not deliberately thrown overboard, often as a result from a shipwreck or accident.
Jetsam describes debris that was deliberately thrown overboard by a crew of a ship in distress, most often to lighten the ship's load."
Hell yeah dude we need to see more like this coming out of congress. I was in the tax office earlier today and the majority of workers and customers there were wearing masks, one even wearing two masks. Thankfully I wasn't the only one in there unmasked but people are gonna require some SERIOUS rehabilitation from all this shit when they're forced to finally see their government has been lying to them about COVID from the start. I can understand in the beginning when it wasn't clear what was happening but now over a year later it's just gotten retarded. If there is a civil war it will likely be between the brainwashed vaxxed and those who refuse to allow government, or any authority figure for that matter, continuously demand more freedoms for our so called "safety."
Fuck. Yes. I like his energy. I know nothing about this guy aside from this clip, but based on this I'm a fan.
It’s gonna be shut down soon, Chip!
MGT sneaking on in to get a part of the action midway through!
This guy needs to co-sponsor her HR 2316 bill already, I better see his name added ASAP.
Washington DC needs to be a bird sanctuary when this is all over.
Agree But he actually sounded really irate lol - I saw spittle flying and he was getting red in the face.
Thank God for Chip Roy! Makes me so proud to be a Texan! Truth does not cower in Fear!
ESPECIALLY SINCE SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated and all of this is political. PCR tests are a fraud. We are being laughed at and this gentleman is hinting at it quite severely.
I find myself growing numb to the words, the promises, the "should" and "maybe" of strongly worded letters. I feel like I am being raped, and I am out of energy to fight.
Yea. Sham and shutdown. Right on both counts.
He hit the nail on the head in all respects.
can someone make this downloadable for me please? Would like to share it
He’s my rep. I was disappointed when he voted to certify the results on Jan 6. He didn’t stand up for Trump.
Great statement, but those commies didn't care one iota about what he said. We need to do something that will show them we are fed up and aren't going to take it any more.
They only understand violence.
And three people clap cuz they’re a bunch of malingerers anyway. sigh. (I wanted to hear MTG go next!). Rockstars.
Awesome! He let it rip... but sadly nothing will be done.
Did he put any legislation forward to address his concerns or did he just rant?
I have some new respect for Mr. Roy.
Can anyone make this downloadable for easy sharing? Thanks!
Try one of those youtube to mp3/mp4 converters
Hopefully your request will be granted in the near future because Congress is the most self serving crooked institution.
mad lad
I'll go one step further than Chip Roy; I'll say the COVID-19 virus never existed in the first place. Ask the CDC to prove that it exists; they can't.
I have always believed it was the flu that has been modified..per the gain of function and according to Fauci email this is true.
If not we need to encourage him.