This will only cause confusion for the Libs who thus far look at unvaccinated Trump followers as spawn of Satan, now they must chew out their mail man/woman, who many times in the past helped them win elections through nefarious means.
Well they can’t have them keeling over and dying on top of thousands of 2022 Mail in ballots they just dumped on the side of the road.
Good observation.
Yep even though a union should not be able to mandate this either
Interesting the concept of a Union representing Gov’t workers. I’m not new, just saying think about the implications of that.
Reminds me of when Reagan broke the Air Traffic Controller’s union in the early 1980s.
There’s a rabbit hole.
As a Government employee why do you need a Union to represent said employees. Unions were created to “give power for bargaining” against Corporations that gave scant care to their employees. It gave them a voice and a say in massive profiteering and tools for internal voting etc. As a Government employee you have a “GS Rating”...a set salary. That way John in California post office makes what Jim in Vermont does. The post office isn’t some overreaching corporation where CEOs make millions etc etc. Unions don’t belong in government hierarchy. At least to me it doesn’t make sense. My wording is rough on this, first item in AM coffee not in me yet.
And to add, government jobs keeps the government running. Citizens should never be at the mercy of a union for two reasons. We pay their salary and disruption in services is unacceptable.
Perfectly stated 👍🏽
Teamsters aren’t going to quiet into the night either if I know them
"We helped you steal the election and this is the thanks we get?" "Well a traitor is rewarded as a traitor deserves."
Once a cabal’s lackey gets used they’re thrown away like the trash they are.
Let them eat their own.
The cabal will probably allow it to keep the USPS spying on conservatives
Haha if anything it shows they are on the ropes when their own supposed gloybalists reject their dictates.
Just another small sign we are winning.
They just bargaining to get something more than a milkshake or lottery ticket.
——Mitt Romney
Give them a week for Biden to bribe the union and they'll all be getting jabbed.
Unfortunately its in negotiations and this is just city carriers, does not include rural.
City carriers have their own union. APWU represents clerks, maintenance workers and truck drivers if I'm not mistaken. That's a lot of people but agree with someone who posted earlier that the union is just waiting to line their pockets and then they'll step out of the way.
What about NEA?
The post office is the snake in the grass throughout history, for good or for bad. The Civil War began after the Postmaster General, Montgomery Blair, convinced Lincoln to attack Fort Sumter, even though the majority of his advisors voted not to go to war. Not too long ago, the post office patented something called QR blockchain regarding a more modern way to secure elections. Now they could be the catalyst for another war, or a great awakening among the masses. Thoughts?
But who will deliver the welfare checks! 😱
I wish my agency did that...
They rejected it because the gov't didn't negotiate the deal with the union. Watch what happens when union leadership can line their pockets.
I guess the bribe got lost in the mail.