There Is NO test machine that can identify Covid variants being use by the places that actually do the testing - CDC and others are making it up
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
My mom has been harping me literally every other day to get the vaccine. She’s been fed so much garbage she literally cried begging; that’s what pissed me off the most, was the disinformation and the pain it brings her. We’ve discussed my points but doesn’t want to listen (politics, conspiracy etc)
I’m a fit 35 yo male, there is next to zero risk from me dying of covid. Anyways, last call was about a week by ago pleading I take the shot because of this new delta variant. I ask her a simple question: “is there a test for this new delta variant?” Silence. More silence. She answers correctly. She hasn’t called me about or mentioned the vaccine since then. I could tell right then and there was her red pill moment.
I had a similar call with my mother, but when I asked a question that would red pill her she suddenly got a headache and couldn't think about it. It literally hurts her brain to hear something that goes against the programming.
In the end ae agreed on a compromise. I wouldn't drop any more red pills as long as she stopped asking me shit that the TV told her to say :)
They won't take their own shot. ~ TGP
They don’t know. This whole Covid scam is created and a farce to force control of the population: masks, quarantine, business shut downs, no job for workers-can’t buy food, can’t pay rent or mortgage, can’t pay credit cards=lose home, sell home, forced bankruptcy, low credit score=can’t get loans, credit=government help (food stamps, housing, health care)=government control over whether you survive or die
Covid is a sub-project of their "Great Reset" project.
They need to go full Scorched Earth to destroy everything that they intend to replace while using. "Build Back Better" as their code-speak for this.
I have been saying this since 7/20 when CDC published that the isotope was too small to get a proper reader. Every naysayer sweeps that under the rug and won’t respond to me when confronted. If they can’t test the Covid, then how do they expect to test all the variants that will soon be published.
I searched the CDC website but couldn't find that. Would you help me out with a link, fren? I want to send it to my friend for her crazy aunt.
Same, need link
I heard the same from a highly qualified Doctor, he stated that they are using a computer generated simulated genome code and with the variants they pluck out a small amount of that code and call it a variant.
Did you really or did you read that about the same highly qualified doctor we all read about as well?
How the fuck should I know what you've read, twat.
Well because it really seems like you copy and pasted the exact same sentence I've seen around the boards the past few days regarding describing the Covid virus as having been generated through computer generated code.
Lol sorry I got under your skin.
Listen either to it all, or from the 6:30 timestamp.
Glowing fcuking newfag. https://www.bitchute.com/video/KTOyQAs0yuI9/
"Joined 9 days ago" Kunt.
Buh bye.
There is a neighborhood group chat full of commies demanding everyone mask up. They are complaining about the unvaccinated people. I posted the fda removing the like 50 tests from last year and no one even acknowledged it or questioned why! I’m so sick of this nonsense. They act like they are saving the world with their masks, vaccines and lock downs. I’m just done. I don’t even know why I bother with these stupid sheep they just annoy the crap out f me and they can’t think.
Be strong, the lower frequencies can get sticky,
if you let them,
so rise above them, you are better than that.
we are winning.
Thanks friend, I needed that today.
When you are going through Hell,
just keep driving,
don't stop to look around.
Been saying this.
There are NO test machine that can identify Covid variants being use by the places that actually do the testing - CDC and others are making it up.
Great redpill....
yes it is, so please take as many as you want and spread them widely.
If anyone is getting sick and dying, it is those who offered their lives to the cabal and agreed to be filled with poison. Very sad.
There is no pcr type test that can identify covid, yes.
Basically any standard covid test tests for ALL variants, but does not say which one.
Variants can be identified by decoding the genetics, but there is a major backlog in this process, which is why delta case rates are estimated
And it’s allegedly just computer simulations based on what I’ve read. The CDC hasn’t produced evidence of ever isolating live or dead virus.
So that begs the question....is this even a virus, or is it all a weaponized spike protein that’s caused this mess?
I've read the same and posted it before seeing your post. The computer simulated code is used to pluck a smaller section from it and calling it a variant.
Correct. https://www.bitchute.com/video/KTOyQAs0yuI9/
Wrong... no strain of covid has ever been identified anywhere in the world. No pcr test has ever been developed. Even the creator of what is used said it doesn't work. This is all fake phony and false BS
Yes, the testing places send the test numbers to the CDC and somehow the CDC can see a "variant" just from the numbers alone,
clever CDC. /S edit: didn't think that I needed to add a /S tag.
This has NEVER been done.
Instead, they "created" a genetic sequence artificially (IOW: they simply made it up).
They NEVER had a sample of raw virus that they could study to decode the genetics. They made up a "genetic sequence" from things that were NOT Covid.
All variants? Those tests can't even tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Even the CDC is now admitting it.
It's all bullshit.
Watch it all or start at the 6:30 timestamp.
Tell us how it works oh wise one. Crank it to 45 cycles so goats and paw paw fruit test positive? Or the fact it can’t differentiate covid vs influenza? That’s the reality of the PCR debacle, so I’m not surprised that you’re not surprised you fucking pompous prick.
interesting first post, how much was your joining bonus ?
and for what reason did you even join us ?