Food for thought - white hats hacked the CRISPR a la STUXNET and altered the genome for the bioweapon to reduce its lethality. COVID was supposed to be far more deadly. Re: Georgia Guidestone (GG) #1
Here is where I am at... It was never anything but the FLU. The vaccines are inert placebos. The fear campaign about taking the vax is a white hat counter to the Delta Variant ( DV or D5 ) last gasp to push the Global Reset.
yeah.. that is where I'm at, and I'm pretty confident about it.
They didn't need to kill 27 people at Sandy Hook
They just needed the President, the MSM and the FBI to pretend that 27 people were killed at Sandy Hook
The flu doesn’t cause spike proteins with microvascular clotting and autoimmune issues, Covid is real, however there likely is no virus. The spike protein is a bioweapon developed using Fauci’s gain of function research. The testing was total shit on purpose so everything could be generically classified as covid to help push fear and drive profits.
Sandy Hook was totally fucking faked. Covid was partially faked. I have seen and heard reports of placebo vaccines. I believe this could be the case. However, too many healthy people (kids with myocarditis, young people stroking out, etc) are having adverse reactions that aren’t attributable to anything except the spike proteins, and those were likely injected directly via the vaccine.
It's way bigger than that for young people. I'm older than that range and even I was given a 99.9991% survival via the oxford calculator.
Its gotta be 99.9999999999% for young people...
Alex and all of y'all are missing this huge bomb: natural immunity is 72% effective which beats the ~40% now being reported for the vaccine
COVID-19 was less frequent among placebo recipients with positive N-binding antibodies at study entry (7/542; ∼1.3% attack rate) than among those without evidence of infection at study entry (1015/21,521; ∼4.7% attack rate), indicating ∼72.6% protection by previous infection.
Alex and all of y'all are missing this huge bomb: natural immunity is 72% effective which beats the ~40% now being reported for the vaccine
COVID-19 was less frequent among placebo recipients with positive N-binding antibodies at study entry (7/542; ∼1.3% attack rate) than among those without evidence of infection at study entry (1015/21,521; ∼4.7% attack rate), indicating ∼72.6% protection by previous infection.
Thanks for explaining and for the link. I will look into that. Let me see if I understand this correctly. Out of a sample size of 22k a statistically equal quantity died with the vaccine as died in general?
I wonder how long the trial participants were observed. I would expect, over time, the vaccinated number to outpace the general, but there is probably a point in time when the data diverges. I’d be interested to see a long term study if the data does what I expect or stays at this ratio. Not great for their case that Vaccines leave you better off. Also doesn’t prove the theory that Vaccines leave you worse off. Though they could be hiding data, these days it’s getting particularly precarious to trust anyone.
Edit add: it says six months and this
Covid19 deaths: 1 vs 2
Cardiac arrest: 4 vs 1
If we added all the deaths from strikes and myocarditis and blood clots, organ failure etc the deaths of vaccinated Looks increasingly worse. I smell manipulated data. The best they could get it to was to break even, not good them.
The placebo side should be a basis of average for deaths without inoculation.
The odds of death by heart attacked go from 1/22k general public to 1/5.5k vaccinated. So many ways to use this data to say different things....
Because its not a virus, its a bioweapon.
Yes it is.
bioweapon? lol the worst bioweapon EVER
Fine.. I'll take it... destroy China with the 'Intentional Release' LARP and make them avoid WAR by having them admit it's the fucking FLU
Food for thought - white hats hacked the CRISPR a la STUXNET and altered the genome for the bioweapon to reduce its lethality. COVID was supposed to be far more deadly. Re: Georgia Guidestone (GG) #1
Here is where I am at... It was never anything but the FLU. The vaccines are inert placebos. The fear campaign about taking the vax is a white hat counter to the Delta Variant ( DV or D5 ) last gasp to push the Global Reset.
yeah.. that is where I'm at, and I'm pretty confident about it.
They didn't need to kill 27 people at Sandy Hook
They just needed the President, the MSM and the FBI to pretend that 27 people were killed at Sandy Hook
The flu doesn’t cause spike proteins with microvascular clotting and autoimmune issues, Covid is real, however there likely is no virus. The spike protein is a bioweapon developed using Fauci’s gain of function research. The testing was total shit on purpose so everything could be generically classified as covid to help push fear and drive profits.
Sandy Hook was totally fucking faked. Covid was partially faked. I have seen and heard reports of placebo vaccines. I believe this could be the case. However, too many healthy people (kids with myocarditis, young people stroking out, etc) are having adverse reactions that aren’t attributable to anything except the spike proteins, and those were likely injected directly via the vaccine.
sure it did...
you failed to stop him from taking it?
low energy on your part.
To exert your will involuntarily against others is tyranny.
Been wondering how they did that. Big missing puzzle piece for me 👍🏽
A bioweapon with a 99.997% recovery rate for those aged 0-19.
In gov’t, they call that “SUCCESS!”
It's way bigger than that for young people. I'm older than that range and even I was given a 99.9991% survival via the oxford calculator. Its gotta be 99.9999999999% for young people...
Good working age
The vaccine is the real bioweapon. The virus fear mongering was just a primer to convince to sheep they needed the "cure"
Alex and all of y'all are missing this huge bomb: natural immunity is 72% effective which beats the ~40% now being reported for the vaccine
If they haven't been able to isolate the virus, how could they do these tests?
Because the test wasn't against covid. It was against the vaccine.
Then how did the 14 with the placebo die?
This tweet has a screenshot with the table
Flu or pneumonia most likely
You got it
googles sample size
Took me a while to find it but here's the source:
Clicked the link. Page not found. Hmmm...
Oh. OK
For anyone looking for the deaths, it's in the Full Text portion. It is not shown in the abstract which is the 1st page that opens.
The science is settled!
Anybody know when that tweet was from?
July 29th
Whatever happened to trusting the science?
isn't the science settled?
Alex and all of y'all are missing this huge bomb: natural immunity is 72% effective which beats the ~40% now being reported for the vaccine
But why did any placebo pepes die at all? They inject them with covid afterwards?
Each group had nearly 22,000 people in it. Some people are going to randomly die in a group that big. Here's a tweet with a screenshot of the data
Thanks for explaining and for the link. I will look into that. Let me see if I understand this correctly. Out of a sample size of 22k a statistically equal quantity died with the vaccine as died in general?
I wonder how long the trial participants were observed. I would expect, over time, the vaccinated number to outpace the general, but there is probably a point in time when the data diverges. I’d be interested to see a long term study if the data does what I expect or stays at this ratio. Not great for their case that Vaccines leave you better off. Also doesn’t prove the theory that Vaccines leave you worse off. Though they could be hiding data, these days it’s getting particularly precarious to trust anyone.
Edit add: it says six months and this Covid19 deaths: 1 vs 2
If we added all the deaths from strikes and myocarditis and blood clots, organ failure etc the deaths of vaccinated Looks increasingly worse. I smell manipulated data. The best they could get it to was to break even, not good them.
The placebo side should be a basis of average for deaths without inoculation. The odds of death by heart attacked go from 1/22k general public to 1/5.5k vaccinated. So many ways to use this data to say different things....