I always wonder if Pelosi is a white hat. I'm having wild silly imaginings of them acting like he's going to be there to testify then just playing the whatever he's going to show at the symposium (considering what happened with Frankspeech I'm expecting more and different than advertised) in Congress
Nope, 100% evil cuntbag.
Now the white hats ARE forcing evil people to play certain roles in this movie...
Remember an agent holding her arm like a prisoner and saying "dont say a word" or something to Pelosi? Yeah she is controlled by the white hats. She is not one of them.
Its just am idea I sometimes get, not something I'm dying to have happen. I enjoy thinking of all the interesting possibilities when looking at the fault lines of weirdness in this crazy world. Not something to get Pict so much as a "wow, how weird would that be?" Thing. But I agree, it isn't likely. I'm not waiting on anyone to save me/us but Jesus, though, so don't worry that I'm too invested in this passing thought. I have a story tellers' mind and it enjoys thinking of all the things that might be, but I'm smart enough to see what's likely as well.
Absolutely correct. It's so important to be aware of horses not zebras and occam's razor and to remember that while all things are working for either the Lord above, or are denying Him and striving against Him, most of the world is so much more boring and simple than it can seem in our big imaginations.
I hope it’s a lot more convincing than what he has shown us already. And I want to see his work. All of it. There were too many glaring errors in his video, some of them were a little embarrassing even. Hopefully he has his shit together a little better this time.
Maybe Pelosi should be the one testifying instead
They are scared.
They aren't scared. They are trying to set him up for a scheduled suicided.
She would love to get Lindell where her Nazi capitol police can grab him.
What does stickied mean?
Awesome! Thank you
What does he have to do with Jan 6th?
Nothing, they just want to stop him from exposing voter fraud.
Maybe, she is going to try to disrupt that by having him testify during those days.
I want him to testify too. Mike dropping truth bombs at Nancy under oath. Eat that ice cream bitch
Aren’t they adjourned for six weeks?
She just wants to know where she can get some good crack
Hey Nancy, you know where to find Mike.
I always wonder if Pelosi is a white hat. I'm having wild silly imaginings of them acting like he's going to be there to testify then just playing the whatever he's going to show at the symposium (considering what happened with Frankspeech I'm expecting more and different than advertised) in Congress
Nope, 100% evil cuntbag. Now the white hats ARE forcing evil people to play certain roles in this movie... Remember an agent holding her arm like a prisoner and saying "dont say a word" or something to Pelosi? Yeah she is controlled by the white hats. She is not one of them.
I remember. 👍
If Pelosi is a white hat, she’s been undercover over 45 years. She is a witch.
Get over it. She is a common thief. And a traitor.
Its just am idea I sometimes get, not something I'm dying to have happen. I enjoy thinking of all the interesting possibilities when looking at the fault lines of weirdness in this crazy world. Not something to get Pict so much as a "wow, how weird would that be?" Thing. But I agree, it isn't likely. I'm not waiting on anyone to save me/us but Jesus, though, so don't worry that I'm too invested in this passing thought. I have a story tellers' mind and it enjoys thinking of all the things that might be, but I'm smart enough to see what's likely as well.
Thats no way to talk to a lady. The hell is the matter with you son?
The Atlantic warned me about worrying about folks like you. Kek.
Absolutely correct. It's so important to be aware of horses not zebras and occam's razor and to remember that while all things are working for either the Lord above, or are denying Him and striving against Him, most of the world is so much more boring and simple than it can seem in our big imaginations.
Lindell would jump at the chance IMHO.
I hope it’s a lot more convincing than what he has shown us already. And I want to see his work. All of it. There were too many glaring errors in his video, some of them were a little embarrassing even. Hopefully he has his shit together a little better this time.