CodeMonkeyZ This AM
Comments (88)
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I’m watching and reading everything on this forum but most of all, praying. Praying for lost souls who fought for this country, praying for the good men and women fighting right now for our freedom. This is a monumental time in history. Stay safe, stay strong and pray for everyone’s safety. We will persevere!
I keep thinking of my father who was a machine gunner in the heavy infantry of WWII. He saw action in both Europe and the Philippines and endured so much death and destruction. He had a dozen medals including the purple heart. He considered it his duty to fight for America. He never talked much about it but I know it was bad. He’s probably turning in his grave to see what the left and RINOS are doing to this country. I have no right to complain that it’s taking the white hats some time to get things in order to rescue our country. I’m in relative comfort and not a muddy foxhole far from home. God bless those in and out of the military fighting for our freedom and our home.
It’s nice to hear about your father. God bless him and you.
Thank you. So many like him, just regular guys who enlisted to help however they could. There was no support groups, nobody ever heard of PTSD, Those that came home wanted nothing more than to see their families and put the whole thing behind them. We have so many every day heros that fought for this country. So many never came back and many that did came home missing limbs. Their memories should be etched in everyone's hearts for doing what they could, not retreating, always moving forward, sharing their rations with the locals, giving kids their Hershey bars, trying to just survive another hour, another day. They did so much for us and asked nothing in return. And here we are coddling the leftist wokester snowflakes who can't figure out what gender they are, need safe spaces if they get triggered by an off putting remark. All the while the leftist Democrats allow a flood of people to invade us armed with disease, drugs, trafficking kids and our government using our taxes to let them do it.
I'm glad my father isn't around to see it. I'm sure it would have sickened him to his core to see what is going on today. I just hope God protects DJT so he can get back into office, straighten up the country and put an end to leftists, Marxist, traitors who have permeated our schools, corporations, health care, and even our military. The leftist officer core couldn't hold a candle to the men of my father's generation. People like Gen. Milley who wants to understand white rage. I can just hear my father saying I'll show him some white rage....
Your comment is so moving. Thank you. My grandpa was one of those. He’d be devastated. You summed up everything really.
That’s right- “white rage.” Do you want to see some white rage? How bout when you’re a corpsman on the 2nd day of the invasion at Okinawa. That’s some fukkin white rage. You volunteered for THAT. Or when you’re working a civilian job right now with no legs and only one arm. I know that guy. He volunteered for THAT. Just take a walk thru any VA or see the homeless in Anytown USA. That white rage just got the best of them. How bout the 8 men from my unit who killed themselves after getting out of the MC? White rage. To me, white rage is defending your country, the constitution, our freedom. And respecting those who served and our flag. It isn’t about color or your ethnicity. It isn’t about any of that. It’s about doing what you believe in. Defending what is worth defending. Not being a pussy and getting offended by words and appreciating the God given gifts (like your gender) you have and not wasting your life worrying about your stupid hair color or making Tik Tok videos or burning looting and murdering over some drug addict who was a serial thug.
I can’t even go on. I can only trust God that we’re going to come out of this better than before.
Amen to that. What was my father and your grandpa doing at age 18 compared to these snowflakes today? They went from being boys to men in a matter of months. These idiots who dress in black and carry Antifa flags are jerks that were coddled by liberal parents that hate America. So naturally, the kids hate America. This is the product of communists in our schools pushing an indoctrination agenda. Gone is any sense of loyalty, patriotism, believe in God, love of family. Let's hope Trump gets back soon and there's enough white hates left in the military ready to do what needs done to get this country back on track.
Heavenly Father, I assuage you to lay Lucifers Balls on the chin of every Liberal. Amen.
Pretty sure they're all intimately familiar with the fetid aroma of the Luciferian nut stank.
Then SMASH said Balls with a massive Sledge Hammer.....
If things go accordingly. PLEASE GOD PLEASE let them go accordingly.
what you said
My balls Ron, my fuckin balls!
WTF is Mark doing the guy with in the short sleeves. Clearly not his job. They are talking into a mic that is not even connected to the Zoom call or whatever app they're using. Ron can't hear shit and they aren't even responding to him. Doesn't even look like they are trying to fix it.
probably trying to fix in the background, trying not to draw too much attention to the hiccups
Yeah, they said working on it still in the background.
Ron posted that the server was hacked. They are trying to stabilize
For sure the white hats are monitoring and following all the sabotage right to the perp.
DDOSed from Hell and Back.
Right before CMZ talk.
How did it go? Did CM deliver?
He was talking about a forensic file he found of the Colorado election. They were having technical issues. I think he disconnected or left. And someone is taking pictures of everyone there. Very sus.
Thanks for the quick update. I guess we watch.
Personally, I’m not a fan of sitting back with popcorn and waiting :(
Me, neither. Took them a bit to get everything going again, but in the meantime they did a nice Q&A for everyone. Seems like they're trying to teach state legislatures what they need to do for a forensic audit. And some people said what failed, so avoid that. A lot of info we already knew. A lot of details we didn't. Some new stuff, too. I wasn't able to watch all of it, but what I saw was pretty interesting. Hoping this leads to other states doing their own forensic audits. Sounds like it is.
I would love to ask Hannity, or any of the so-called "conservative" talking heads, who say, "Even if the election fraud proves that Trump won, there is nothing that can be done", "What if Chinese soldiers were at polls, forcing people at gunpoint to vote for Biden. This would obviously be a fraudulent election, so do you think nothing could be done in that situation too?"
What time?
RSBN says 20 min until program begins. So sometime at the start I would guess
I think they're getting ready for CM to talk now.
This is from MJTruth: Ron is not saying the streams to watch are being attacked, it’s the communications between him and the people at the symposium. It’s an isolated attack, on his streams, his ability to release what he has. Pray. God will answer. Gods timing is perfect.
Looks like the problems are fixed.
Is there a recording of what Ron said? I was working during his time.
They were having trouble keeping the screen shots on the monitor… at about the same time Lindell TV went off air. I switched to Frankspeech and had the same problem. They’re back now. Did anyone else have that problem?
Showing proof of dominion employee deleting log files off their systems
They’re analyzing pre & post Images of machines. Those field traitors like LHS in New England wiped them under “UPDATE REQUIRED” lie. Can’t wait for results 💥😎
I have a meeting until 10:30, but will be watching after that!
Satan is furious, pray.
He’s on now.
Working link? None of my links are working.
I think maybe CodeMonkey was supposed to speak last night.
He's on now.
Did I miss him? I see some vet on now wearing a baseball cap. That's not ron from 8kun...
He was on for a little bit, but couldn't hear them. They're having technical difficulties. Working on them in the background they said.
He's back!
Did he go again? I checked and it's just questions. DS really don't want him to talk!
Yeah, he's on again now. They're going through that Colorado file they were talking about earlier.
Yeah, I saw him for a minute. Now they're saying they're being hacked and doing questions while trying to get everything set up. They have more people they're trying to connect now, too. I've been going back and forth, so might have missed some stuff.
I'm going off subject, did codemonky drop the torrent link for the data he was talking about
Not yet. They're taking about it now and how it'll be available.
What did he discuss/reveal? I just turned it on and Dr Frank is doing Q&A
Not much. Had technical difficulties. He said he found a public file yesterday that appeared to be a forensic file from Colorado's election. They were getting ready to go through it in front of everyone. But he said he hasn't gone through it yet himself. They were starting with network files and SQL database. And Dr Frank said they'd share the link for everyone later since it's a public file. And that's about it. Ron was on the phone with someone because he couldn't hear them. They muted him on screen. Then they got rid of his broadcast screen. 🤷♀️
He's back!
They said they're working to fix it in the background. Doing Q&A while working on it.
I hope thiers something to it, fingers crossed
Ron is back on now!!!
Oh man I’m praying Lord, keep that enemy back. Make the rest of his time able to hear what’s happening during the symposium. Finish strong in the name of Jesus Christ we lift codemonkey up
Hallelujah!! NICE!
Hope everybody has their torrent client ready to go.
Wonder if he's going to give people information or just ask vague questions to the crowd...
Don't let America down.
Hope it's big stuff!! Like the full dominion whistleblower info??? Exciting!! I love the fact that everyone seemed to be doing their own thing and now we know they have been in lockstep. Using deep state tactics against deep state. Love It!! God bless every single one of these people!!!
Sadly I missed the live feed what all did I miss? Went to tune in And it was over at home with the kiddos today stay safe patriots 🙏🇺🇸💪
You guys will finish strong in the name Jesus our Lord. We see what the enemy is doing trying to disrupt. But we stand together against the enemy schemes and tactics, we lift you and the team up to our Heavenly Father surrounded with protection against the evil forces…they have no power. We all see, millions of patriots, Anons standing together stronger than ever before. What they intended for evil has back fired and being used against them