My mom trying to push me to get vaxed sends this
Notice nothing about actual treatments like ivermectin or HCQ or Vitamin D Zinc and such
No sources either
Just propaganda
My mom trying to push me to get vaxed sends this
Notice nothing about actual treatments like ivermectin or HCQ or Vitamin D Zinc and such
No sources either
Just propaganda
My family (who are Republicans) have just told us we are no longer welcome in their home or around them because we are not vaxxed. They are refusing to see their 10 yr old grandsons and they are too young to get the clot shot. I am beyond heartbroken, but I refuse to be bullied into doing ANYTHING I do not feel comfortable in doing. Family or not!
sad, but fark em.
It is sad, but they forget who they are dealing with lol. I have not spoken to my biological father in over 30 yes, I can and will do the same to them. It's my children I am more heartbroken for.
Oh jeez man, I was just trying to make a funny. My apologies dude. Sorry about your father.
Been there. My liberal daughter finally relented eventually. Course I went months without seeing my grand twins except on FaceTime sessions.
My husband says they will give in eventually.
My mom and sister are both drooling libs but I love em and ignore their propaganda. Family gonna family.
Don't you love when someone tries to 'pill ya and suddenly realizes that after having shown you that Post article or NPR podcast, they have no knowledge of their own about the subject matter, no direct sources to reference, and certainly no ability to muster a counter defense?
Bless their little hearts. It's like watching someone shoot an enpty rifle at a charging hog.
My my is STILL trying to convince me to get the death jab even though she passed out after her second jab.
He’s a klutz if he thinks that bs is changing any minds!
My friend sent me a video trying to blue pill me I guess.. In the 1st 2 Paragraphs this professional doctor used the word 'weird' to describe the opposition's beliefs. I mean, if you're gonna start any persuasion argument I thought it was common knowledge to not use words that are ambiguous. I also came across leftist meleftist memes on gab.... They are not even remotely funny. At some point something's got to give and their majority has to wake up.
same thing just happened to me. our families are merely conduits for these sick-fuck propagandists
my mom told me one time she hopes my husband at least pushes to vax our kids!! (age 8 and 3!) I laughed her off the phone. hahahahha
Proud of you fren. Ridicule is always the strongest weapon.
thanks fren! yea i felt like shit for a very long time being the odd man out. i no longer care. at all.
Tell her you're now concerned about Delta and please for her to call her Dr office to find out where you can get or buy a test specifically for the Delta Variant.
Narrator: there isn't one.
Remind her that the blood of all the Americans in Afghanistan are on. her and all other Biden voters hands.
Critical thinking causes alarm for me when you just say a study or a professional said. Link to the study and give the name of the professional person. Vague references loose me every time.
Please send this one to your mother. As a mother myself, this one really hits home on what this experimental injection can potentially do to females and their unborn children:
They never had a proper test to diagnose Covid-19. PCR is the WRONG test! Now, they have NO TEST for the so-called Delta variant.
Show your mom these videos of side effects:
The irony of a shot supposedly to protect you being the reason they don't want you around them.
People have collectively lost their minds. Sorry you have to endure that pain, fren.
Send this video to your mother for the wake up call.
OMG - just be an adult and make your own decision-why do you non adults have to get validation for we very move you make— really wearing me out — grow the fuck up!
Sorry to hear your mom does not love you.