According to Arnold, if I don't wear a mask or get a vaccine, "screw my freedoms" because I am literally putting people at risk of death (even though this virus was created/enhanced in a level-4 biolab where you have to wear a positive-pressure suit to avoid contracting it, AND the vaccine does NOT prevent acquisition or transmission as admitted by the CDC), but the government and healthcare agencies actively working to suppress effective therapeutics FOR OVER A YEAR which have been clinically proven over and over in countries across the world to reduce death and transmission by OVER 90% are the ones giving advice and making policy and "saving lives."
I don't take vaccines for diseases that have already been cured.
Go fuck yourself pharma, Arnold, and the rest of the lying shitbag elites everywhere.
Thanks for the advice! I usually just stick to whey, creatine and eating good whole foods. I guess I just wanted to support a based company but I’ll check out more reviews first.
I mean look at the terminator franchise... what is it, now, 2 good films out of five? (to be fair, salvation wasn't that bad, it just wasnt that good, either...)
Arnold Swarzen-heimer-burger-bozo has simply become another of the irrelevant talking heads for the Dying Deep State, which has its hands so far up these stooges asses, it's making their mouths move. Like they're all a bunch of programmed androids.
I used to admire Arnold for many years. Now I think he and his ilk are just pathetic.
Great move by REDCON 1. Not familiar with it. But, any company that takes a stand against the this kind of bullshit gets my vote.
Let me get this straight.
According to Arnold, if I don't wear a mask or get a vaccine, "screw my freedoms" because I am literally putting people at risk of death (even though this virus was created/enhanced in a level-4 biolab where you have to wear a positive-pressure suit to avoid contracting it, AND the vaccine does NOT prevent acquisition or transmission as admitted by the CDC), but the government and healthcare agencies actively working to suppress effective therapeutics FOR OVER A YEAR which have been clinically proven over and over in countries across the world to reduce death and transmission by OVER 90% are the ones giving advice and making policy and "saving lives."
I don't take vaccines for diseases that have already been cured.
Go fuck yourself pharma, Arnold, and the rest of the lying shitbag elites everywhere.
Well said. Wish I could upvote this many times, (but as far as I know this site is not powered by Dominion).
I updooted it again for you.
I love weightlifting and I’ve never tried any Redcon products but now I’m about to. Well done!
Careful with their MRE they got busted for not having any beef protein in it
But the soy gave me a nice set of boobs.
Can I see. Jk
Thanks for the advice! I usually just stick to whey, creatine and eating good whole foods. I guess I just wanted to support a based company but I’ll check out more reviews first.
Fuck you Arnold.
Arnold will obviously say anything for a dollar. Right now he is talking shit on the very people who made him rich. Fuck him
I mean look at the terminator franchise... what is it, now, 2 good films out of five? (to be fair, salvation wasn't that bad, it just wasnt that good, either...)
I really like Salvation. Also, f*ck Ahnold!
nnnot my type =P
but seriously, Adolph swartzenazi should remember why he fled the iron curtain in the first place...
yeah, let's face it Arnold isn't Arnold of his early movie career. He is a senior citizen now.
yeah...I'd say more like he's been in hollyweird too long... that and/or somebody has dirt on him...
Highly possible....Hellyweird is crawling with CIA.
Only took one ugly maid to blackmail him to "their" side...
REDCon 1 huh?
Will check out their products
Redcon1 you just may have a new customer....
Ditto. Was on other proteins but giving this a shot 100%, was in need of new product this week.
That's what I was thinking lol
Sorry for him. Old & dumb; while most people age they get wiser.
How much sponsorship did they pony up before this? I know nothing about this particular industry, so I'm curious how big this is.
Looks like I’ll be ordering some redcom1 stuff!
Arnold Swarzen-heimer-burger-bozo has simply become another of the irrelevant talking heads for the Dying Deep State, which has its hands so far up these stooges asses, it's making their mouths move. Like they're all a bunch of programmed androids.
I used to admire Arnold for many years. Now I think he and his ilk are just pathetic.
Great move by REDCON 1. Not familiar with it. But, any company that takes a stand against the this kind of bullshit gets my vote.
Screw your freedoms?
Like he screwed his ugly maid ?
Gosh he must have been hard up. She was a multi bagger!
Great two minute speech by that guy.
Much deliberation?
Difficult decision?
Un-American Arnold....I've thought he isn't much for a long time. This shows who he really is.
I mean, are we really shocked another Austrian sees liberty as little more than an inconvenience to be overcome?
Good the rest of the fitness world needs to bag this loser S fast as they can. Arnie you ungrateful commie fuck.