Interesting point in the article that the Dems cant get rid of Biden. If they invoke the 25th amend and get rid of him, the VP Hag becomes president but they lose their majority in the senate. She was the tie breaker. They could not pass anything when the vote is a 50-50 vote with no one in the VP slot to break the tie.
Also, when the Hag nominates a replacement VP, she needs the nominee to pass a majority vote in the house and senate, so with a 50-50 vote, there is no VP to break the tie in the senate and nothing gets done. They lose the majority.
That argument is rather weak. They have a couple dozen RINOs that have revealed themselves already that can step up to pass anything they push forward.
They can be RINOs about other things and get away with it... But the POTUS? Nahh, the voters wouldn't stand for that one bit... Especially as the audit information unfolds. Think about the timeline... And how being a RINO as time goes forward is a doomed tactic... It just isn't gonna fly.
Hell, just yesterday before all this Afghanistan stuff, we wouldn't have even been having this conversation.
Point is they are still in Congress and they can vote Democrat. They don't care at this point about re-election. This is pure survival time now.
They can just say that at this uncertain time in the nation, it is unpatriotic and dangerous to delay in appointing a VP. Then, all they need is to flip one person. They would have no problem doing this.
What about the RINOs? They would LEAP to ensure Democrat victories.
they regularly do
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment only removes the President temporarily. If the President claims the reasons for removal were resolved, the President is reinstated. The Cabinet can take a second kick at the can, but that kicks it to the Congress. The Congress must have a super majority to remove the President. That is highly unlikely. So the only way the 25th Amendment is relevant is if Joe does not fight back or willingly resigns. But you can’t sell access without a high office, and Jill won’t let him.
if she appoints Mancy Pelosi then they'll all vote her in no problem.
We need them to replace Sleepy with Heels Up. It's a necessary step in the progression of getting our republic back.
Wouldn't the new VP become the tie breaker?
The new VP would have to be accepted by both House and Senate upon nomination. If the Senate declines any Democrat pick, they’re stuck. If that makes more sense? Yes Rhino’s could help but that would be permanent political suicide. But there are a few like Romney and Cheney that wouldn’t care now I think.
Just did some research, Patrick Leahy's vote would be the tie breaker since he is pro tempore if the VP becomes president. So basically, he'd get two votes.
Did not know this. Good point out fren!
I haven't looked into it, but I doubt it works that way.
A pro tem is temporary. Same thing happens in the House when the Speaker is absent. But that person doesn't get 2 votes.
Pro Tem is only a presiding position, not a voting position.
The VP is officially the "President of the Senate," and that is not a pro tem position.
Leahy would get 1 vote as a member of the Sentate, but no vote as Pro Tem.
RINOs can easily be bribed to backstab the country; and for far less than you would imagine
Romney would backstab every American, alive or dead, for 15 seconds of air time and a glass of lukewarm water
But she can name a VP, So there goes that argument.
It's not about who you nominate - it's who you can get confirmed.
Ben Sasse enters the room......
Nah, Trump will be re-instated prior to any of their 25th amendment shenanigans. Both will be booted out awaiting tribunal at GITMO. BTW; Congress is on recess until mid September.