Please keep prayers in mind that some of us, and many more as we awaken them are too late. Most Teens in blue states were vaccinated to return to school. And those kids and many of their parents had no clear clue. We must forgive, and help them. We Anons must work to save everyone we can whom did not deserve or see this EVIL EVIL Plan. We must work to help them and save the children. We must stand clearly on that Where We Go One, We Go All.
The ones that didn't bother to do any of their own research and blindly trusted the government are the same ones that will demand you take the shot against your will.
I've been telling my kids this over and over for weeks, but two of them are at an age where they can make these decisions for themselves. I only hope they listen to reason instead of caving to peer pressure.
Ultimatum. Divorce if you do - and tell the children the risks that she is seemingly oblivious to. Healthy children have almost 0 chance of even contracting or having symptoms from this. The vax? Completely different story and fair chance of instant death and if you’re lucky just a lifetime of health and cardiovascular problems. Why is this so hard to see for some. I have a 6 yr old that knows she will go kicking and screaming into any vaccination from these eugenicists. Teach your children who they are!
Your spouse needs information. Fact is the kids are not at high risk of COVID. Despite the repetition by mainstream medial, the vaccine is not "Safe" nor is it effective. Show her the numerous videos/tweets of the kids that were negatively affected. Show her the real data without the MSM interpretation.
Please keep prayers in mind that some of us, and many more as we awaken them are too late. Most Teens in blue states were vaccinated to return to school. And those kids and many of their parents had no clear clue. We must forgive, and help them. We Anons must work to save everyone we can whom did not deserve or see this EVIL EVIL Plan. We must work to help them and save the children. We must stand clearly on that Where We Go One, We Go All.
Nah that's their problem. I'm not giving sympathy to people who have had just as much time and access to resources to research this stuff as us.
They made their decision and ignorance is not an excuse.
Let them lie in the bed they made, as we will lie in ours.
Not everyone knew or understood. But you are fine with your opinion. Only God can sort out true kindness and evil in the end.
The ones that didn't bother to do any of their own research and blindly trusted the government are the same ones that will demand you take the shot against your will.
I've been telling my kids this over and over for weeks, but two of them are at an age where they can make these decisions for themselves. I only hope they listen to reason instead of caving to peer pressure.
Give them this.
Its a potent visual for the normies.
Can’t get either of those to work
Try this. She references both the videos.
Yeah, go figure. They're being hit with DDOS.
Fuuuuck the NWO!!!!!
How do you all deal with a spouse that is all for the vaccines and is waiting to vaccinate the kids?
Give them this.
Its a potent visual for the normies.
If those don't work, try this. Lady references both those other videos.
Ultimatum. Divorce if you do - and tell the children the risks that she is seemingly oblivious to. Healthy children have almost 0 chance of even contracting or having symptoms from this. The vax? Completely different story and fair chance of instant death and if you’re lucky just a lifetime of health and cardiovascular problems. Why is this so hard to see for some. I have a 6 yr old that knows she will go kicking and screaming into any vaccination from these eugenicists. Teach your children who they are!
Your spouse needs information. Fact is the kids are not at high risk of COVID. Despite the repetition by mainstream medial, the vaccine is not "Safe" nor is it effective. Show her the numerous videos/tweets of the kids that were negatively affected. Show her the real data without the MSM interpretation.
Amen! And it’s the same thing for the masks too! Hell no to mandated masks and hell no to mandated mystery shots!
AMEN × 1,000,000
and A-women
Hi! Newbie here. Been trying to look and research but I'd like to know....what exactly is coming?