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Is NESARA The Beast system?
I've always had a bad feeling about the whole NESARA thing - even just from a common sense standpoint, something that seems too good to be true.....
From a more sinister standpoint, it (and the QFS system at large) could very well be the 2nd beast.
I stumbled across this channel recently and have started watching from oldest to newest:
Definitely has made me think. Haven't made up my mind yet. Would be very interested to hear others' thoughts.
As in beast if Revelation? Aka antichrist
yep.... Alexandra (the channel I linked above) goes through her logic...the whole "dark to light" thing. We are all assuming that light=good but what if, following her logic, it's really just the first beast vs the 2nd (evil vs bad rather than evil vs good)? I mean....what does Lucifer mean? What does Illuminati mean? It all has to do with light. Another good point she makes is that "they" ALWAYS have both sides figured out and in play. I just think we all need to be very very careful with this.
I don’t trust the NESARA stuff either. Also the way it is pitched has always felt weird to me. Like it’s this total overhaul of the banks and people are already all-in? And then they start talking about cancelling debt? One-world currency seems just about as dangerous as one-world government to me. And I think Bitcoin has a similar problem. Decentralized means disconnected from your nation and we are supposed to be nationalists, not promoting international one-world currency. At the same time I do realize why people are wanting to work around fiat and the Federal Reserve.
would be great if that was more analytical than trying to bible it
We aren't replacing God with Nesara, we are ridding ourselves of the evil control. It's our job not to relinquish it back to them.
Evil will not be destroyed until after Christ return, but we should aspire to the tenets of nesara. The author of this lends caution, fine, iys biblical to forgive debt and not to incur it. Our system weaponized money to enslave us. The author of the article explains issues we alreadybdeal with. Of course it won't be perfect because people are involved. But it should happen.
Simy put, if the bank is gone, who do you owe?
u/jager Nesara is just hopium. It basically boils down to "the banks are gonna die and we're all gonna be rich over night because of the new QFS"
They've been saying the same BS for decades now
Well if debt free equals rich then fine. But I'll remind you, Trumpnsaid they took trillions from us and im gonna get it back for you. By my calculations I should auve about 3 million to my name for my life's work. Where is it?
GAMESTOP and AMC and SILVER might help you find it.
What if, just what if it isn't BS?? what if, just what if it is "The best is yet to come" writ large??
I'm tired of hearing that.
Dude, imagine a system where we don't have a satanic cabal running some freaking fiat BS currency, and where taxes begin to fade away because the whole national debt travesty would be gone (wouldn't ever be possible to be just a kill switch to taxes, but they would fade away with time).
A system where you can live comfortably with just 1 income and dedicate most of your life for self-improvement.
That sounds like a "best to come" situation to me, no need for some nonsensical quantum what's it's or whatever, just a solid currency based on gold/silver/other natural resources
Kill the Fed and the IRS would be pretty nice. Having federal income taxes that were collected unconstitutionally being refunded would be sublime. A debt jubilee where usurious and illegal charges are rectified. Gold and silver backed dollars will do incredible things to the prices of gold and silver.. These are just a few of the things that could well constitute "The best is yet to come..
Will those who have stolen from us to get rich be forced to give it back? This is my prayer
In my view NESARA might be designed to mislead "stupid conspiracy theorists" and make them to take more debt in hope of debt forgiveness so the deep state can control more people through debt.