Has anyone heard about the phenomenon some truthers have mentioned... that they or someone they know -- who are totally against getting the shot -- all of a sudden get the impulse to get it? Clif High mentioned he felt he was getting "messages" to get the shot. Then he heard it was happening to others. I've heard a number of people mention it, but haven't seen anything in print or articles about it. The issue is, I'm now having friends and family who were totally against the Jab -- understanding all the risks, etc. now, out of the blue, saying they just want to go back to normal -- to be able to go to the store, have a job, etc. I don't think it's those things. I think there really is some programming being hidden in different formats -- possible thru wifi, youtube vids, hidden audio suggestions, etc. -- Has anyone else heard of this phenomenon or have anyone they know all of a sudden flipping?
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It's called mental fatigue.
look up operation crimson mist. havana syndrome.
I have heard of Havana Syndrome, but had to look up the other.
I have to say that as thought provoking as what you're suggesting is, I'm not convinced. I don't see anything about triggering specific thoughts or mindsets outside of mass hysteria in confined groups.
pardon me, I assume Q researchers all have acquired a basic foundation of knowledge. here's a very thin history of patents for technologies that manipulate brain waves to alter behavior: https://files.catbox.moe/mjk2di.png
more recently, you probably are familiar with Snowden's revelations of NSA capabilities re: Remote Neural Monitoring
I'll link this old thread as it covers a good bit of NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice's allegations:
I'm sure that's a factor. Not everyone is built the same. My friend is a strong person though, so this was a big surprise.
They are not the only ones. I’ve had these thoughts pass through my mind as well “what’s the big deal about getting this one shot. Most of your coworkers have it already and they seem to look and act normal“. But when those thoughts do come to mind I think to myself to just relax, think about it, remember that you have natural immunity already so technically your vaxxed 10x already, and the thought of getting it fades away
Do you watch any news or reruns on TV?
I cut out all MSM along with FB and Twitter. Only media I use is this site (and it’s links posted) and telegram. Occasionally I’ll watch OANN
And it's not ONE shot...it will be a 2nd shot and/or multiple boosters indefinitely until we end this nightmare through mass non-compliance.
A day before he put out that video I had a strong urge to get the shot. It was almost an emotion, because the rational part of my brain was saying wtf is wrong with you, and another part was saying no no, it will he fine. Just get the shot and accept the risk. I didn't succumb, and it didn't last long, but it was quite strong for a few hours.
Steady yourself in Jesus.
Be unshakable.
Generally I am. And I have become more firm in my stance since then.
A few days ago I had the thought about getting the jab, no idea why.
I immediately ignored it as an aberration which I put down to the constant bombardment we are seeing.
It's an interesting observation, I will now be more alert should it happen again.
Could be included in programming, but according to Clif this is coming from another source, and he thought likely one in outer space.
Are you all describing Satan in the Garden of Eden putting doubts in your mind?
One thing I noticed is there are TONS of commercials for all kinds of meds then they tell you ask your doctor about it. It could cause dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, rarely death.
Not a single commercial about the jab itself but just public service announcement to go get your shot.
If they put out commercials about specific jabs, they'd have to include a list of all the possible side effects, and they don't want those to be known by the general population.
Absolutely. So they have to mandate it, force the people instead of deciding for themselves.
True, though I see billboards urging to get a covid vaccine.
I had it cross my mind after the wannabe dictators announcement on Thursday. Then realized I only wanted it to get past this crap but with boosters I don’t think they ever will stop with two shots
I want to be able to forward something to them before they actually go ahead -- to put doubt in their minds that it may not be their own decision. These are smart people who have read all the dangers. Have they already been infected and being programmed?
I've got an uncle that follows your tracking exactly. I've showed every person I can possibly get to listen about what is going on. Could be the Facebook operation overload of pre-written propaganda messages being posted and reposted by people your state health orgs are paying to flood social media with this crap. I told him you already know the treatments, cures, prevention, but if you wanna suckle the teet of the golden calf, go ahead.
Not the first time I have seen this question asked here.
There can definitely be 'hysteria of the group/crowd' type phenomena in play, and there are also biological underpinnings of some impulses like the need to yawn if others nearby are also doing it.
I guess maybe some people are more susceptible to nonsense deluges being able to overcome their instincts of self-preservation. A lemming gene?
NLP is a thing and maybe TV uses it, maybe excessive smartphone use with the microwave transmitter held close to the same part of the head for hundreds of cumulative hours is enough to mess with all the biological circuitry in the cortex nearby.. and it so happens to govern susceptibility to malign influence? Maybe all of the above.
This is why we must put on the armor everyday. I read it as often as possible until it became a habit. I challenge the message and search for it so that I can mock their attempts. I have to confront it everyday because as soon as the line is crossed the next step is easier.
Fighting loved ones who say one thing and change course makes me filled with sadness and anger but in reality we can only be responsible for ourselves.
This week has been weird for me Also. I’ve thought about the shot and maybe if a better one came out I would get it? Thoughts like if I wasn’t married to my SO I would have succumb to the shot by now. Weird. We don’t watch mainstream tv except family feud reruns and Big Bang theory.
I heard many got it just to go back to normal.
Government won't go back that way. Too little power, they're already setting up for lifetime pandemic powers. Boosters, daily pills, soon to have scanning checkpoints and likely invasion of privacy. You know, for your safety.
That's the crazy thing, she knows this (knew this). Some governments have rescinded the mandates in countries where the citizens said no en masse. The more that submit to the vax the harder it is to get rid of them (the mandates) and everything that follows.
Someone should look for subliminal messages on broadcasts. Would surprise me if they’re using it. Remember the original release of the Exorcist?
I definitely missed that, and I studied subliminal messaging years ago.
What did they do when they released the Exorcist? I am sincerely interested in knowing.
I just read it. Amazed I never read that before.
Thanks for that link Fren.
No worries, my husband had seen the film when it came out and had terrible nightmares. I was surprised people were still writing about it.
The same phenomenon seems to happen with getting tattoos. One is never enough. You are compelled to get another, and another. This happened with my daughter, and nothing I say will ever stop her from getting that jab.
The way vaccines are virtually all over mandated via vaccine passports, is hardly subliminal.
LOL no. People are just getting sick and tired of the weight of it all. They’re not receiving “messages” lmao like from the aliens at area 51
Yes, I DO have some positive personal experience with subliminal suggestion. It worked best (many years ago) when I was relaxed and on my way to sleep. Now, I rarely listen to radio (K-Love, maybe) and I don't even have a TV. Every bit of news from the web or elsewhere, I consume with MANY grains of salt.
These days, I infrequently visit what might be called a 'big box store' (hardware) and their background "music" is OBNOXIOUSLY loud. I can't imagine subliminal suggestions working with such grating, trashy 'music'. But just to protect myself, I always carry some ear-plugs and I quickly put them in, just before entering. Coming back out, the songs of birds and the rustling of the wind in the trees has never sounded so good.
No, I will not be taking the jab; not in the lifetime of Valerie Jarrett or Susan Rice nor of any other members of the cabal.
Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Period. End of story.
I think it's just people hitting their individual threshold (or "precipice") for pain tolerance. I also know someone who was against the shot who recently caved and got jabbed.