It was pretty cringey, but at one point he said this regarding the crash at the Pentagon:
What are you going to research? There are multiple eye witnesses to a plane crashing into the pentagon on 9/11, the flight was tracked by Air Traffic Control as out of contact with them and off track headed to Washington DC and coming down at the Pentagon, there was an explosion at the Pentagon after witnesses saw a plane flying very low overhead and clipping a street lamp before it hit the Pentagon, the passengers from that flight are all dead. You have a news reporter who in the heat of reporting what happened mistakenly said a missile hit the Pentagon. There were not witnesses to that. If you want to find the truth, don't disregard every witness and piece of evidence to it.
I replied:
Those are certainly some things I could research. How about you learn why NIST's report is no good, and I'll dig into one or two of these things.
Any of y'all have any good resources for those topics he mentioned? Or alternative explanations? It's been a while since I've humored a 9/11 Official Narrative believer, but figured maybe I'd dip into it again.
Your non-truther seems pretty well-versed in 911 official bullshit story narrative.
Anybody who is in to that much detail is probably fishing for our sources so they can be debunked/shutdown.
IE. Glowing.
I never saw that first link. Excellent evidence the video was doctored, which begs the question: Why would it be doctored if they were simply releasing the video footage to the public?
Operation Mockingbird can plant "eye witnesses" anywhere they want in the fake news media.
Actually, no, it was not "tracked" the entire way. There was a point when the flight was "missing" and later re-appeared. Do not have link because these kinds of stories magically disappeared from the internet over the past 20 years.
One theory is that parts of 9/11 were copying Operation Northwoods, where the plan (approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but refused by JFK) was to replace real planes with drone copies. In this case, replaced with a missile.
Missiles and pre-planted explosives go BOOM, too. And there was no plane apparent on the ONLY video frames EVER released. If the govt's story is true, why then HIDE all the available video footage?
Operation Mockingbird.
Can't stage a crime scene without something that looks good.
Where are all the plane parts at the Pentagon? Where are the 6-ton titanium engines? Just went POOF? When has that ever happened in the history of the world (other than 9/11)? Where is the tail section? Where are the wings?
Probably. But we don't know how they died.
Rumsfeld said it, too. The word "mistakenly" is conjecture, NOT evidence.
Agreed. Where IS the pieces of evidence that a plane crashed at the Pentagon? Where ARE the pieces of a Boeing 757?
Can you find a Boeing 757 here? Me, neither.
Shoot-down order for Flight 93. Why the "Let's roll" narrative?
But then, why did Cheney STOP Flight 77 from hitting the Pentagon?
How did a teacher in Florida know what was going to happen in NYC?
Why would the gov't do it? Well, there's this:
But that was AFTER 9/11. Yeah, but this was not:
This guy tried to prove the "inside job" people wrong. But he found out that he couldn't refute them:
For starters who ever was responsible for that day we must not for get our countrymen died.
Now. I have a site bookmarked that chronologically compiles all of the newscasts from that day related to the Twin Towers. I will share it when I get back to my computer. One of the things that I noticed is that during the live eyewitness reporting (the reporting done at the actual time of the attack with witnesses) all of the eyewitnesses mention an explosion from 9:34-ish to 10:40-ish in the morning that day. I found this odd because if it were a plane that crashed into those towers I don't think there would have been an initial explosion. Why cars collide for example they don't explode. You hear metal on metal sound, breaking glass and grinding. You don't hear a "KABOOM! you hear a "BAREEECH" sound if that makes sense. This site has led me to believe that it was reverse. A plane hit the Pentagon while I think the Towers were detonated by cruise missiles. That being said I don't rule out the possibility that because a plane has more fuel in it that an explosion is possible at those speeds. At those speed (around 300 mph I think) it pretty much turns a plane into a cruise missile.
My thoughts are this. Given the fact that all of the eyewitnesses interviewed at Ground Zero did not mention a plane BUT mentioned an explosion until around 10:40am the possibility of a missile attack exists where as the witnesses at the Pentagon explicitly say they saw a plane and it was the lying media who claimed it could have been a missile to me make this a switch-up job and the first disinformation action of the attacks and the War on Terror. It's almost like the DS intentionally had the mess ups to add to the disinformation and to distort the picture for posterity.
Fine. So why did the FBI confiscate the other 81 CCTV tapes that were looking at the Pentagon? Why were the air defenses disabled and how high up do you have to be do authorise that? Why was there a hole in E ring and C ring but not D ring? What is the chance of hitting the very wing that was closed 'for reinforcements'? What is the likelihood that the plane could actually make that impact at that speed without hitting the ground? Why would the fibreglass nosecone and aluminium fuselage make that hole, yet the engines didn't even leave a mark? Why were there no engines, luggage, bodies and other typical air crash debris at the scene? Why were the only pieces of wreckage small enough to be carried by hand? Given Building 7 was a controlled demolition, why do you think the Pentagon was not? Given there was no plane crash in Shanksville, what makes you think a plane actually hit the Pentagon?
I'm guessing it's probably unlikely you're going to change someone's mind, in the absence of irrefutable evidence. However, there are some things you didn't mention:
A photograph exists of a large "757-like" plane leaving the Pentagon airspace immediately following the explosion.
Where are the bodies, and wreckage? One such part found within the Pentagon was investigated by Christopher Bollyn:
Why was this event being filmed from a helicopter? Yes, filmed with a potato, but from a different angle, providing a bit more information. Is the side of the Pentagon being "painted" with a laser?
The news media frequently only shows the destruction after the floors collapsed, leaving a gaping opening on the side of the Pentagon. However, for the first few minutes, only a relatively small, round hole was evident following the impact.
The fireball from the explosion is identical to that from the detonation of other cruise missiles. I used to have a comparison photo, but don't know right at the moment which file folder I placed it in.
The taxi driver who had the light pole impale his windshield later recanted his story, claiming he was forced to report the incident under duress from some "scary people."
There's much, much more, but these are some of the more relevant bullet points.
Here is a rumble link from Phil I posted today. I tried to catbox it but it won't work. Just fast forward past the first 10 minutes or so.
This was just posted here yesterday.
NIST whistleblower Peter Ketchum
The near 360 degree descending corkscrew flightpath at speeds in excess of what the aircraft is capable of, then leveling off perfectly and staying just a few feet in the air right into the side of the pentagon. All done by amateur pilots. That track should not exist.
What makes these "witnesses" credible? It's entirely possible that they were FBI/CIA plants propped up to give canned answers to the press. How come the only footage released just shows a flying projectile and is only about 5 frames of animation? Where are the other camera angles? If I remember correctly, the FBI confiscated all tue other footage. Why? How tall is the pentagon? How tall was the plane that allegedly hit it? In order to leave a hole in the building the way it did, how low would it need to be and at what angle would the plane need to hit in order to leave that mark? Why was no scar left on the ground. Why are people so fucking stupid? To think, 20 years later and people still believe a bunch of jihadis with box cutters did it all on their own.