We are still complying... We are good though right? So much truth in one meme....
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That's one for a t-shirt. I made that one up. Feel free to use it
Wow, best meme on the internet today. So much wrapped up in one photo.
NEVER comply. Resist like your life depends on it - because it does.
They Are Lying - Stop Complying
THAT is a good one
I'm going to start printing these things on tshirts and wearing them in public everywhere I go.
You are not your own authority, the Creator of all those things you praise, is.
Do not worship the creation.
And yet so many Jews still refuse to acknowledge this when you'd think they'd have been the first to ring the alarm bell.
Face the wall comrade.
B-b-but...there was no Holocaust!!! The (((Jews))) are evil incarnate so they deserved one, but they never got it!!!
Acktschyuwally, all images and videos of the so-called Holocaust are clever digital deceptions created with advanced technology like photoshop, CGI and deepfake, back in the 1930s and 1940s, before the invention of the computer!
The advanced tech was received from space aliens and kept hidden in secret coves under the Antarctic sea ice until the 21st century!
Just ask about every third member or so of this forum
Although there are people here who believe that, I think it's less than 10%, and of those, probably at least half are just plants to try to make the whole group look bad.
Yeah, I use exaggeration from time to time for effect...the fact remains there is no rule in the sidebar against Jew-hate or anti-Semitism (definitely kinda WEIRD on a board populated 99% by enthusiasts of a guy who acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital and who has a Jewish daughter, son-in-law, grandkids, advisors, etc., etc., etc., but hey).
It's a legitimate cause for concern as to whether the moderators quietly agree with those sentiments, which is why they aren't restricted in any way, while other things certainly are.
What say you, mods?
Regardless of Holocaust beliefs, I think rules against anti-Jewish sentiment is a slippery slope bc we all know what is happening with ((who)) owns and controls our media as well as global bankers. IMO We should be allowed to question and criticize any people group as long as it isn’t directly calling for violence.
You got dragged across the mud for video evidence of an execution at the hands of N Germany... You had no proof and got called out
This is how you act lol
Does that not fall under "no racism" and "be respectful" or do you need a specific anti semitism shout out? Would that make you feel better?
I found it more than a bit interesting - and totally coincidental I’m sure - that the definition of the word “holocaust” means:
The ovens belched the acrid stench of black human smoke day and night, so yeah
Ive seen comments suggest it was the massacre of German citizens in photos after the war ended. Not many think it was all fake pictures.