I have family that lives up there and they lap up his shit. I tell them, in no uncertain terms, that they are brainwashed. That goes over like a fart in church.
I live up here and don’t personally know anyone who laps up his shit. At work, I hear him mocked almost daily. This is in southern Ontario, supposedly the liberal stronghold. Just a counter observation. All is not lost everywhere.
I think you could certainly be right, but I don’t think we know for sure what the shot will do to fertility (seems very problematic, at first reports… a sane society would obviously study this very carefully before pumping this spiked cocktail into pregnant women and kids!).
However, it sure appears to, almost by definition, cause unnatural clotting, both immediately deadly, and mild… which is just another way of saying “slow-motion premature death if you survive the first few weeks.”
This is based on a detailed 4chan post I saw here yesterday so might be false but they showed development steps for the vax that first it'll make spike proteins toward the liver which probably causes the clotting, and then hidden in subtle pathways is totally different spike proteins to the gonads. Many vaccines in the past caused the second generation of women to be infertile. If I wanted depop I would 100% do this.
I am now looking for unvaxxed women to have kids with, wonder how rare or hard it'll be to have one in the future if demand skyrockets while supply dwindles.
My family will be working the polls like usual in our Toronto riding. Told everyone to make sure while we're there that nothing sketchy is happening. If the count doesn't stop today they most likely will steal it.
Nope, sorry. People were born with those rights. A “vaccine” gives back nothing’s, because people never gave those freedoms away. People are going to stand up to tyranny in all countries until the individuals who think they are “kings and queens” are run out of office and bend to the will of the people.
You are not a doctor, anyone who take medical advice from you is a fucking retard. If I want a snowboard or need hair and makeup advice, I'll call, maybe.
Now fuck off you megalomaniacal intellectual tragedy.
This fairy sounds like he has a st dick up his rear anytime I hear him speak. It's so off putting and so constant. Why is he not swinging? Pun is a bonus. Castros-for-the-lake-of-fire.
Addition; I'm sorry, Canadians, I can't tell if you guys have it worse or us. Shit is getting ridiculous. God, please, help us.
Every day that passes I ask myself why are these cunts still alive? At what point does someone say I have nothing left to lose, might as well take this POS with me?
I have family that lives up there and they lap up his shit. I tell them, in no uncertain terms, that they are brainwashed. That goes over like a fart in church.
I live up here and don’t personally know anyone who laps up his shit. At work, I hear him mocked almost daily. This is in southern Ontario, supposedly the liberal stronghold. Just a counter observation. All is not lost everywhere.
My family is in Montreal. They get our MSM, so that tells you how bad things are for them!
you mean everyone snickers and the pastor apologizes for his wife?
I’m genuinely sorry that your family (it enough of their va😵ed friends, at least) will need to die before they wake up.
Seems unfortunately unnecessary, but if they insist.
I think the goal of the vax is sterilizing later generations, not killing everyone right now, imo.
I think you could certainly be right, but I don’t think we know for sure what the shot will do to fertility (seems very problematic, at first reports… a sane society would obviously study this very carefully before pumping this spiked cocktail into pregnant women and kids!).
However, it sure appears to, almost by definition, cause unnatural clotting, both immediately deadly, and mild… which is just another way of saying “slow-motion premature death if you survive the first few weeks.”
This is based on a detailed 4chan post I saw here yesterday so might be false but they showed development steps for the vax that first it'll make spike proteins toward the liver which probably causes the clotting, and then hidden in subtle pathways is totally different spike proteins to the gonads. Many vaccines in the past caused the second generation of women to be infertile. If I wanted depop I would 100% do this.
I am now looking for unvaxxed women to have kids with, wonder how rare or hard it'll be to have one in the future if demand skyrockets while supply dwindles.
Let them die burning in the camps. You cant save them all.
We go to the polls tomorrow. Spent the last few weeks volunteering for PPC and I'll be there tomorrow as a poll watcher.
Pray for Canada.
PS footage from Toronto yesterday... https://twitter.com/ImDarrenDunn2/status/1439430643495100417
My family will be working the polls like usual in our Toronto riding. Told everyone to make sure while we're there that nothing sketchy is happening. If the count doesn't stop today they most likely will steal it.
Thank you
That's the stuff that scares the political establishment.
Thank you for your service
He is looking and sounding more and more like his father Fidel Castro every day. Good thing he shaved the beard.
Nope, sorry. People were born with those rights. A “vaccine” gives back nothing’s, because people never gave those freedoms away. People are going to stand up to tyranny in all countries until the individuals who think they are “kings and queens” are run out of office and bend to the will of the people.
Listen Justin you insufferable cunt, here goes...
You are not a doctor, anyone who take medical advice from you is a fucking retard. If I want a snowboard or need hair and makeup advice, I'll call, maybe.
Now fuck off you megalomaniacal intellectual tragedy.
That is all.
And to be clear, there are better people to call for hair and make up advice too
True. And certainly don't get his advice on fake eyebrows. kek
🤣I so wish I had said this! Just brilliant! “Intellectual tragedy.” - I am so using this phrase! This was a mic drop comment!👏🏻
Use it in good health!
Well, he’s a totalitarian Commie douche, so… 🤷♂️
And this guy gets to say what is doing the right thing? Sacrifice your life to his god Moloch and be culled.
This Canadian isn't getting poked with that poison . Justin can go tongue Soros as far as I'm concerned.
F*ck Joe Biden!
I look forward to watching this psychopath’s military tribunal and will enjoy when his sentence is carried out.
That was a chant at the Toronto rally on Saturday. 10 happy minutes of “FUCK TRUDEAU”! Sigh. Good times.
None of this seems logical AT ALL, Trudeau!!!
Creepy AF!
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This fairy sounds like he has a st dick up his rear anytime I hear him speak. It's so off putting and so constant. Why is he not swinging? Pun is a bonus. Castros-for-the-lake-of-fire.
Addition; I'm sorry, Canadians, I can't tell if you guys have it worse or us. Shit is getting ridiculous. God, please, help us.
Sparkle Socks loves mail in voting
This guy needs to fall in a woodchipper.
Trudy just earned his Scooby snack from Klaus Schwab.
Is there any normal guy named Justin?!
Fuck him
Every day that passes I ask myself why are these cunts still alive? At what point does someone say I have nothing left to lose, might as well take this POS with me?
A fearful doubt that restrains most decent folk: "vengeance is mine sayith the Lord"...
our elections are rigged so...I hope someone is watching.
This perverted POS would do good to practice the things his mouth says.
Social distance Stay at home Wear a face diaper Don't travel Get a death jab
I can guarantee you that Canadians will love that!
If HE does it, yes. As for the rest of us Canadians, FUCK No!
social credit incoming.
Trudeau has it backwards.
They do not OWE us freedoms. Freedom is ours by GOD given right.
Their true colors are finally showing.
They have been a corporation doling out our "imaginary freedoms" since they were incorporated.
We were sold into slavery back in 1931 when the Central Banks were given the property rights to our counties.
What a pos! Nothing more ruthless than a wimp & bedwetter with power!
Sounds just like certain authorities down under.
Wanna bet shittard?
What an idiot. What an.... obvious idiot.
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Now do it again in blackface.