This fucking twit probably really does think he can resign his way out of this.
The pawns are so clueless. They can see that something is wrong. This is not what they expected it to be. They don’t look like winners, and they aren’t acting like winners, and Joe Biden seems to be purposely torpedoing the democrat party, but they still haven’t grasped the gravity of the mistake.
This guy better pray there are no Chinese ballots found in that audit.
I'm kinda with you but also kinda not wanting to seem bloodthirsty. Its a tough call. I'd rather save the executions for the big fish, not the pawns. I think I'd be happy if we stripped their assets and sent the to prison. They're not the prison type, and they would have a very bad time. Just gotta make sure they don't get some 'white collar' prison bullshit.
All these corrupt traitors will be using the same explanation when they retire: "The toxic political environment caused by Trump supporters." Anthony Gonzales said the same thing. These people are scum.
"We didn't want to do it but they made us do it."
Others will chime in with "But all I was doing was ready lines off a teleprompter, it's not like I REALLY said any of it.
Many did think that they could tweet or resign their way out of all of this. They were lied to when they were made to think that they would be, and stupid enough to believe it.
To be fair, resigning probably will get him out of it. There no way the RINOs in office right now will hold anyone accountable. Maybe after a couple elections if some America First candidates get elected, but not right now.
This fucking twit probably really does think he can resign his way out of this.
The pawns are so clueless. They can see that something is wrong. This is not what they expected it to be. They don’t look like winners, and they aren’t acting like winners, and Joe Biden seems to be purposely torpedoing the democrat party, but they still haven’t grasped the gravity of the mistake.
This guy better pray there are no Chinese ballots found in that audit.
Jail? I want to see every last one of them hang from a fucking tree in the public square.
Without hoods
jail while awaiting trial, then the hangings begin.
Do we get to throw stones at them?
I'm kinda with you but also kinda not wanting to seem bloodthirsty. Its a tough call. I'd rather save the executions for the big fish, not the pawns. I think I'd be happy if we stripped their assets and sent the to prison. They're not the prison type, and they would have a very bad time. Just gotta make sure they don't get some 'white collar' prison bullshit.
I'd rather be dead than in prison, so yeah
All these corrupt traitors will be using the same explanation when they retire: "The toxic political environment caused by Trump supporters." Anthony Gonzales said the same thing. These people are scum.
"We didn't want to do it but they made us do it." Others will chime in with "But all I was doing was ready lines off a teleprompter, it's not like I REALLY said any of it.
toxic the communist bastards.
A tiger can't change it's stripes. Too bad for this bunch of paper tigers; they're about to go up in flames.
While we're discussing them being scumbags to their very cores...
How about that lead sentence focusing on his 28 years of politics!
Gee, that's a long time, Buddy! Sounds like you were going to retire anyway, huh? That what you're trying to imply, friend? 🙄
And he knows damn well that Chinese ballots are in that audit.
Many did think that they could tweet or resign their way out of all of this. They were lied to when they were made to think that they would be, and stupid enough to believe it.
To be fair, resigning probably will get him out of it. There no way the RINOs in office right now will hold anyone accountable. Maybe after a couple elections if some America First candidates get elected, but not right now.
Nah, we are going to circle back around to this one.