He'd most likely shut this restaurant down over mask mandates if ordered. He might be a nice guy, but not nice enough to risk his job for you. Cops are only as good as the government and politicians who control them.
They're only as good as their conscience is. They can choose not to violate the Constitution or they will. They took an oath to protect and defend it, will they, not sure.
This. I’m done supporting “cops”. Those same cops will drag me to jail, force inject my kids, ruin our lives and those around us if they were ordered to.
Well I’m gonna be honest here and say my affections for the blue has worn thin. The cop now has to prove he is a good cop, otherwise I assume he’s a piece of shit. I’ve seen way too many videos of even US cops harassing, bodyslamming, fighting, fining, arresting citizens for not wearing the face diaper, to say nothing of global lockdowns. And if my son in law at Metro reads this, you’re still a piece of shit, Shit.
Hey I saw one of these guys from a video from Australia. I think he was donating a coffee to peaceful protestors by dumping it on them from a pressurized coffee cannon and then shooting them with rubber bullets in full riot armor before hopping on a military transport to give out the next donation.
Feels like a copypasta. Have seen this before. Not to say it didn't happen but I remember reading this story like 2 years ago on Patriots.win back when "Blue Lives Matter!" before the Summer of Love riots began.
I make a point to let every officer I run into throughout my day know how much I appreciate his service.
I will go out of my way to do so.
Not in some virtue signaling way but just a private comment to let them know how much I appreciate what they do for the community.
I have had some dirty looks for doing it but I don't care. Until you walk a mile in their shoes, you cannot have an opinion on how they have to do their jobs.
I want officers to know that the world is not against them, that we are the same people, that we want the same things and that we are with them through the tough times.
I have several friends who are cops. If the government tells them to go gestapo on citizens, they'll stand down.
The topic reminds me of the difference in how the right perceives the purpose of police versus how the left perceives it. It boils down to the right believing in orderly freedom while the left believes in authoritarianism. Big difference.
If you want officers to pushback against their bosses and risk their jobs, you need to support them. They are the pivot between tyrannical overreach and empowered people. Support them, encourage them. When push comes to shove it will be the police that determine who they support. Demonize them at your own peril.
This same dude would be choking out old ladies and kicking downed suspects for not wearing a mask if they were told to do so. Cops aren’t our friends, Look at what is going on in Australia.
There are a lot of good cops. Yea some idiots, but most of them are good guys. They have a rotten job dealing with the scum of society, they have a right to be defensive and an attitude some times. (but the bad ones are farking bad)
I didn't say we should eliminate cops. I said they don't have the right to be defensive and have an attitude. They volunteered to work for us. They CHOSE.
Cops are good.
I am just tied of cops who BLINDLY follow orders and say "I am just doing my job".
Will this same cop enforce oppressive orders when the time comes?
Some cops are good. The rest of your point stands
He'd most likely shut this restaurant down over mask mandates if ordered. He might be a nice guy, but not nice enough to risk his job for you. Cops are only as good as the government and politicians who control them.
They're only as good as their conscience is. They can choose not to violate the Constitution or they will. They took an oath to protect and defend it, will they, not sure.
This. I’m done supporting “cops”. Those same cops will drag me to jail, force inject my kids, ruin our lives and those around us if they were ordered to.
Exactly, and our government sucks. The politician are baby-raping pedovores. So that tells me all I need to know about the cops now.
People just want to get the cop outta the shop ASAP.
"Here, go to the front. Let me pay for that."
Well I’m gonna be honest here and say my affections for the blue has worn thin. The cop now has to prove he is a good cop, otherwise I assume he’s a piece of shit. I’ve seen way too many videos of even US cops harassing, bodyslamming, fighting, fining, arresting citizens for not wearing the face diaper, to say nothing of global lockdowns. And if my son in law at Metro reads this, you’re still a piece of shit, Shit.
Here in Massachusetts they won't even accept a coffee as it could be seen as a bribe.
Or shoot you for going into public without being a vaxturd.
...until they do a Red Flag search on your house. You know...they have a paycheck.
Hey I saw one of these guys from a video from Australia. I think he was donating a coffee to peaceful protestors by dumping it on them from a pressurized coffee cannon and then shooting them with rubber bullets in full riot armor before hopping on a military transport to give out the next donation.
I need to see some pushback from police on some of this bullshit. The days of blind support are over
Our communities are vastly different, I trust our local cops here in Oklahoman I know several very good ones. They will not turn into nazi's.
But will he say "no" when it comes to serving a red flag order on you?
Thanks for being a good cop. We need all to be like u.
Well a good tipper anyway. No evidence there of his professional capacity
True Blue!
Talk to me when he starts busting heads enforcing vaccine mandates. He needs to feed his family dontchaknow.
More people appreciate you than you realize. God bless you.
Damn onions, my eyes are leaking.
Feels like a copypasta. Have seen this before. Not to say it didn't happen but I remember reading this story like 2 years ago on Patriots.win back when "Blue Lives Matter!" before the Summer of Love riots began.
I make a point to let every officer I run into throughout my day know how much I appreciate his service.
I will go out of my way to do so.
Not in some virtue signaling way but just a private comment to let them know how much I appreciate what they do for the community.
I have had some dirty looks for doing it but I don't care. Until you walk a mile in their shoes, you cannot have an opinion on how they have to do their jobs.
I want officers to know that the world is not against them, that we are the same people, that we want the same things and that we are with them through the tough times.
I have several friends who are cops. If the government tells them to go gestapo on citizens, they'll stand down.
The topic reminds me of the difference in how the right perceives the purpose of police versus how the left perceives it. It boils down to the right believing in orderly freedom while the left believes in authoritarianism. Big difference.
I just hope he remembers this when his bosses deploy him against the people for daring to defy them on vax or masks or god knows what else is coming.
Here is there website if you are intersted in saying thanks...
Their bar-b-q is amazing!
What’s an ECILOP?🤔
The reality is, most of us feel that way about you guys and gals. Just not the majority of the nazi-cops/ brownshirts.
Fuck cops. They all enforce unconstitutional laws while lettting BLM rampage. Leftists were right about ACAB all along
If you want officers to pushback against their bosses and risk their jobs, you need to support them. They are the pivot between tyrannical overreach and empowered people. Support them, encourage them. When push comes to shove it will be the police that determine who they support. Demonize them at your own peril.
America…Fuck Yeah!!!
Was there some context for the bikers to act this way towards him?
I was almost expecting to see "And then they all clapped their hands" at the end.
This same dude would be choking out old ladies and kicking downed suspects for not wearing a mask if they were told to do so. Cops aren’t our friends, Look at what is going on in Australia.
I would love to have seen this.
There are a lot of good cops. Yea some idiots, but most of them are good guys. They have a rotten job dealing with the scum of society, they have a right to be defensive and an attitude some times. (but the bad ones are farking bad)
No, they don't. No one forced them to be cops. They CHOSE their profession.
Ok, then let's eliminate cops, then we can't blame anyone for choosing that profession.
I didn't say we should eliminate cops. I said they don't have the right to be defensive and have an attitude. They volunteered to work for us. They CHOSE.
Thanks for clarifying.