posted ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot +112 / -1

I know some of you friends and patriots have been afraid to mention the discouragement you’ve been feeling, but you need to know that those feelings and thoughts did not originate with you. There is a spiritual side to our enemy’s tactics that goes beyond technology and public deception. They do not meet together to confer with demons and do magic just to have an evil party. There is purpose in it.

I have become aware of a major spiritual offensive, and it is something we can resist and overcome. Exposing it is important because their plans depend upon secrecy. No plan of theirs can succeed in the open, so knowing what a thing is and where it comes from puts a lot of power into our hands to thwart evil.

There has been an ongoing a spiritual offensive to discourage people who know the truth, especially those who have been actively resisting evil. It is not just coming from discouraging news. There has been dark spiritual pressure in the atmosphere, psychic pressure aimed at the mind that can be boiled down to this: “Give in and give up. It’s not going to happen.” It is supported by discouraging thoughts, feelings of despair, and seeming evidence that things are turning against us. None of that originates in your own mind. Demons throw thoughts into your mind and feelings into your body to see what sticks, even attacking your body to make you tired and easier to push into agreeing with them. But know this: the lies and deceptions they throw at you can only stick if you cave and agree with them. They are trying to steal your hope to throw you out of the fight––one less to bring the pressure of light against them.

Do not agree with discouragement, despair, or any notion that we are losing or have been deceived about what it really going on. That is far from the truth. They mount these kinds of broad offensives when they know they are about to suffer a crushing defeat. It’s a last-ditch desperate effort to save their plans and take out as many soldiers of light as possible. Do not let them overthrow your mind. If you have been tempted to despair, get up, brush yourself off, and say, “NO! I WILL NOT COMPLY! I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS OF DISCOURAGEMENT! GOD HAS WON, AND YOU HAVE LOST!”

I have been in enough spiritual battles to know how darkness operates, and a broad spiritual offensive like this shows me that something is about to break, and that it’s going to be big. We don’t see very well into the spiritual realm, but the demons live there, and they can see the writing on the wall. Hold on, and don’t let the enemy break through our lines. Be awake and hold your ground for truth. They are losing this battle and they know it.