Comments (23)
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You glorious memelord
Her response:
Hoping her Kuru disease takes her soon.
That would be a win, but I'd rather much see her swinging in the breeze.
Very true, but it would be poetic justice if she died because she ate too many humans.
With its face torn off
I love this , brightens my day ! Ty
My pleasure...
Is that military dude really showing her Q post???
Seriously, a whole board of 4chan? lol taxpayer dollhairs at work.
Think it’s shopped , a good one if it is
Is that seriously a bunch of 4chan posts or is that photoshopped???
It's photishopped. These memes are old as heck. These were being made in the 2018 and 2019 era, but still hilarious. People got creative with this template
Yeah, I thought the meme was old.... With how disgustingly intrusive the gov is, wouldn't surprise me for them to stalk & harass memers
And she’s got the audacity to wear red. I wouldn’t be surprised what it’s made of
nice work
Good photoshop
I have no idea. I only see comments that this is photoshopped. Looks pretty real and awesome to me haha