Prince Andrew is finished
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Good, get him in a court room! I'm still not convinced that Charles is squeaky clean either, his relationship with Saville, when Saville was at his worst makes me wonder how much Charles knew? You don't get into them circles of people unless they want you in, and if Saville was molesting kids then those around the Royal family would also know and advise the family about it, much like Andrew with Epstein.
They're all evil
The Queen eats babies like Easter Peeps.
They ALL do.
Wow. Diana claimed once that they weee not human too I think
Wow. I never saw that before. Shit.
God help us.
Good morning DrMcCoy....
Ya know, in the not too distant past I wouldn't have believed this at all and I probably woulda had nightmares after reading this.
Now I just wanna see them destroyed.
Thanks for posting that
Agreed. Charles' mentor Mountbatten was a raging pedophile, Saville procured children for MP Cyril Smith and was most likely supplying to other elite cockroaches. Saville worked with Children in Need and was given the keys to a children's hospital, Esther Ranzen admitted his proclivities were known and hushed up, he was also known to be a necrophiliac. Saville was knighted by the Queen. Jill Dando was murdered for stumbling across an elite pedophile network. That's not even scratching the epidermis.
yes look at prince william he has the BUNNY mouth
so does Epstein ....
its kinda a sign of early child molestation ... just saying
its a malformation of jaw due to early child sex games .... {its sunday so i will be polite .... }
Maybe that's why Harry GTFO of there!
no are you kidding me haz married an epstein YACHTI <==truth this who is most likely in love with andrew's son marcus anderson soho house
Didn't know. I don't really follow the royals. I just figured there was a reason he "escaped". Thanks for the info.
there is actually a lot to learn about the royals by following their antics
to me all their drama seems to be the number two sons are jealous of the number ones ....
plus harry he should take a dna test .... some say harry was swapped out after diana died because he couldnt handle their end of it ....was sent to live as a lower royal and wrote a book claiming his birth right and then was killed ....
strange tales .... plus rachel megain is a man in a dress AND NEVER EVER BIRTHED ONE CHILD much less two
Read Dr McCoy's links above, there's a lot of info there.
He is James Hewitts child, not Phil the Greeks.
Where did you get that one from?
Have a look.
Never forget the naked boy escaping from the window at the royal palace... Says it all really
It was from a comedy sketch show
Yeah just zooming in proved that wasn't a kid lol. Def bizarre af tho.
Agreed. Charles' mentor Mountbatten was a raging pedophile, Saville procured children for MP Cyril Smith and was most likely supplying to other elite cockroaches. Saville worked with Children in Need and was given the keys to a children's hospital, Esther Ranzen admitted his proclivities were known and hushed up, he was also known to be a necrophiliac. Saville was knighted by the Queen. Jill Dando was murdered for stumbling across an elite pedophile network. That's not even scratching the epidermis
Oh, he knew plenty. Saville was given free reign. He could provide many services for the ahem royals and was protected.
Many don't know but Saville could come and go into Buckingham Palace at will. No security would stop him, free rein to enter anytime.
I once had lunch inside the private rooms of St Jame's palace, and just to get in there we passed through security checks, so how Saville could get into the Queen's private residence should tell you everything.
Indeed. What good could possibly have been done by giving Saville such privileges and everything he needed to evade any charges? Several Hospitals in that area even provided him his own room. I have to wonder why he needed his own room?
Prince Andrew is just the beginning
I believe that prince Andrew was more then just a pedophile. I believe he actually was a honey pot for the wealthy trying to social clime. he would party with them then funnel those whose sexual predilection we exploitable to Epstein. Andrew also was the MI 6 connection and Epstien>
I bet you the Queen is going to die as a distraction. Let’s see how well this comment ages.
He's done when he's in cuffs.
He’s just the one that got caught. That entire family is evil
Yes they are all in the club. I really cannot believe that Diana was not in it too. Do you really think they would allow a future queen to be a normie? Her sons are not sons either...they change the sex when they are born.....does no one xee how masculine Diana was?
Finished at what? A race? A job? I didn't realize he started anything to be "finished" with it.
The second thing that truly bothers me is the current generations of Royals hypocrisy and holier-than-thou attitude. No one ever expected royalty to be Perfect. If you look back on countless gens of royals, they were all flawed in deep ways. Mistresses, scandals, divorces, locking their wives up in towers, beheading their wives, marrying children, marrying children who were their nieces and cousins, being outright insane, murder, torture, bankrupting the country for their personal wars, mistresses and gluttony and on and on. Most of them thumbed their nose at what the public thought. Charles II comes to mind. MF'er didn't give a shit what people thought--he was going to fuck it if it had a vagina and was at least alive. But hey, he was honest about being a man-whore.
This gen of royalty (starting with Victoria) are a bunch of hypocritical idiots who think if they present to the world that they're "perfect" it means something. It does not. It just makes them look more like low life hypocrites and liars. Also I don't know if Andrew is guilty or not--I haven't seen the evidence. But I know if it were my son or brother, I'd defend them until there was no defense left. He's my brother. I owe him some loyalty. I wouldn't throw him to the dogs like he was nothing until I was given absolutely no other recourse. Fuck it. My Brother means more to me than what the hell someone else thinks about me and how I "Look" to other people.
Wasn’t Friday the deadline for the list of co-conspirators to be released? What happened?
To be fair to him, he did fly helos in the Falklands war. That was 40 years ago mind
I truly believe the entire Meghan and Harry soap opera was dreamed up to take the spotlight off Randy Andy. Worthless. All of them.
well he will take down the house of clinton if this is the case
because all the brits talkingheads are saying andrew did MUCH LESS than billygoat
More likely they're throwing Andrew under the bus to save their own skins.
The Royals are all corrupt. Harry is led by the nose by Megan.
Already executed, wonder how long they will keep him on ice before they announce it(RBG was a corpsicle for a year...)...
I do hope you are right and they are all executed. Kate Middleton sister Pippa married a Percy and that family outrank the royals in the elite Mafia 13 families. All of them have to be exterminated .... They have all plotted to kill 13 out of every 14 people
Being called out by William is odd. He's just as evil
i beleive william was a victim but cant say he was an abuser as well