Every time Wikipedia says "far-right" whatever I just think, "Oh, so that means they're normal." Because we all know everyone on the left thinks anyone who is slightly to the right of Mao is "far-right."
This is the honest internal feeling of all long time Conspiracy theory digital soldiers. How do you land a forgiving angle after understanding the depth of predatation that took place without any concern for the divine human condition? Yet we as good Christian soldiers will do this. It will done with a strong stiff upper lip. An understanding the wind is going to blow back warm and generous.
Rome is the spiritual head while Washington DC is the military might and the Rothschild's in England are the financiers. They work in synchronicity pushing towards the new world order where they will sit at the top.
The great awakening is real folks! We just have to keep pushing and keep sharing the truth! Now is the time to double down and redpill our normie friends to the JQ and communist new world order
Correct. Jews are arrested all the time for protesting Zionism within Israel. Zionism is the political ideology believing in the right of expansion of the State of Israel.
People forget, Israel was purchased by the Rothschild Family from England by way of the Balfour Declaration following WWII.
Regrettably good, honest Jewish people have been used as a cover for the evil Bankster Rothschild family who along with the world’s 12 or so richest families also OWN The Federal Reserve!!!
A large swathe of Jews are just born into victimhood; slaves of the mind. It seems They want to keep Jews a protected class until it's time to scapegoat them into the fall-guys for the Rothchillin Global Crime Cartel.
Money talks. They print the money. They prop things up so they can be sacrificed. 9/11 style. Mass distractions with intent to blame the actual victims. So that the masses will unknowingly side with Their evil interests instead of the truth.
It rubs me wrong too that George "Round up the Jews" Soros has never been called an antisemite by any TV media group. It makes more sense at this point that the Nazis won the war, but 'lost' just so they could operate from the shadows. Becoming the deepstate that we see today.
It is all about culture, and the mental inventions and tools created by people like Socrates that we westerners ALL use without even knowing it. Its embedded in our language and forms how we think.
Someone from Africa or Afghanistan without a western background is not going to think like us or adapt to our ideas easily. Nothing to do with race.
Of course admitting to that means you have to give credit to the west for it's great ideas instead of shaming the west for its skin color. Cant have that.
Is that the most IMPORTANT things about culture is COMMON SENSE and UNIVERSAL.
All the other stuff are superfacial and subjective of importance.
The 10 Commandents are given to us for a reason.
Because they are COMMON SENSE.
Go ahead.
Read the 10 commendments and most people will find them to be common sense.
The biggest problem I have with adults.
Is that we cannot live in a "simple" world.
Adults tend to think there is a complicated reason for everything.
When in reality.
It's common sense that is the most important.
All the other stuff like
Taste of Art,
Taste of Music,
Taste of Hairstyle,
Taste of Entertainment,
Taste of Occupation
Is very subjective and do not interfere with other people.
If you are white and like country music because it's your cultural background.
Me being black who like classical music can live next door to you just fine.
As long as we follow COMMON SENSE laws like the 10 commandments.
How do you know the majority doesn't share those values?
When in reality. It's the "DEEP STATE" media that is telling you what to think about the world.
Isn't part of the great awakening.
Understanding that the media and institutions that we know are lieing??
Yes.. the media loves to make George Floyd as the torch barrier.
But isn't that just a LOUD voice of the media?
So how do you know what the majority think?
Are you going door to door and asking them how to do feel about
Thou shall honor your mother and father?
Thou shall not kill?
Thou shall not steal?
Are you saying that the mass majority would say those are bad concepts?
And that you should kill.
That you should steal?
That you should hate your mother and father?
I think you are letting the deep state media and academics.
They are using multiculturalism not because they want to implement it.
They are using it as a communist smear tactic to force people to comply.
I suggest you read a book called "Color, Communism and Common Sense" by a black American who was a former communist.
He talks about how the "REDS" use smear tactics as way to paint the opposition in a bad light.
The Rothschilds are not trying to bring a diverse state.
They use the concept of diversity as a way to SILENCE people from speaking.
They even call black people "white supremacist".
What you are talking about is not a push for multiculturalism.
What you are talking about is a "stragety" on how to paint people who will speak out against them.
Their new thing now is "Anti-Vaxers" and "Anti-Maskers" and "Science Denier".
No offense brother.
But some white people are over thinking this.
The multiculturalism play isn't here to destory the white race.
The Rothschilds don't care about that.
The multiculturalism play is for you to STAY SILENT and not OPPOSE their bigger plan.
If a black person speaks out against this.
They will be called an Uncle Tom, Sellout, Coon, House N and more.
In reality humans have a CORE CULTURE of values of that bond most of us.
Those core values are common sense needs.
The other stuff is a combination and "pop culture" and "dangerous experiences" that a group of people have went through. For Example: The black American slavery experience. Has bonded a group of people together in a certain way.
But besides that.
You are over complicated differences.
I have MANY white friends who I call my brother.
I will defend them over a random black person I don't know.
Because I have real life experiences with them.
The illegal immigration is another "stragety" to take total control of people.
They don't care about multiculturalism.
Patrick Howley did not kill himself.
(((they))) are upset.
The Rothschilds are the treasurers of the Vatican.
Who Patrick Howley is:
He definitely has serious chops.
Every time Wikipedia says "far-right" whatever I just think, "Oh, so that means they're normal." Because we all know everyone on the left thinks anyone who is slightly to the right of Mao is "far-right."
KEK!! you're absolutely right
This guy tells truth, most likely the (((small hats.))) might wack him if he's rather known.
The Jesuits might be higher in the pyramid of rot then the rothschilds though.
Zionist Jews is also a wrong label because they are not Jews but they are the synagogue of Satan.
Indeed it does
My "church" friends would have a cow if I posted this. Only a few are awake and THAT is the reason Q said Israel would be last.
The Pope kisses the hand of the Rothschilds. Usually everyone kisses the Pope’s hand
This is an excellent example of a civil dialog where different opinions and some facts come together and mingle. Very impressive 👏
This is the honest internal feeling of all long time Conspiracy theory digital soldiers. How do you land a forgiving angle after understanding the depth of predatation that took place without any concern for the divine human condition? Yet we as good Christian soldiers will do this. It will done with a strong stiff upper lip. An understanding the wind is going to blow back warm and generous.
Remind him not to forget the Society of Jesus, aka the Jesuits.
Rome is the spiritual head while Washington DC is the military might and the Rothschild's in England are the financiers. They work in synchronicity pushing towards the new world order where they will sit at the top.
Everyone keeps asking when Trump will intervene, but I wonder when The Bogdanoffs will save us instead.
The Jews are no longer God’s Chosen, circa 32AD
Thats not biblical Israel btw. 666
The great awakening is real folks! We just have to keep pushing and keep sharing the truth! Now is the time to double down and redpill our normie friends to the JQ and communist new world order
I have seen this stuff. I wonder is he another deep state agent.
He is way too "race" conscious. Which is nothing but a deep state con.
race?? Zionism is not a race, it's a movement. Israel is not a race, it's a country.
He's talking about the Rothschild's and their global control of nearly EVERYTHING.
what race is he talking about, btw?
Is it the race that has total immunity from criticism?
Correct. Jews are arrested all the time for protesting Zionism within Israel. Zionism is the political ideology believing in the right of expansion of the State of Israel.
People forget, Israel was purchased by the Rothschild Family from England by way of the Balfour Declaration following WWII.
Regrettably good, honest Jewish people have been used as a cover for the evil Bankster Rothschild family who along with the world’s 12 or so richest families also OWN The Federal Reserve!!!
I am not talking about it in this context. I have seen some of his work in the past.
A lot of it was "Us" vs "Them" bullshit.
That's deep state (Karl Marx) shit.
It actually is US vs. THEM when it comes to the Rothschild's, the IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, Hollywood, NWO, etc.
I'm not familiar with this guy and I'm only taking the comment in its context, btw.
“Ownership class “ Definitely red flags whenever people start talking about class struggle
Love this answer. It may just be one of the top 5 modern day mass illusions. Rothschilds+ run the show, not a race.
A large swathe of Jews are just born into victimhood; slaves of the mind. It seems They want to keep Jews a protected class until it's time to scapegoat them into the fall-guys for the Rothchillin Global Crime Cartel.
Money talks. They print the money. They prop things up so they can be sacrificed. 9/11 style. Mass distractions with intent to blame the actual victims. So that the masses will unknowingly side with Their evil interests instead of the truth.
It rubs me wrong too that George "Round up the Jews" Soros has never been called an antisemite by any TV media group. It makes more sense at this point that the Nazis won the war, but 'lost' just so they could operate from the shadows. Becoming the deepstate that we see today.
Because ol' ballsack eyes owns them all, that's why they don't speak ill of him.
Learn your commsw ;)
Their scam is simple.
They like to use media and undercover agents to use FEAR TACTICS. Making it a more Us Vs Them mindset.
Yes.. we are not all the same. That's obvious.
But common sense is common sense.
Multiple ethnic groups can live amoug each other no problem. When common sense values are considered.
The 10 commandents is something I follow. Those are my true values.
Which are common sense.
It is all about culture, and the mental inventions and tools created by people like Socrates that we westerners ALL use without even knowing it. Its embedded in our language and forms how we think.
Someone from Africa or Afghanistan without a western background is not going to think like us or adapt to our ideas easily. Nothing to do with race.
Of course admitting to that means you have to give credit to the west for it's great ideas instead of shaming the west for its skin color. Cant have that.
What you are not understanding.
Is that the most IMPORTANT things about culture is COMMON SENSE and UNIVERSAL.
All the other stuff are superfacial and subjective of importance.
The 10 Commandents are given to us for a reason.
Because they are COMMON SENSE.
Go ahead.
Read the 10 commendments and most people will find them to be common sense.
The biggest problem I have with adults.
Is that we cannot live in a "simple" world. Adults tend to think there is a complicated reason for everything.
When in reality.
It's common sense that is the most important.
All the other stuff like
Taste of Art, Taste of Music, Taste of Hairstyle, Taste of Entertainment, Taste of Occupation
Is very subjective and do not interfere with other people. If you are white and like country music because it's your cultural background. Me being black who like classical music can live next door to you just fine.
As long as we follow COMMON SENSE laws like the 10 commandments.
I am using it as an example.
How do you know the majority doesn't share those values?
When in reality. It's the "DEEP STATE" media that is telling you what to think about the world.
Isn't part of the great awakening. Understanding that the media and institutions that we know are lieing??
Yes.. the media loves to make George Floyd as the torch barrier. But isn't that just a LOUD voice of the media?
So how do you know what the majority think? Are you going door to door and asking them how to do feel about
Are you saying that the mass majority would say those are bad concepts? And that you should kill. That you should steal? That you should hate your mother and father?
I think you are letting the deep state media and academics.
Set how you think about this issue.
I don't think different ethnic groups can live near each other.
Would you want to live next to a saracen neighborhood?
What is diversity? What is multiculturalism?
One of the biggest barries between groups of people is language.
If two people from different countries both speak English well.
What are you talking about then?
What HUGE differences are you talking about? What the hell is multiculturalism?
Or are you talking about
Pro Statist vs Anti Statist?
You will need to explain to me. Besides the 10 commandments.
What are the major tribal differences?
They are using multiculturalism not because they want to implement it. They are using it as a communist smear tactic to force people to comply.
I suggest you read a book called "Color, Communism and Common Sense" by a black American who was a former communist.
He talks about how the "REDS" use smear tactics as way to paint the opposition in a bad light.
The Rothschilds are not trying to bring a diverse state.
They use the concept of diversity as a way to SILENCE people from speaking.
They even call black people "white supremacist".
What you are talking about is not a push for multiculturalism.
What you are talking about is a "stragety" on how to paint people who will speak out against them.
Their new thing now is "Anti-Vaxers" and "Anti-Maskers" and "Science Denier".
No offense brother.
But some white people are over thinking this.
The multiculturalism play isn't here to destory the white race. The Rothschilds don't care about that.
The multiculturalism play is for you to STAY SILENT and not OPPOSE their bigger plan.
If a black person speaks out against this. They will be called an Uncle Tom, Sellout, Coon, House N and more.
In reality humans have a CORE CULTURE of values of that bond most of us. Those core values are common sense needs.
The other stuff is a combination and "pop culture" and "dangerous experiences" that a group of people have went through. For Example: The black American slavery experience. Has bonded a group of people together in a certain way.
But besides that.
You are over complicated differences.
I have MANY white friends who I call my brother. I will defend them over a random black person I don't know.
Because I have real life experiences with them.
The illegal immigration is another "stragety" to take total control of people. They don't care about multiculturalism.
They want followers and blind sheep.
Well said
he never said JEWS
Ok this is nice. Im still waiting for a global apology to the Führer for BEING FKING RIGHT
Atleast uncle H had the rothchilds arrested and banks seized.
Rothschilds control the Vatican Bank, too.
Josh Hawley’s brother???