So i was thinking.....(a dangerous passtime, i know)...
Through history, whenever purges of populations happen, particularly for political reasons, isnt it usually the intellectuals, artists, leaders of oppositions, and their hangers on that are purged?
I keep seeing posts assuming that its the sheep that will die off. Sure from a population control standpoint that makes sense, but not from a control standpoint.
You would think they would want to be rid of us.
That said we are being marginalized, restricted, and pushed out of society, but not purged. We will likely set up a parallel economy wherever people are restricted, thatll likely happen organically.
Does anyone have thoughts on this, especially as it relates to historical population purges?
Im trying to mentally and physically prepare for possible future scenarios in order to protect my family.
I am looking to work for myself online.
This is why i like the concept of decentralized money.
State govs would be the way to get around it.
If FL decides to allow it there. They could tell the Fed to go to hell.
Andrew Torba (sp) from Gab is starting a Gab Bank for this very reason.
If you come up with anything good, let me know.
Check out a book called "Expert Secrets' by Russel Brunson.
It's a must read for anyone who might want to start a business.
Cool. Thanks very much, fren.
No problem!
That's awesome!
We are the makers, not the takers. Keep us around after the great purge of takers. Keep their needs flowing on the backs of our slave labor. My pessimistic thoughts on your question.
Right there ! Ty ..they don’t want the idiots left !
We will be harder to control though no? Not to say its impossible and they probably have a plan, if this is true, but still? Are you going to just go along with the NWO?
I am preparing, and starting to, in my way.
Sad, but true...
I have family and friends in heaven, not to mention our Lord, no I will not submit , never , I’m not afraid to die !
Yes, these thoughts have occurred to me over the last year. I've seen other threads and comments bring similar questions up as well.
At the end of the day, we don't really know how it will all unfold. Any number of possibilities exist.
They definitely want to get rid of us
My theory is that the vaccine is both population control and obedience experiment. Within the vaccinated millions will die because they still want to reduce the population so it's easier to control. I believe there are maybe 4 types of vaccines: 3 of them will cause different types of death, and 1 is saline or something similar. After some time, all non vaccinated will be rounded up and taken away to get disposed of since we pose the biggest threat to their control scheme.
But it wont be immediately. This is why they have started pitting vaccinated against non vaccinated, just like they have pitted people from different nations against each other. The hate will grow to the extent that vaccinated people will attack and kill non vaccinated, while authorities do nothing.
Then they will come for the rest of us. They know who we are. They have our names. They have our addresses. All who will be left are the obedient sheep who pose no threat to their system, who will accept anything without questioning.
I think you underestimate just how thoroughly our institutions have already been infiltrated.
My theory is the Harry Potter Banking Goblins know EVERYONE will eventually learn about their COVID holocaust hoax and their deadly vaccines and EVERYONE will want them all dead... so they're just picking the low hanging fruit first by culling the most submissive.
They consider themselves to be a divine master race with a destiny to enslave everyone and steal everything. They believe we are only here to be their slaves and service them: to be bought and sold and raped and slaughtered for shekels and to be a constant reminder of how "superior" they are to us... which is why their most respected religious scholars refer to us as cattle. I suspect their hand-rubbing intensifies at the thought of maximizing suffering my enslaving MAGA patriots rather than sheeple.
These people are EVIL.
These people are sick.
This isn't your normal "purge". This is about preserving America's future. Donald Trump is still advocating these shots, we have to assume he knows how dangerous they are. It seems like the death jabs are part of the patriots' plan to cleanse this country of commie waste and usher in a great awakening.
"LeFou I'm afraid I've been thinking..."
"A dangerous pastime--"
"I know!"