She told me she couldn't believe it. A year ago this person was on the biden train sponsored by jeep, and couldn't stop talking shit about President Trump. Hearing a ton of similar stories.
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Two sets of Democrats are emerging, those jumping off the ship with a RedPill Life jacket and the others who are clutching the railing going down with the Lietanic ship.
Kek. What overarching federal agency are they trying to establish now?
Ministry of truth.
Yep you got it
Better late than never I guess!
Better late than never - the more people like this reaching out, the better. I'm guessing your wife was happy to oblige with information about the pedophile in chief. That's good news - thanks for sharing!
I am still waiting for any of the libtards in my world to move an inch in my direction. I am a passionate type myself so I must have attracted the diehard liberals who are going down with the ship.
Every single time I see a post on this topic I pray that I'll see even just one libtard who I actually know wake up. Trusting (hoping!!!) that it will eventually happen.
Just keep in mind that there's plenty of people who will wake up one day and never tell another soul about it. It's why I don't ever suggest being an aggressive red piller. It's better to make them question their beliefs and step back when it hits a nerve. That way when it finally settles within they can feel more comfortable reaching out. We've all been a petulant child at some point and refused to accept the hard truths our parents wanted us to believe. Gotta treat the mentally stunted properly otherwise there will be little hope for their development.
Send the leftie coworker this video:
Creepy Joe Biden Hair Sniffing Compilation
"This video is unavailable with restricted mode enabled." Figures. That's because I'm at work. Naturally anything damning against leftists gets blocked this way.
the big guy sniffing kids is the PG stuff. His son hunter is a pedo exhibitionist to the Nth degree! He takes pictures with his child victims.
I realized I was never going to redpill my friends when I showed them how the FBI crime statistics proved the BLM narrative was a lie, and they continue arguing the stupidest points. When they parroted the voter-ID-is-racist argument, I gave up. They'll have to wake up when the treason and human trafficking is exposed.
Wow, she's like starting her red pill hour ey way at the begining 🤣. I guess better than never
Soon none of them will be in the dark. They may close their eyes but the light is on now.