Timing is highly suspect with launch of DWAC and Fauci implosion, vaccine awareness etc.
Baldwin in an actor and #1 Trump hater. Baldwin is also hated by Patriots. ( Hegelian Dialectic set up )
Incident occurred on a movie set. ( controlled setting, no random witnesses )
Incident occurred in near Epstein Ranch. ( corrupt local Police and Officials )
Victim has ties to Pol Black Hats and a highly suspect IG page.
Victim was quickly identified as a potential Russian Spy.
Prop gun vs. Real gun // Blanks vs. Bullets narrative ( these arguments draw in gun enthusiasts )
MSM is giving it blanket coverage. If Halyna Huntchins ( Heather Hyer, remember her? Cabal loves HH ) was a white hat being rubbed out, it would not get such heavy Press and Baldwin would not have been the trigger man.
My two cents.
If it was a LARP the victim would be fake person with barely a scratch made in the internet.
Such as Richard Russell the baggage handler that stole the plane. Barely there.
Ashli Babbitt.
Tiffany Dover the magical fainting nurse
Halyna Hutchins is a whole different ball game. She's got a big presence on the internet, and a lawyer for a husband and a child. She's not going to go into hiding for the rest of her life so the Deep State can have a little larp for a day.
Unless she is a black hat and she was told to by higher ups. By the way, did we ever figure out where the passengers of Flights 93 and 77 ended up including Barbara Olson, CNN Mockingbird and wife of Ted Olson of Bush v. Gore fame?
Again.. this story is sucking all the air out of the room in the MSM and you're hung up on a single detail.
In fact, this story is meaningless in the overall scope of things, even if it is real.
LARP for a DAY ?? LOL no buddy... this is going to be BLOWN UP and will get OJ level coverage from the MSM. Did you notice that the Laundrie / Petito LARP just wrapped up a few days ago?
Some theorize that Barbara Olson had plastic surgery and came back as Ted’s new wife
I remember seeing that.
I am?
Because I made one guess in one comment and called it a guess?
yeah... exactly. you said it could not be a LARP because she has an internet presence...
That is a single detail, and it's not very relevant.
If you want to believe it isn't relevant, go ahead.
Wait, what? So, Ashli Babbit isn’t really Ashli Babbit and isn’t really dead?
Nope, I'm convinced there is no such person, and that is why there are no charges against her murderer. That is why all the people standing next to her didn't run away when she was 'shot in the neck'. That is why the person filming made sure to catch the gun, and turn it towards just at the right time to catch her getting shot, but not running away.
The film was a joke. They screwed it up by never considering we might question it.
She she spent 7 years in the air force huh? Wow we've heard so much from her Air Force buddies. And she was big in the MAGA movement, huh? We've heard so much from her MAGA friends, right?
It's all BS. A stunt probably filmed on a different day. The idea is that we would make Ashli our rallying cry as we turn on law enforcement in defense of liberty! They always desperately try to turn us into the people that they are telling everyone we are.
BLM tries to turn us into white supremacists by looting, burning, killing and tearing down statues. They are desperately trying to make us angry, resentful and hateful. They have not succeeded so they try to make fake hate crimes. It is pathetic.
That is also why they are being so inhumane to the 1/6 prisoners. They are trying to force us into being what they've been telling everybody we are.
I watched a livestream of the "shooting". This is deadass what happened. My wife and I both said "that looks like pro wrestling levels of fake" blood packet and all. They followed zero Priority 1 trauma care, and even paraded her tits in front of all the msm cameras to the "ambulance". Theater.
Hmm. I find it interesting that Q had us thinking Red October for years now, and here we are in October and the star of that movie makes news shooting a Russian who graduated AFI in cinematography same year Trump announces Presidential run. The phrase, "your watching a movie" takes on a new meaning when something this strange happens with this assortment of people. We live in a world where the inauguration had blips and timing issues, Biden has plastic parts flaking off his face, and an absolutely comical cast of characters in his cabinet. Means, motive, opportunity: whatever is running this show has all three.
This. One trillion percent.
Good one.... “How many coincidences...?”
DOES SOMEONE NEED A NEWSCYCLE DISTRACTION TO SOME OTHER TREACHERY? My caps lock has a child safety feature I disabled.
I am glad that people challenge stuff. This is what we need to do to combat Fake News.
Haha, they are calling her that? All the more reason she is probably white hat if you ask me!
She was identified on this board, yesterday. Is it true? Poster claimed Google had immediately scrubbed related links.
oooooo.... more intrigue !!!!
this is how the misdirection happens
It was all speculation basedon that she came from Ukraine and she was a investigative journalist before this.
Yeah... and it went right to the top of the board.
That's why I labeled it a 'red flag'.
Haha word play, nice.
No I meant it literally. Stickied posts look red right, I assumed you were referring to that - that someone stickied it and set it straight to the top.
gotcha... I stumbled into that one, I guess. lol
Everything about it feels fake. The poor victim is a fucking freemason and her Instagram proves it. There's a shitload of symbolism, especially one eye. So even if the story is real and she's dead, good.
Oh crap - another HH = 88 a la Heather Heier (Charlottesville). By jove, I do think you are correct Ian. And I noticed last night Zorro and this ranch are only an hour apart.
Here’s some conspiracy for our theories..
her husband worked for the law firm that represented Sussman earlier this year..
Probably just a coincidence..
Your post is really hitting some important highlights, thanks. Not sure LARP is the right word, but I appreciate the connections you have made here.
Or intentional to put one more nail in gunowner’s abilities
Here's a theory: (tongue in cheek) Maybe this whole thing was created to create more "divisiveness" as can be witnessed by reading this thread........
distraction from... something? ghislaine maxwell list was supposed to be out?
There is a long list of things the MSM and the DS don't want to be talking about right now and this sensational event gives them a huge 'story' to spoon feed the masses and avoid real reporting for weeks, if not months.
I like the thought process. Just trying to kick the can a bit. Wasnt the husband relatively new to the firm? I'm more intrigued into Halyna's journalism. I cant seem to find any of her work. All searches are coming back to this event. I feel like they are trying to bury something.
I do agree the story is being blown out of proportion yet again and has no real relevance to us here. Whether or not it's fake, I mean you bring up some valid points. At this point we can agree it's either murder or fake, but regardless we here don't need to be spending any more time on it.
Tough for victim to hide on imdb if she's dead and still working on a different movie
Speaking of Hollywood , maybe we can get a S ---T---R----E----T-----C-------H Limo for Ian
wait... so you think my take is a stretch but the MSM is feeding you a sensational story from a movie set with Alec Baldwin and you're taking it at face value ?
I dont have to take their story at face value to realize that WHATEVER the story is that you will come up with the wildest version possible and swear that is what happened.....
Its just comical , thats all.
no, clown boy.. you're comical
I'm saying NOTHING HAPPENED, you jackass. The MSM is presenting the wildest version and all the bullshit side narratives that serve as a classic FF distraction event.
lol....keep em coming .....
Bro as much as you come up with wild stories based on a clue or 2 I guess you are bound to be right from time to time.
you are a clown, bro.
Here is all my wild stories:
Now look at your pathetic contributions to this sub and read your snarky shitbaggery.
clown boy
LOL, your stretch limo is ready pal