Is the point to drag you through the courts and then use a class action loss as precedent?
To get rid of all the free thinkers in any industry and have a legion of cowardly faggot normies?
How do they justify this garbage?
Is the point to drag you through the courts and then use a class action loss as precedent?
To get rid of all the free thinkers in any industry and have a legion of cowardly faggot normies?
How do they justify this garbage?
The employers justify it by saying "bUt biDaN tOLd mE to dO iT".
So a mandate holds more weight than the constitution? Does the constitution defend us against this trash? I honestly don't know lol
It would if our courts weren't corrupt.
This! Also illegal to provide immunity to big pharma. You cannot legislate someone’s rights away.
Lawsuits as far as the eye can see. Fuck you! Fire me!
Don't sign any exit papers as they typically have language that waives your rights to sue
Criminals can work, so can rapists, murderers, people with aids, people with cancer, people with incurable and transmissible diseases....
But somehow cant let perfectly normal and healthy people work. Because its THEM who are the real danger.. hundreds and hundreds of years of data of non-covid vaccinated people living out their lives and posing no risk to anybody.. Better ignore that though.
No medical or legal reason. Its purely terrorism, in the same way that pointing a gun at someone on a ledge and ordering them to jump and threatening to shoot them if they dont.
Fire at will state:> "NoN CompliAnce" CDC and TV told them so...also massive fines from osha......thats the Weasle out of it....Fucking cock suckers this govment is
They'll use the old BS line: "bU- bUt It'S oUr PoLiCy"
Big corporations make decisions based on calculated the legal costs and penalties. Very much like how the decide to recall a dangerous product or steal patented designs.
“AcTiOnS HaVE conseQuences”
But seriously, I have no idea. I have seen far less overturned in courts for not following established protocol yet the FDA pulls this comniraty shit out of thin air. Never mind everything else is under an EMERGENCY use authorization that we’re now 2 years into with no end in sight and the manufacturers doing everything they can to hide any long term safety info from being established.
Yeesh thats no good
Yeah, seems we lost this fight back in 1905.
That is fucked. No wonder they are so confident.
UK lost its grip in 1853:
Legally, no one can force you to take an experimental drug. Even if OSHA does hand down "orders" to our businesses, it's STILL not legal because the only legally authorized COVID shot isn't even available until next year. Doesn't matter if the FDA ruled the other Pfizer vaxx can be used interchangeably. That order can't and won't supercede the Nuremberg Code. The fact that no one has attempted to use this logic in a court of law astounds me. This could've all been quashed weeks ago, had someone been brave enough to sue their former employer after being fired for refusing the jab.
Good luck finding a lawyer who will take the case though. And then, the courts are so corrupt it is dismissed
Any reason. No reason. Absent a contract, there is no expectation of continued employment.
Tittle XXXL Clownworld
Safety violation