Ok everyone i have noticed alot of people saying this board is turning into patriot, this board no longer researchs or talks about Q, we no longer free think we are trapped in the box of our own ideas. So im curious what everyones thoughts are? How can we get back to Q research and discussion. Does anyone have any ideas for daily post we can do to get back to our foundation and continue to grow. The Q clock idea is good, great job to the frens doing that. Another idea is a Q question of the day. Q Ask alot of open questions we could all discuss to get to bottom of. Maybe now we have more info that will help connect things. Plus it will help newbies.
So does anyone have any more ideas. We got this guys. Love u all. God bless u
This is a great idea. Research into specific questions would be a huge boon to everyone, as well as a great resource for future reference.
I could have a specific title like:
QQOTD: blah blah blah.
To make it easier to search for using the absolute shit that is the search engine for this site.
As a specific example, from Q#5
Oh I like this idea. One that isnt really a question but should be addressed is the first post. I might make 1 for that to start and then go thru to find the question ones.
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here. The first part of the post is:
"Why is MS13 a priority"
Are you suggesting that because there is no question mark that it isn't a question?
It is 100% a question. Question marks don't make something a question, context does.
Oh sorry not the best with writing. No urs was absolutely a question. I agree it doesnt need a question mark. I was saying the first post about hilarys arrest should be addressed as well. It's not a direct question but does lead to newbies asking the same question. Why hasn't it happened or why does hilary appear to still be walking free
There are plenty of actual Q questions about Hillary that can be addressed.
There is merit in a linear progression perhaps, but a post about Hillary's arrest doesn't have to be a QQOTD. It can just be a post. If we keep QQOTDs to actual Q questions it keeps it focused, and helps categorize it for future reference.
Maybe it is Hillary singing the song. When does a caged bird sing?
"...the absolute shit that is the search engine for this site"
TOTALLY agree with this. To work around this, I've created a simple custom search engine that searches ONLY this site and works both on Desktops AND Mobile.
Yes, it's a Google custom search engine, but hey, Google already indexes this site - so who cares. It helps more than it hurts. Here's the link to it (maybe the mods would like to put this in the sidebar to be used in place of the shitty one already there? If not, no worries, but it works):
*Pro Tip: If you see ads in the results, then simply install an adblocker. Boom. Fresh, unaltered GAW search results every time.
So nice, thank you.
You're very welcome
I havent used but damn sure sounds like something than can be useful over here.
It really does help
I just used it. Pretty cool.
Glad you like it
Well, you already covered my thoughts, so +1 to the QQOTD.
To OP, I disagree with the submission statement and I guess i have been lucky to not see the complaints you cite. But I also tend to outright ignore that kind of thing when I do see it. Regardless, more Q "focused" content can't be a BAD thing, I just feel like we're riding the waves as they come fairly well. I'm all for what you suggest, just giving you my take so you know not everyone is displeased.
Oh thanks for that. I'm not displeased at all either. I think this site is awesome. We are riding waves as they come in. I have noticed some people saying this though so just brainstorming ideas to get discussions flowing. I in no way meant to say this board is anything but amazing,
(repurposing a comment from elsewhere) Mods support this. We need dedicated users to make high effort, high quality posts, with high quality discussion like we have in this and several other threads recently. The mods will sticky this content ALL DAY. 😎 But, I know we sound like a broken record occasionally, but not every Q discussion post resonates with the events at hand sometimes and attracts that. But, keep it up. This is HIGH ENERGY ⚡.
Glad u like the idea. I will be sure to keep it up. Thanks for all u guys do keep up all the good work much love. God bless
I'll say this. This post, at first glance, makes sense. Here's where I think you and I differ, and maybe where I'm at mentally is not necessarily where I should be. I like this forum because you guys aren't a bunch of depressed mopes like Patriots dot Win has become. I posted the same post on both sites related to how we interact with the vaccinated (somewhat Q related), and I got wildly different results. The people on this forum are believers in God, they are compassionate, and they seek to end the death grip of evil on our society. Patriots dot Win basically provides dank memes and sadness since January 20th, round about when I left them and found out about GAW. I'm on the fence about Q, there are many coincidents around Q that gives it much validity. There's also a lot of people talking out of their ass making it hard to believe it. Many events that cause excitement here, I tell my wife about (who is based), and at first, she was like, yeah, probably not, and after many things that have collectively let us down, where maybe we were over-ambitious about an event, has caused my wife to dislike this concept more and more. She believes this country is effed. And I really can't blame her. It's like, will the plan happen before it's too late? At what point is winning the war worth it. For these reasons I ride the fence. I hope this place harbors people like me still, and I think there's a lot of us here who are tired of Patriots dot Win, but maybe aren't fully Q'd. [I have watched a lot of Q proofs]
Perhaps, any post created should have a line on why the post is Q-related?
Can u expand please
Like, when someone makes a post, say it's vaccinations, in the post they should describe in what way this is related to Q, either a post or something, and If they can't well, then the post should be flagged as off-topic, meta, or something else.
a couple of thoughts...teachers are supposed to connect their lessons to certain standards, so they cite the state standards with each lesson.
I think we need something like this, maybe reference which drop we're talking about, or which Q theme it meets. like "Future Proves Past" "Enjoy the Show" etc.
just so we know the person put some thought and attention into their post.
The posts I don't like are the ones telling us what to think, say, do etc. Just the facts please.
There's Q research coming in every day. I think we need to make sure we're up-dooting it and only the very best hype content.
Only up-doot subpar hype content on PDW.
Only sticky hype and news if it's Q related.
If we are trapped in a box of ideas, we need to examine what that box is and why we are going round and round in it. Are we taking things literally that we shouldn't, or vice-versa? Are we drifting into consensus think or looking for new angles, or connections? Are people with odd views shunned or are their ideas examined to see if some way they could work?
1.Q clock 2. Deltas 3. Time stamps / video length 4. Headlines / names (news unlocks the map) 5. Follow the drops from the beginning ( circle back ) Just Some ideas for things to look at. I only have a phone so I'm limited to how deep i can dig. I'm also deplorable and not very smart.
A sticky for the daily q post anniversary?
Maybe another sticky for daily potential q team quotes. A collection of Instagram, Twitter, etc posts from folks like: Scavino Miller Jr Ratcliffe Flynn Macenany
Feel free to add more!
I think the Q posts taught us to think for ourselves and not just believe what we are told. I think the posts on this board don’t necessarily need to relate back to Q posts but they need to highlight real news / truth and point out the fabrication. It’s even better if people can find relationships between things by connecting the dots that might not be obvious. A big part of Q was pointing us to truth.
I agree with everything u said. This would be in between the breaking news type post. It would be a way we could all grow better at understanding and sharing Q type things to others. It is also a really good way to start discussions and re motivate people.
I think if we want the board to die we should definitely limit it more
Who said limit?
All of the dedicated Q researchers are researching GameStop, LoopRing, NFTs, Citadel, Evergrande, the SEC, the DTCC, etc. over at the GME subreddits now.
There is no more Q research, we are in the dark. If we were able to solve anything during the crucial operations, so would the enemy. Think, why else has no explosive revelation come from our community since the GME saga began?
The focus right now should be on the Short Hedge Funds and how the stock market has been manipulated but is about to implode right now. This is the biggest way they've kept normal people from making money while they profit and loan our shares multiple times over.
They're caught right now and there is about to be the largest transfer of wealth in history.
Of course none of the researchers are focused on Q anymore, those who are out of the loop need to seriously catch up to the current research. I don't see nearly enough people discussing these things or even how they relate to Q and the plan anymore.
Did everyone here miss the newly elected Republican governor straight up admitting on Twitter recently that she also has diamond hands and also HODLS?
I disagree Q should very much be discussed above all things. The rest should be support. What u said is important. It all ties back to the Q movement. We should get back to basics so in the future we can properly be there for all the newbies. I dont think we are in the dark I feel people r just looking at stuff thru a lens as oppose to with a fresh mind.
Weird, I think Jesus should be discussed above all things.
But in this Q related sub, by far the biggest Q related thing going on right now is largely not even discussed here.
Most people have no idea what’s going on with GME here and that’s super sad.
It’s no wonder people think nothing is going on. The important happenings aren’t even discussed here anymore.
Your proposition and insistence honestly sounds pretty cultish to me. There’s more than just going over old Q posts.
Trust me I talk about Jesus above all. But this is a great awakening Q board. Most the Jesus talks can take place in c/christianity. Idk what ur talking about that stuff gets discussed. We just dont need 100 different post with everyones opinion. Most the people that talk about that stuff want to create there own post and it gets drowned out because it's not high energy. I'm all for the stuff u mentioned we just need high energy post. Q research and free thinking should be the foundation. I agree there is more going on but it's all heavily tied to the drops. Plus knowing what we now know maybe there is more to learn. I dont get how that sounds cultish. U should try to get out of that trapped thinking itd the wh0le purpose of Q. Learn to think outside ur current way of thinking
Wait... you're seriously going to accuse me of being in "trapped thinking" for calling you out on only wanting to discuss Q above all else? You're literally reinforcing cult-like behavior, and I don't appreciate the gaslighting attempt to get me to tow your line.
Maybe you need to be reminded of the name of this forum, and its very first rule:
"This is The Great Awakening. Our community is international, focused on helping ourselves and others walk away from the programming, and return our governments to "by the people, for the people!""
I don't think you're putting in any effort at all to understand what I've tried to tell you today through these few comments of mine.
If you want to deflect from literally the biggest Q/Great-Awakening related event that deals with a total transfer of wealth from the rulers of the world, and instead insist on me needing to learn to think outside of how I currently am, I have nothing to say to help you.
Your attitude is exactly why me and many others have gravitated away from Q-related forums.
See I didnt say that ur mis quoting me. I said Q was the foundation. I already agreed your topics were important. The outside of the box thing was me saying why cant we do both u are getting to hyper focused on one area. The Q drops cover alot of stuff that connects to the things u mentioned. Please let me kbow how anything I have said turned anyone away. Simply saying we should re examine Q drops as well. Have a nice day u completely miss read my OP and inserted your view as fact.
"Q should very much be discussed above all things."
"This is The Great Awakening. Our community is international, focused on helping ourselves and others walk away from the programming, and return our governments to "by the people, for the people!""
"Keep posts related to topics Q has raised OR THAT ARE CURRENT."
This isn't a Q exclusive sub. We don't worship Q. There is more to research than Q.
I'm not putting any more energy in arguing with a dishonest and ego-driven individual that can't argue coherently. If you want this to be a Q cult, then keep on with your insistence.
And no... Jesus is the foundation. For a supposed Christian you sure do make a lot of blatantly blasphemous statements.
How is that blasphemy. I have peace in ky heart from Christ. Have a good day ur in my prayers
U are aware u can atart a post on the topics u talked about right?
Research misprision while you're researching Q posts.
Oh this is a good one. This would fit in the daily Q clock post idea perfectly. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.