There are people moving from the believe the lying ass media camp to those who know the media are lying assholes. But there is nobody going the other way.
They can only lose power we can only gain it. They are doomed.
I'm actually surprised at what I'm seeing on my socials. I have a few friends that I've always known are like minded, they have been flooding with everything they have.
I am seeing a LOT of people who I never would have thought are now dropping red pill bombs on FB and IG constantly. Reading the comments always proves to be a good feeling as well.
Seems to me lately like once one person in a group / circle starts, others feel safe to express their views as well.
The only division they've succeeded in creating is between the sane and the insane.
It comes down to 2 types of people
Those who believe the lying ass media
Those who know the media are lying assholes
There are people moving from the believe the lying ass media camp to those who know the media are lying assholes. But there is nobody going the other way.
They can only lose power we can only gain it. They are doomed.
I'm actually surprised at what I'm seeing on my socials. I have a few friends that I've always known are like minded, they have been flooding with everything they have.
I am seeing a LOT of people who I never would have thought are now dropping red pill bombs on FB and IG constantly. Reading the comments always proves to be a good feeling as well.
Seems to me lately like once one person in a group / circle starts, others feel safe to express their views as well.
The line has been drawn, and Humanity is quickly choosing sides. Choose wisely.
Zuby is based.
RIGHT. The more I see of his tweets the more obvious it is. Dude knows his shit.
Is he a rapper or some type of musician? I see zubymusic. I only know him from his tweets.
Yes he is a rapper. I love this man
I am a woman. Crushes weightlifting competition. Ok im a man again. -zuby
They are trying to create mass compliance. Not division.
This is how you know we are winning.
those that love their television more than reality.
My red pills are landing left and right.
No longer am I seen negatively - but as a reluctant person who spoke when nobody would.
They get that there was nothing in it for me and I did it out of love.
Informed and willfully misinformed, or propagandized
doesn't he speak about 'hearing us out' and knowing exactly what we thing about what?
Same with the Maxwell case!!!