…if they support “bodily autonomy” and “liberty” for the infant then wouldn’t that also guarantee such freedoms for everybody? Seems like a win-more win sitch.
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LOL "vaxofascism"
That's a good one
I would like it better if the Supreme Court ruling determined when a person develops "rights", including the right to life.
Usually, the earliest a baby can survive is about 22 weeks gestation. The age of viability is 24 weeks... so isn't that when they should have full rights as an American citizen?
“A 16-month-old Alabama boy who weighed less than a pound when he was born at 21 weeks and one day has set a world record — being named the most premature infant to survive, according to Guinness World Records.”
Then move the line back to that. But still. There needs to be a line. And I can't get behind conception as that line.
Viability is not a defining characteristic of personhood. Someone on dialisis or in the ICU on lifesupport is not "viable" on their own (they rely on someone else or something to be able to live) yet we all agree they are still a person while in this dependent and often helpless state. A child in the womb is fully a person at 22 weeks or 24 weeks or any other time it depends on mother.
According to Roe, that's exactly when the right to the mother's bodily autonomy gets overridden by the child's right to life.
I know it's not popular here but I have to agree.
HOPE springs, eternal.
Shortened from hope springs eternal in the human breast, a quote from An Essay on Man (1734) by Alexander Pope.
The feeling of hopefulness endlessly renews itself
This certainly exposes the hypocrisy of the left if nothing else. And it is It is exciting that the left is about to have their collective (of course) faces rubbed in the blatant contradiction they have engineered.
The court needs to reestablish "my body; my choice' with the understanding that the developing child is a body who can't exercise their choice and therefore needs to be protected.
I wouldn’t think hold your breath. I Don’t think the SC has the fortitude/backbone o overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Read it again, closely.
I hope so. Unfortunately, you can probably expect to hear the decision next June..
But the 'rona is an emergency !
That's their excuse to override bodily autonomy.
Could it make sense for there to be an emergency to override the gov’t?
It depends who defines what and what isn't an emergency.
The globalists grabbed the initiative first calling the 'rona a pendemic.
The white hats have to abide by the current set of laws.
They just have to appear that way sometimes.