DECEMBER 6, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Biden said that he was going to “beat the virus,” but instead, the virus has beaten him—and badly. Far more people died this year than last, despite tremendous help from vaccines and therapeutics developed under “Trump.” He said anybody with his results should leave office. Well Joe, what are you waiting for!
Gee. Maybe they’re dying from the JAB.
Someone make this make sense.
“Anyone who uses discernment Or questions anything is a SCHILL!”
"ProPatriaMori is failing to read any of the 1000s of comments we make regularly about this very subject. Instead they make stupid posts and then write pissy quotes when rightfully called out"
“Don’t even mention a new development or we’ll call you out! Don’t ask for help to make it make sense or we’ll call your post stupid and pissy.” Sheeple come in all colors, even red, white and blue.
What is this important new development youre enlightening us about? All I see is you refusing look up something we constantly talk about and don't give a shit about anymore.
Yes war is hard, people die, stop being lazy.
The actual statement dated today. Of course I’ve seen the theories here as to why he tells us to get jabbed. None that I’ve seen make sense to me. Lazy. That’s funny. If you only knew...
look - this post again
Same as his endorsements...they're wrong on purpose to Jumpstart critical thinking within the herd of sheep.
Trump is tying the noose tighter for Biden and the Dems. If people can't see it then they need to stick to pre school coloring books haha.
Anyone realize how fast they are manufacturing this vaxx and boosters during a supply chain crises. They aren't manufacturing it. They already had it and Trump played them and their greed by forcing them to bring it out. I personally believe they expected Trump to use the insurrection act and send the military after them. So they decided to release the death jab and Blame Trump if he remained in office for the faulty jab. Then when he left peacefully They can't even mention he created the jab......yet. That's going to be their last card.
Rockefeller patents......member?
Indeed on the supply front.
We know about the patents, but I can't shake the feeling that there's another layer here too. I think someone manufactured something so toxic (to the Earth) that the only place it can be put is into humans.
I can't explain where this idea comes from, it's a 'knowing'. All I can do is try to de-bunk this 'knowing' from my ego, and it seems to fit a lot of the picture. We are relatively exceptional toxin filters. If disposal of this toxin directly would be on the order of a ELE, it would make sense to inject it into humans for both 'safer' disposal and shift the culling to the demand side of the ecosystem. It would also explain a lot of the bullcrap/holes in their narrative, as well as the seemingly incomprehensible push for 100% getting the shot. It would fit with the 3 different pfizer vials...saline, experiment, toxin dump. Not much value to rambling on and on...but something to keep in mind, maybe some more threads lead in this direction as time goes on.
If you read that and think "He is praising vaccines", you have a lot of catching up to do fren.
Would you say vaccines are a tremendous help? He did. I think we’d say the opposite.
If you understand whats really going on in the world, you will udnerstand why the vaccines are a tremendous help. Hint: Not for stopping "covid"
Yes, they’re a tremendous help for killing people.
The enemy we are fighting has been entrenched for centuries. They work with patience, with singular determination to enslave us, and at a glacial speed.
When Russia opposed the creation of a UN in 1815 congress of Vienna, the Cabal bided time, took 100 years, created federal reserve, instigated the Great War, funded the Bolsheviks - all so they can take revenge and destroy not just the Tsar and his family, but also millions of Russians. This is just one example. You can find hundreds of them in the history, each time they bide their time for decades slowly making their move which is barely perceptible to people.
Yeah, taking down an evil like that is a full scale war, just not kinetic. And yeah, lots of people will die, but its the price for waking up humanity and saving humanity.
No, not everyone who took the vaccines will die. From the current estimate based on VAERs analysis, looks like 0.5% of the batches are kill shots. The rest suffer long term damage, but I am pretty sure that there will be technology available that will heal them in due time.
original plan called for ww3 where we lost. research what people do to woman and children during wartime. What people do to each other. and it all would have been rigged. Battle of Stalingrad times 1000. I'll take the threat of losing my career and watching people without discernment get cardiac issues. Yes kids are gonna be forced to get it by shitty parents. but again better than growing up in a war torn dystopia. They never thought she'd lose.
Trump is sticking to the Operation Warp Speed script. Not enough normies have awakened yet. OWS is what caused the Cabal's timelines to be accelerated and to implode. Thus, it allowed many of us to recognize their evil plan.
What is totally fascinating is how little Q says about vaccines, especially these covid vaccines.
We have 4250 from the announcement of Warp Speed.
And we have 4285 that is pointing at three links. One about China trying to patent remdisvir. Two about Gates and his vaccine initiative.
And recently we have Gates essentially saying these vaccines don’t meet his criteria, that a new approach is needed.
Don’t know what to make of it all.
Trump won't stop until every media outlet is screaming "Trumps vax is killing people!" ... at which point it's game over for Fauci, Gates, Pfizer, Moderna...
Trump will save the day. Just watch! He's got it all planned out (rubs hands together like birdman)🤣
Rather then wait patiently in our homes while they dicked around for 5 years only to release the same vaccine we deal with now? As it stands history will show they had millions of doses already in stock for some reason, weird right? Then Faucci shits on HCQ and Ivermectin and one of deep states embedded twerps was just revealed yesterday as having not followed thru on Trump's request that HCQ be used and sabotaged the effort. So it seems the vaccine has a problem however it doesn't kill quite as many people as they hoped, hence the need for booster shot after booster shot as the far as they are concerned forever if need that isn't Trumps fault in any way shape or form. They released something and it didn't kill the world, Trump offered a Vaccine and other options that as history has shown...he didn't all was all there out in the open. Our current path according to Joe and Tony is however vax vax vax and that's not Trumps fault either. Make better sense now if only just a little bit?
“Gee maybe they are dying from the jab.” I don’t think that’s a question.
Is it better to bury our heads in the sand and pretend he doesn’t tell us to go get jabbed?