check this post... Norman_F_Dixon (now under a ban by mods) started an interesting thread and I added a comment of mine from 22 Oct 2020 where Q drops and Trump tweets sync up around # 17 of Q and Trump tweets
jabber, just finished this over on another post... ends up being kind of a future proves past proves future ... or something like that anyway... it came up trying to find a screen shot of that Q board post in may that was signed B but Jim Watkins did a gab video about it. i think you will find it interesting in a 17 rabbit hole kind of way
17 to be exact
What are the chances!
How many coincidences before it's not coincidental? 😎
Edit: LOL @ whoever felt it necessary to actually downvote this :p LMAO
One of the posts even says 'Do you believe in coincidences?'
check this post... Norman_F_Dixon (now under a ban by mods) started an interesting thread and I added a comment of mine from 22 Oct 2020 where Q drops and Trump tweets sync up around # 17 of Q and Trump tweets
That was indeed an interesting thread! Do you think this tweet is in sync too?
Any idea why Norman_F_Dixon is under a ban?
Mods are pozzed, this is total bullshit. I'm pissed. Sounds like we have a [DS] shill in the mod group.
Why would they ban him for that? I mean it was a bit wordy, but I like his writing style, but then again sarcastic wit is a favorite of mine.
Thanks for sharing. I always look forward to reading Norman_F_Dixon. Intelligent person for sure. I was shocked to hear of the ban.
Said "Qtard" too many times... which is stupid. I wear Qtard like a badge of honor. Irrelevant name calling changes nothing.
Christian used to be a derogatory term. You know what the Christians did? They owned it... and we see how that resulted.
This community would do far better embracing the term. I myself even go so far as to identify as a Super Qtard.
Wow, that sucks.
"Mind of no mind" meet mod of no mod.
jabber, just finished this over on another post... ends up being kind of a future proves past proves future ... or something like that anyway... it came up trying to find a screen shot of that Q board post in may that was signed B but Jim Watkins did a gab video about it. i think you will find it interesting in a 17 rabbit hole kind of way
The post
the jim watkins gab video
the comment
this is what i learned from norman...
communication is 85% visual 15% percent aural
Jim Watkins about the B post to the Q board
sip of covfefe from a red cup with 3 white stripes
"it looks like"
"could have been his (Q) password"
sip of covfefe from a red cup with 3 white stripes
"there were 20 (global volunteers) now there are 11 (so...9)
"how many people have actually bought 8 kun coffee. (9 + 8 = you know)
sip of covfefe from a red cup with 3 white stripes
"pretty darn sure that B is not Q so..."
"99% sure that"
"its probably laughing man"
written by
who also wrote this
that this guy read a lot
before he did this
on the day before this in history
and, well, that's like / today for another hour where i am.
norman gets in you head and you just have to go the beach or the mountains to get him out.
as norman says
just sayin.