How about diabetes from being overweight or STD's from having unprotected sex? There are dozens of medical issues that are the result of an individual's actions, why single out Covid? How about the folks that get Covid after being vaccinated? Let's analyze what they did in their private life that caused them to be infected and deny them care as well. This is obviously ridiculous and unworkable. These people are truly insane.
They can introduce the bill and it'll fire up their lunatic base as the tweet shows, but it's blatantly illegal. These are also the same people who went on for years and years about demanding insurance cover preexisting conditions.
'pay for their hospital treatment if they catch covid'...
Happy to pay 0 and sleep it off at home while keeping up with the vitamins, fluids and simple healthy meals. Of course, the vaxxed must also pay full price for their injuries for the same reason... people careless enough to shoot up with poison that rots their heart, clots their arteries and wipes out their immune system should not be able to burden society with their self-inflicted wounds!
And just like that, suddenly you have a legit health care system that doesn't punish the sane, prudent and disciplined while rewarding idiots, gluttons, and degenerates.
I've had $50,000 worth of hospital bills that I blew off about 10 years ago. They call and write for awhile, then they sell it to a collections agency that can't prove why you owe that money, so just keep ignoring them and they'll eventually stop calling and you can write the credit reporting agencies and ask them to "provide full documentation regarding the circumstances surrounding the release of your credit report" - in which they most likely won't answer and will have to remove it off your credit report. Free healthcare!
Wouldn't this be the responsibility of your insurance company? Doesn't seem to me the state has jurisdiction here. How could the same insurance provider have different rules in different states?
Now do that for abortions too.
Leftoid mentality on display:
unvaxxed+covid = take responsibility for your actions and pay for services
unprotected+pregnancy = we don't have to take responibility for our actions and you pay for our services.
How about diabetes from being overweight or STD's from having unprotected sex? There are dozens of medical issues that are the result of an individual's actions, why single out Covid? How about the folks that get Covid after being vaccinated? Let's analyze what they did in their private life that caused them to be infected and deny them care as well. This is obviously ridiculous and unworkable. These people are truly insane.
They can introduce the bill and it'll fire up their lunatic base as the tweet shows, but it's blatantly illegal. These are also the same people who went on for years and years about demanding insurance cover preexisting conditions.
That's why even bringing blatantly illegal legislature should be grounds for automatic dismissal with no recourse.
Wow. Imagine if they said this about obesity.
Or how about vagcine companies do the same.
i like how OSHA WILL mandate vaccines,
but OSHA WILL NOT keep track of lost-time injuries for OSHA mandated vaccines.
because, get this,
Because keeping track of OSHA lost-time recordable injuries for vaccines, might somehow be misconstrued into "anti-vaccine misinformation"
I'd drive my Ivermectin wagon through that State and earn some praise.
Sorry, two tiered systems like this are directly against the Constitution, little leftist whore.
'pay for their hospital treatment if they catch covid'...
Happy to pay 0 and sleep it off at home while keeping up with the vitamins, fluids and simple healthy meals. Of course, the vaxxed must also pay full price for their injuries for the same reason... people careless enough to shoot up with poison that rots their heart, clots their arteries and wipes out their immune system should not be able to burden society with their self-inflicted wounds!
And just like that, suddenly you have a legit health care system that doesn't punish the sane, prudent and disciplined while rewarding idiots, gluttons, and degenerates.
I've had $50,000 worth of hospital bills that I blew off about 10 years ago. They call and write for awhile, then they sell it to a collections agency that can't prove why you owe that money, so just keep ignoring them and they'll eventually stop calling and you can write the credit reporting agencies and ask them to "provide full documentation regarding the circumstances surrounding the release of your credit report" - in which they most likely won't answer and will have to remove it off your credit report. Free healthcare!
Too bad those retarded faggots wouldn't do the same and pay for China germ gene therapy injuries.
On top of that they take away cheap and effective remedies.
Chicago being Chicago
The sponsor for this bill has already said he’s decided not to pursue it. Apparently he was getting threats. Trump's crime against our Nation and the whole of humanity!
They won't go to the hospital.
And they WILL survive without it.
Wouldn't this be the responsibility of your insurance company? Doesn't seem to me the state has jurisdiction here. How could the same insurance provider have different rules in different states?