Assenge and Wikileaks was taken down in Oct of 2016. Look back for articles when Pamela Anderson visited the embassy prior to Assenge being removed from the light. WH have Assenge and BH have control of the website. 17 revealed some secrets and confirmed the suspicions. Assenge role is to introduce evidence. How wiki got DNC email. SR which start pizza. It was a wild time on Reddit seeing PG redpills being dropped. And watching Reddit admin in real-time delete post.
What if it's the UK government that is after Assange... Julian had a huge hand in Trump's first election and yet he still didn't pardon him along with Bannon and the list of others. I think the extradition is to protect him from bad actors in the UK.
Somebody.. help me see this as good news. They are obviously going to lock up Assange (but not at a supermax, and not on 17 charges).
I see this as a loss for whistleblowers
The way to look at it is this.
If Q is real, Assange is not at risk.
If Q isn't real, Assange is at risk.
So if you think Q is real, it's good news.
This was a huge hole in Q for many skeptics - and fair enough it was a real hole.
“June eta” bothered me for a long long time.
How do you legally introduce evidence? Exactly. Patriots are in control.
Assenge and Wikileaks was taken down in Oct of 2016. Look back for articles when Pamela Anderson visited the embassy prior to Assenge being removed from the light. WH have Assenge and BH have control of the website. 17 revealed some secrets and confirmed the suspicions. Assenge role is to introduce evidence. How wiki got DNC email. SR which start pizza. It was a wild time on Reddit seeing PG redpills being dropped. And watching Reddit admin in real-time delete post.
Crying. This was not even THAT long ago. So much has happened. Really at warp speed!
Reddit admins are chinese puppets.
A major loss for whistleblowers, integrity and real journalism.
What if it's the UK government that is after Assange... Julian had a huge hand in Trump's first election and yet he still didn't pardon him along with Bannon and the list of others. I think the extradition is to protect him from bad actors in the UK.