Gimme a few more weeks. Almost completely moved out of DC. Then let er rip. JK a lot of friends and family here. We’re not all bad but a localized one in DC or Montgomery county would be nice. They won’t HAARP their own though.
East Tennessee here.... we got some of the residual high winds and rain, but nothing like West Tn and western KY. Praying for you guys. I actually experienced what you're talking about once out in eastern Washington state, agriculture land. One evening the sky turned cherry red and a hot wind blew for about an hour.... no storm, just a weirdness in the sky. Had never seen anything like that, and haven't since. Blessings on all of you.
Dude !!!!! I was there. I remember exactally what you are talking about. Me and my best bud were working in richland Wa. The sky started swirling and the air turned scary stormy. We headed home and got in his hot tub to watch the storm... . We were younger at that time and we said we are gonna ride this out no matter what in this hot tub. We closed the lid and we watched from the 1 ft opening we held up with our heads. While the rain and hail pelted us. Right when the clouds began to swirl and what we thought was a tornado coming down.... boom..... nothing. It just stopped. And within 30 min the sun was back out.. weirdest thing I have ever encountered.
Who's little playground ? Haarp? I've lived there my whole life. The weather is darn near perfect. Windy. But nothing that would insinuate that it's a Haarp playground. Why would you suggest that ?
I've worked out on the site for years. I was just commenting on the weather thing. I've sat at the bar with old timers who say they ran dumptrucks out of the mountains (hills) for years on end back in the day. So yeah. It's got fishy business going on. But The weather isn't manipulated here.
They have been Chem spraying like a mother fucker here in Rhode Island/Providence area......I do not know if they use chem spray for thermal manipulation, or climate. But it has been a warm December thus far......And wet as hell even for this time of year. Something big is going the water? Has me thinking what are they playing with out at Canary Island, or larger yet all volcanic zones. Things are certainly getting pretty interesting. How to you stop a massive civiil unrest??? Climate change Tsunami that kills the whole east coast seems a good start no?
East TN here too, and yes, I've noticed the same thing. Most days now quite a few contrails in the sky. Weird. Just biding my time, waiting for the Great Reckoning.
Hey BanjoMan! Ok, it’s 10 AM and we got a perfectly blue sky here on Sunday. I keep an eye on the skies as I spend most of my time outdoors…I’ll update here if they start spraying. Remember contrails disappear fairly quickly behind jet engines, whereas chemtrails don’t disappear. They spread out creating a silverish haze and if they spray heavy the trails blend together creating “cloud” cover. 👍🏽
It's now 10:23 and I'm looking out my sunroom're right, clear blue skies. Thanks for the clarification / classification of the contrails / chemtrails difference. Never thought about it that much but I will keep that in mind. West Knox County here, and thanking the Good Lord that I was born and raised and live in God's country.
Hope not. I don't want to die. I'm right on the water. 5 minute drive.
Also the sky in southeastern mass was doing this weird light thing tonight around 10pm eastern. Almost looked like lightning except it was non thunder. Like lights going on and off in a house rapidly. My husband noticed it first because we were driving east and it was to the left of us.
About 1.5 weeks ago I noticed a weird thing in the night sky too. It looked like a shooting star in reverse. It was Going up and up leaving a trail of light stars behind it. I cant explain it and my picture is fuzzy because I was driving. It disappeared when it got really high up but it lasted like 5 minutes once I noticed it. Not sure if this is normal phenomena or not. I'm not a weather or astronomy enthusiast bit neither even was normal.
I've actually thought it's been colder windier than past years. I've actually turned heat on for the first time in Years and I like a 66 degree house normally.
Usually December can be freezing rain, sleet and snow up here...I been here my whole life, I remember as a younger man when my work depended on the weather....winters meant 0 work. I am seeing 60 degree days in winter right now.....And I have been noticing alot of oddities in the skies. But I have not been able to clearly see the sky here for a solid month. Every time I go out it's cloudy, and I have seen them spraying at night. Woke up to massive trails over the skies. Something is going on for sure. And I am close to the water too man....This is why I am researching this stuff now
Been here my whole life too. Se mass is a bit unique. We sometimes miss alot of weather events. Protected in the armpit lol.
RI can sometimes get hit with stuff we don't. But for my area it's felt colder. More normal like when I was a kid through teens.
Last few years I've kept my fall jacket on through the whole winter. October and November were cold. I broke out the winter gear and I run hot. Usually keep AC on in my car but I have the heat on in there too
At what point was "Patriots are in control" supposed to mean COMPLETE control. That was a gross assumption made by most here to take that phrase at it's most base form and assume it was meant to mean TOTAL control.
Patriots are in control... of the nuclear codes. Patriots are in control... of the positions in military that matter. Patriots are in control... of their destiny.
There are any number of conclusions that can be drawn from the phrase "Patriots are in control" beyond the base assumption of TOTAL control.
In regards to HAARP, that is still as I understand a theory and no verifiable proof exists aside from various anomalies. I am open to researching any sources you provide, but it's possible this anomaly is synchronous with end times events as well. Admittedly I am open to the idea, but I still have a hard time accepting the God would ever allow man to control the weather. I think it's more likely we can have some influences at times, but COMPLETE weather control? No. Not entirely convinced myself.
To answer your question, it is possible that if HAARP is real, it is still under the control of the DS. Remember, we're at war. They still have moves and assets.
these arrays are placed around the world, they work together. the energy they transmit upwards heats and lifts the ionosphere, propagating extremely low and very low frequency atmospheric waves, which moves the jet stream.
ground based NEXRAD antenna pulse microwaves and direct weather systems.
You guys need to clear your heads. The HAARP facility is in Alaska, half a continent away from these tornadoes. Jet streams are no higher than 16 km altitude, but the ionosphere begins at 50 km altitude. There is no connection, especially when there is huge geographical separation. This silliness is what happens when people do not understand something, and decide to fill in the empty space with their own suspicion and imagination.
The entire project has always been based around reflecting energy off the ionosphere. That’s how it can traverse long distances. Research and educate yourself.
No, it has been about energizing the ionosphere to understand its physics. The installation has extensive diagnostic sensors. In order to energize, the microwaves are absorbed. There's no way it can "travel" long distances, to anywhere. I learned plasma and magneto-hydrodynamic physics in grad school. The HAARP power level is about 5 megawatts...which corresponds to maybe 6,700 horsepower. Super-automobiles like the Bugatti Chiron and others approach 2,000 horsepower. Are you seriously thinking that this much power can alter weather?
First of all- magnetohydrodynamics has absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing.
Second of all- it’s 5 generators each at 2.9MW which is 14.5MW. You seem to think this is a trivial amount of energy for some reason. And obviously it can influence the weather as even extremely low energy exothermic reactants dispersed into the atmosphere can create storms. It’s a catalyst- not a bugatti with a fan attached to the motor 🤦♂️
Third- HAARP absolutely was designed to bounce off the ionosphere. This is why I told you to educate yourself before replying. Microwaves absorb into the ionosphere but long radio waves reflect. This is basic physics here. Where did you get the idea that the HAARP antennas exclusively broadcast 1 wavelength? Do you seriously think they would build a massive multimillion dollar electromagnetic emitter station and not have it be able to change wavelengths?
MHD is a more extensive application of plasma physics. My point was to indicate that I have an education in the subject. The ionosphere is all plasma.
I don't know where you get your information about power level, but HAARP's own website only claims 3.6 MW of transmit power. A megawatt is slightly more than a thousand horsepower. This is absolute peanuts compared to any weather phenomena, and there is no way that events in the ionosphere affect events in the troposphere.
No, HAARP was NOT designed to "bounce off the ionosphere." The power beam is absorbed by the ionosphere as heating...which is dissipated within minutes by the ionosphere's natural turbulence. By the way, antennas are designed for one wavelength, or a narrow wavelength band. Why is that? Because the antenna has to be a certain harmonic ratio with the wavelength for efficient transmission. I would say "this is basic physics here," but you have beat me to that punch line. And, yes, they would build a dedicated multi-million-dollar facility with a transmitter designed specifically to excite the ionosphere, if they were doing phenomenological research on the ionosphere. Why would you want to "change wavelengths" when that would confer no benefit to your research program?
What you have done here is to manufacture a fantasy of your own imagination and superimpose that on a facility whose purpose and technology you don't understand.
Notice hurricane season was a dud? What happened to the forest fires? DEW down? Multiple sites, methods and operations take time. The HAARP infrastructure has been built up starting in the 60s. A lot privately owned. Classified projects. Projects under cover of something else. It takes time to unwind.
While I do think haarp is real I have lived in the south most of my life and it has never been uncommon to have severe weather in the winter. We have high humidity and often change 30 degrees in a couple days or less time which creates great storm conditions.
Also might I point out that if patriots are in control they would have secured major weather modification. That's like saying patriots are in control but there are 15 missing nukes but don't worry it just a few nukes.
I think it is far more likely they use haarp to cause California droughts than to cause random pop up tornadoes at a moments notice.
We don't even know what HAARP is or capable of. "Controlling the weather" could simply be certain aspects. And I think it has more to do with influencing weather than actually manipulating and controlling it like one does a car or plane.
Patriots don't have control of all the nukes. Just the ones in the US.
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
All the way back in OT! Scripture says what has been shall be again! Maybe a different way but same affect!
Also read vs 6….plainly states where the knowledge comes from!
On a completely unrelated note I checked msm sites and I can't find a mention of Maxwell's trial anywhere. All weather and chivi news. Now they have a narrative for awhile. By the end of next week they will somehow link and blame pure bloods for the storms.
Not sure of the validity of it, but I remember reading somewhere that Tornados tend to target manmade (metal/concrete) structures more than naturally build structures (wood/forests/villages etc).
Revelation 11:18 (KJV)
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest >>>destroy them which destroy the earth.<<<
It doesn’t mean the weather didn’t happen it means HAARP made the weather happen! It Bibical! Read Hosea 8:7
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
These tornadoes were a false flag… confirmed the “residents” response to them today- “climate change”… thanks to HAARP. My mind cannot be changed at this point.
Here in middle Indiana, we had lots of rain, and it was like 60 degrees! In the middle of the night, in the middle of December, weird shit for sure. Actually had to take my coat off
No, all conversation and idea sharing is not reasonable, that is patently incorrect. Discussions regarding Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, and HAARP in any light except for amusement is most definitely not reasonable. Your motives for discussing such things here is also suspect, almost like attempting to smear us with guilt by association to tinfoil hatters. We have enough to deal with without having people believe that the government is making tornadoes in the mid west or that the earth is flat.
I disagree with you but won't deport you in return though because that is insanely childish, I'll debate you on merit and facts alone, it will suffice.
Read the rules, point 8, and i'll quote: "This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Visit if that's your thing!" This is definitely a fringe conspiracy.
Hate to break it to you oh Arbiter of the Truth, but in the conspiracy community the “HAARP as a weather/earthquake weapon” is mainstream and accepted for some decades now. It’s far from fringe.
"It’s far from fringe"... we aren't going to agree on this. I haven't told anyone what to think. Why the personal attacks "oh Arbiter of the Truth" and "Baghdad Bob"? I believe this is uncalled for.
Sorry yeah you didn’t tell anyone what to think, but instead what they are allowed and not allowed to discuss here.
That’s kind of an interesting thing to do considering how “fringe” most people view the entire Q thing as. You can’t even discuss Q in most conspiracy theory sites because a lot of them think Q is too fringe.
I am not debating anyone who thinks controlling narratives is a good idea esecially when they are linked to the primary topic of this forum. I am also not debating someone who can't make the difference between mythical creatures with no verifiable proof versus HAARP which does have some reasons for consideration given the weird anomalous weather and detailed research of many credible sources. Unless you can articulate why this specific subject is not productive and should not be discussed without lumping it into other dumb shit, you're just adding to the noise.
Translation: I am butthurt over something this user said, but I can't prove otherwise and have failed to trap them in a logical fallacy. Therefore I lash out with cynicism in a desperate cry for attention and piss poor attempt to discredit the anon.
Those tornadoes need to go to DC. Skip all the innocents and go right for the Swamp.
Gimme a few more weeks. Almost completely moved out of DC. Then let er rip. JK a lot of friends and family here. We’re not all bad but a localized one in DC or Montgomery county would be nice. They won’t HAARP their own though.
Don't forget NYC / Chicago / LA / Atlanta / Insert Big City Here.
East Tennessee here.... we got some of the residual high winds and rain, but nothing like West Tn and western KY. Praying for you guys. I actually experienced what you're talking about once out in eastern Washington state, agriculture land. One evening the sky turned cherry red and a hot wind blew for about an hour.... no storm, just a weirdness in the sky. Had never seen anything like that, and haven't since. Blessings on all of you.
Dude !!!!! I was there. I remember exactally what you are talking about. Me and my best bud were working in richland Wa. The sky started swirling and the air turned scary stormy. We headed home and got in his hot tub to watch the storm... . We were younger at that time and we said we are gonna ride this out no matter what in this hot tub. We closed the lid and we watched from the 1 ft opening we held up with our heads. While the rain and hail pelted us. Right when the clouds began to swirl and what we thought was a tornado coming down.... boom..... nothing. It just stopped. And within 30 min the sun was back out.. weirdest thing I have ever encountered.
Who's little playground ? Haarp? I've lived there my whole life. The weather is darn near perfect. Windy. But nothing that would insinuate that it's a Haarp playground. Why would you suggest that ?
I've worked out on the site for years. I was just commenting on the weather thing. I've sat at the bar with old timers who say they ran dumptrucks out of the mountains (hills) for years on end back in the day. So yeah. It's got fishy business going on. But The weather isn't manipulated here.
Sounds like a scene from Take Shelter...
They are panicking and hitting us with everything they've got. December seems to be amping up. Pray patriots, they are being exposed. One by one.
They have been Chem spraying like a mother fucker here in Rhode Island/Providence area......I do not know if they use chem spray for thermal manipulation, or climate. But it has been a warm December thus far......And wet as hell even for this time of year. Something big is going the water? Has me thinking what are they playing with out at Canary Island, or larger yet all volcanic zones. Things are certainly getting pretty interesting. How to you stop a massive civiil unrest??? Climate change Tsunami that kills the whole east coast seems a good start no?
Chemtrails really ramping up here in central Maryland too. Noticing it every couple of days.
East TN only had one clear day of no spraying in last few weeks. Every other clear day massive spraying.
East TN here too, and yes, I've noticed the same thing. Most days now quite a few contrails in the sky. Weird. Just biding my time, waiting for the Great Reckoning.
Hey BanjoMan! Ok, it’s 10 AM and we got a perfectly blue sky here on Sunday. I keep an eye on the skies as I spend most of my time outdoors…I’ll update here if they start spraying. Remember contrails disappear fairly quickly behind jet engines, whereas chemtrails don’t disappear. They spread out creating a silverish haze and if they spray heavy the trails blend together creating “cloud” cover. 👍🏽
It's now 10:23 and I'm looking out my sunroom're right, clear blue skies. Thanks for the clarification / classification of the contrails / chemtrails difference. Never thought about it that much but I will keep that in mind. West Knox County here, and thanking the Good Lord that I was born and raised and live in God's country.
You betcha!! I’m in Roane by Watts Bar 👍🏽
I thought that was shut down. Must be stimulus money ramping the chem trails up again
NW Washington too.
SW Wa too.
Yeah, I noticed the 3 day warning and 12 hour wind storm. Not typical weather for the NW.
Hope not. I don't want to die. I'm right on the water. 5 minute drive.
Also the sky in southeastern mass was doing this weird light thing tonight around 10pm eastern. Almost looked like lightning except it was non thunder. Like lights going on and off in a house rapidly. My husband noticed it first because we were driving east and it was to the left of us.
About 1.5 weeks ago I noticed a weird thing in the night sky too. It looked like a shooting star in reverse. It was Going up and up leaving a trail of light stars behind it. I cant explain it and my picture is fuzzy because I was driving. It disappeared when it got really high up but it lasted like 5 minutes once I noticed it. Not sure if this is normal phenomena or not. I'm not a weather or astronomy enthusiast bit neither even was normal.
I've actually thought it's been colder windier than past years. I've actually turned heat on for the first time in Years and I like a 66 degree house normally.
Usually December can be freezing rain, sleet and snow up here...I been here my whole life, I remember as a younger man when my work depended on the weather....winters meant 0 work. I am seeing 60 degree days in winter right now.....And I have been noticing alot of oddities in the skies. But I have not been able to clearly see the sky here for a solid month. Every time I go out it's cloudy, and I have seen them spraying at night. Woke up to massive trails over the skies. Something is going on for sure. And I am close to the water too man....This is why I am researching this stuff now
Been here my whole life too. Se mass is a bit unique. We sometimes miss alot of weather events. Protected in the armpit lol.
RI can sometimes get hit with stuff we don't. But for my area it's felt colder. More normal like when I was a kid through teens.
Last few years I've kept my fall jacket on through the whole winter. October and November were cold. I broke out the winter gear and I run hot. Usually keep AC on in my car but I have the heat on in there too
Not trying to be a doomer. Genuine, possibly stupid question. If patriots are in control, how is DS controlling HAARP?
At what point was "Patriots are in control" supposed to mean COMPLETE control. That was a gross assumption made by most here to take that phrase at it's most base form and assume it was meant to mean TOTAL control.
Patriots are in control... of the nuclear codes. Patriots are in control... of the positions in military that matter. Patriots are in control... of their destiny.
There are any number of conclusions that can be drawn from the phrase "Patriots are in control" beyond the base assumption of TOTAL control.
In regards to HAARP, that is still as I understand a theory and no verifiable proof exists aside from various anomalies. I am open to researching any sources you provide, but it's possible this anomaly is synchronous with end times events as well. Admittedly I am open to the idea, but I still have a hard time accepting the God would ever allow man to control the weather. I think it's more likely we can have some influences at times, but COMPLETE weather control? No. Not entirely convinced myself.
To answer your question, it is possible that if HAARP is real, it is still under the control of the DS. Remember, we're at war. They still have moves and assets.
these arrays are placed around the world, they work together. the energy they transmit upwards heats and lifts the ionosphere, propagating extremely low and very low frequency atmospheric waves, which moves the jet stream.
ground based NEXRAD antenna pulse microwaves and direct weather systems.
You guys need to clear your heads. The HAARP facility is in Alaska, half a continent away from these tornadoes. Jet streams are no higher than 16 km altitude, but the ionosphere begins at 50 km altitude. There is no connection, especially when there is huge geographical separation. This silliness is what happens when people do not understand something, and decide to fill in the empty space with their own suspicion and imagination.
you really haven't studied this at all, have you.
That's not the question. Have you? Do you even understand what the physics are of what they are doing? Any evidence beyond sheer suspicion and rumor?
You seem to have a few minutes to scroll through the thread. I linked a few published items that should help get you up to speed.
The entire project has always been based around reflecting energy off the ionosphere. That’s how it can traverse long distances. Research and educate yourself.
No, it has been about energizing the ionosphere to understand its physics. The installation has extensive diagnostic sensors. In order to energize, the microwaves are absorbed. There's no way it can "travel" long distances, to anywhere. I learned plasma and magneto-hydrodynamic physics in grad school. The HAARP power level is about 5 megawatts...which corresponds to maybe 6,700 horsepower. Super-automobiles like the Bugatti Chiron and others approach 2,000 horsepower. Are you seriously thinking that this much power can alter weather?
First of all- magnetohydrodynamics has absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing.
Second of all- it’s 5 generators each at 2.9MW which is 14.5MW. You seem to think this is a trivial amount of energy for some reason. And obviously it can influence the weather as even extremely low energy exothermic reactants dispersed into the atmosphere can create storms. It’s a catalyst- not a bugatti with a fan attached to the motor 🤦♂️
Third- HAARP absolutely was designed to bounce off the ionosphere. This is why I told you to educate yourself before replying. Microwaves absorb into the ionosphere but long radio waves reflect. This is basic physics here. Where did you get the idea that the HAARP antennas exclusively broadcast 1 wavelength? Do you seriously think they would build a massive multimillion dollar electromagnetic emitter station and not have it be able to change wavelengths?
MHD is a more extensive application of plasma physics. My point was to indicate that I have an education in the subject. The ionosphere is all plasma.
I don't know where you get your information about power level, but HAARP's own website only claims 3.6 MW of transmit power. A megawatt is slightly more than a thousand horsepower. This is absolute peanuts compared to any weather phenomena, and there is no way that events in the ionosphere affect events in the troposphere.
No, HAARP was NOT designed to "bounce off the ionosphere." The power beam is absorbed by the ionosphere as heating...which is dissipated within minutes by the ionosphere's natural turbulence. By the way, antennas are designed for one wavelength, or a narrow wavelength band. Why is that? Because the antenna has to be a certain harmonic ratio with the wavelength for efficient transmission. I would say "this is basic physics here," but you have beat me to that punch line. And, yes, they would build a dedicated multi-million-dollar facility with a transmitter designed specifically to excite the ionosphere, if they were doing phenomenological research on the ionosphere. Why would you want to "change wavelengths" when that would confer no benefit to your research program?
What you have done here is to manufacture a fantasy of your own imagination and superimpose that on a facility whose purpose and technology you don't understand.
I would like to know more.
nexrad activity US map:
HAARP is not a theory... it’s a literal facility in Alaska.
Notice hurricane season was a dud? What happened to the forest fires? DEW down? Multiple sites, methods and operations take time. The HAARP infrastructure has been built up starting in the 60s. A lot privately owned. Classified projects. Projects under cover of something else. It takes time to unwind.
Thank you for the serious response. This makes a lot of sense.
Enjoy time out.
Don’t be a child
Don't be a Doomer.
Fighting back isn’t dooming. It’s being realistic and protecting my own
Camaro is a coomer
I'm not a mod. And no, they were not correct. Read the fucking sidebar.
While I do think haarp is real I have lived in the south most of my life and it has never been uncommon to have severe weather in the winter. We have high humidity and often change 30 degrees in a couple days or less time which creates great storm conditions.
Also might I point out that if patriots are in control they would have secured major weather modification. That's like saying patriots are in control but there are 15 missing nukes but don't worry it just a few nukes.
I think it is far more likely they use haarp to cause California droughts than to cause random pop up tornadoes at a moments notice.
We don't even know what HAARP is or capable of. "Controlling the weather" could simply be certain aspects. And I think it has more to do with influencing weather than actually manipulating and controlling it like one does a car or plane.
Patriots don't have control of all the nukes. Just the ones in the US.
Hosea 8:
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
All the way back in OT! Scripture says what has been shall be again! Maybe a different way but same affect!
Also read vs 6….plainly states where the knowledge comes from!
Old man was in a tornado back in the 70s and it was raining center blocks while he was under a metal table...
One of the service vans wound up on the roof...
Remember one hitting elementary school when I was in it in 70s too...
South is full of fast spinning wind. And democratic fucks running local gov.
I would take double / quad the tornados for half the gov.
This is what was planned in Antarctica last week. They are going scorched earth and just trying to kill as many as possible on the way out.
A very likely possibility.
Oh man, did the ((Cabal)) have any dirly laundry in the midwest?
McConnell runs KY 👈🏼
On a completely unrelated note I checked msm sites and I can't find a mention of Maxwell's trial anywhere. All weather and chivi news. Now they have a narrative for awhile. By the end of next week they will somehow link and blame pure bloods for the storms.
Not sure of the validity of it, but I remember reading somewhere that Tornados tend to target manmade (metal/concrete) structures more than naturally build structures (wood/forests/villages etc).
Grounded structures resembling antennas attract electrical storms-i.e. mobile home parks (quite a common event)...
Revelation 11:18 (KJV) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest >>>destroy them which destroy the earth.<<<
wonder what Art Bell would say about this.
Imagine unironically believing that HAARP has the power to change weather.
From a Russian installation called the Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility, China And Russia Have Run Controversial Experiments That Modified Earth's Atmosphere.
HAARP heats the ionosphere, generating ELF/VLF, Rossby or Planetary waves:
Large-amplitude waves can contribute to rapid changes in wind and temperature. Planetary waves also play a role in the impact of stratospheric changes on the troposphere.
Large ionospheric disturbances produced by the HAARP HF facility
Magnetospheric amplification and emission triggering by ELF/VLF waves injected by the 3.6 MW HAARP ionospheric heater
I can buy influences and manipulations, but it is, in my mind, an untamable beast.
It doesn’t mean the weather didn’t happen it means HAARP made the weather happen! It Bibical! Read Hosea 8:7
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
I am wondering now about Joplin Mo in 2011 when 158 people were killed. Was that a HAARP storm too?
These tornadoes were a false flag… confirmed the “residents” response to them today- “climate change”… thanks to HAARP. My mind cannot be changed at this point.
Y'all it was a false flag and someone saw Dan Scavino post this for FlashbackFriday. It was a post here 👀🤬
SIL family in Mayfield KY. Been packing truck all day halfway there…
New ccp weapon?
Here in middle Indiana, we had lots of rain, and it was like 60 degrees! In the middle of the night, in the middle of December, weird shit for sure. Actually had to take my coat off
Geez, not every weather phenomenon has to be a conspiracy. It is, but it doesn't have to be :/
Disaster capitalism
Ok took me a second to remember HAARP.
These are not the conversations of reasonable men. Focus.
All conversation and idea sharing is reasonable and necessary. Attempts to shut down discussion are very suspect. Deported.
No, all conversation and idea sharing is not reasonable, that is patently incorrect. Discussions regarding Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, and HAARP in any light except for amusement is most definitely not reasonable. Your motives for discussing such things here is also suspect, almost like attempting to smear us with guilt by association to tinfoil hatters. We have enough to deal with without having people believe that the government is making tornadoes in the mid west or that the earth is flat.
I disagree with you but won't deport you in return though because that is insanely childish, I'll debate you on merit and facts alone, it will suffice.
You should make a thread that lists all the topics you have prohibited so nobody makes this mistake again.
Read the rules, point 8, and i'll quote: "This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Visit if that's your thing!" This is definitely a fringe conspiracy.
Hate to break it to you oh Arbiter of the Truth, but in the conspiracy community the “HAARP as a weather/earthquake weapon” is mainstream and accepted for some decades now. It’s far from fringe.
Maybe don’t tell people what to think. 😉
"It’s far from fringe"... we aren't going to agree on this. I haven't told anyone what to think. Why the personal attacks "oh Arbiter of the Truth" and "Baghdad Bob"? I believe this is uncalled for.
Sorry yeah you didn’t tell anyone what to think, but instead what they are allowed and not allowed to discuss here.
That’s kind of an interesting thing to do considering how “fringe” most people view the entire Q thing as. You can’t even discuss Q in most conspiracy theory sites because a lot of them think Q is too fringe.
Just as some perspective…
Bigfoot is a thing.
I am not debating anyone who thinks controlling narratives is a good idea esecially when they are linked to the primary topic of this forum. I am also not debating someone who can't make the difference between mythical creatures with no verifiable proof versus HAARP which does have some reasons for consideration given the weird anomalous weather and detailed research of many credible sources. Unless you can articulate why this specific subject is not productive and should not be discussed without lumping it into other dumb shit, you're just adding to the noise.
There is absolutely nothing anomalous nor alarming about the weather recently.
…this has been Baghdad Bob with the weather. Good night, folks!
All conversation and idea sharing is valuable and important unless GoingCamaro, arbiter of all truth, claims poster is false.
Translation: I am butthurt over something this user said, but I can't prove otherwise and have failed to trap them in a logical fallacy. Therefore I lash out with cynicism in a desperate cry for attention and piss poor attempt to discredit the anon.
Your doing the same thing.