We the people are a huge force and sheep are waking every minute of the day. I am attending a freedom rally tomorrow, and the last one was huge and very inspiring. I believe the great awakening is happening now. I can’t wait for a quantum financial system to start and new tech to be released. Nikola Tesla tech will be so good, the possibilities will be endless. Not just free energy but how about the medical tech that has been hidden from us. It’s going to be biblical.
This all sounds like a wet dream to me if I can be honest lol, shit is so fucked. Me personally I’m doing pretty great but it sucks so much seeing sheep continuing to buy into so much propaganda and they’re unnecessarily stressing out over it.
I still see people double masking and wearing gloves, you can see the fear and stress in their face. I hope the mainstream media burns to the ground for perpetrating this bullshit.
I hope you’re right, I wish I could ignore all the suffering going on around me and just live my awesome life but I can’t.
I'm behind enemy lines also in the deep blue northeast. I was one of 3 people not wearing a muzzle at the school kids Christmas band concert. Even my coworkers wear masks and purposely move their chairs away from me since I'm the only pureblood in the office.
What is encouraging is word must be spreading. My network of like minded purebloods around town is growing (none are Q followers, but I'm trying to slowly herd them).
Last week a dad I barely know went way out of his way to tell me that things are getting crazy in DC. He's an older vet that served in Iraq so I imagine his network of buddies must see strange things happening also. I'll strike up a conversation next time I see him for reconnaissance.
New medical tech is nice but all we really need is an honest assessment of disease and treatments. The knowledge to cure most ills has been available for a century just suppressed by the Rockefellers.
The founding fathers were amazing! I don’t care what color they were, they were amazing! Shows how smart people can be when they spend time thinking about important things and discussing with other smart people.
As much as I love this quote, I haven't been able to find any primary sources for it. It's allegedly from a letter he wrote in 1802, but I can't find the letter anywhere. Would love to have that reference in my back pocket if anyone has it readily available.
Closest I could get was from Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations (Suzy Platt, 1993), pg. 229, which checked the attribution. She stated Jefferson couldn’t have said it because these words weren’t in use during his era:
“Inflation was listed in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1864, but the OED gives 1920 as the earliest use of the word “deflation”.”
From there I double checked 19th and early 20th century Google books, and it looks like what she wrote is correct.
But if not Jefferson, then who? The question still stands.
How international bankers gain control of America? Bill Still’s seminal work from 1996, “The Money Masters” explores the concepts of money, debt, and taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward.
Twenty-three years later and this documentary still explains perfectly why our current economic, financial and monetary system is broken and how central bank money is nothing but a scheme of wealth confiscation. It explains how, by design, the world can never be debt free as the outstanding personal, corporate, and national obligations are always greater than the current money in circulation.
Anyone who will commit the time stands to be well-rewarded with new insights into historical events and the effects of monetary policy.
Hamilton was an agent for the Rothschild family and created the First National Bank. Later, when reissuing the bank charter was being debated, Nathan Rothschild supposedly said, “Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.” The War of 1812 started soon after this
Call me a tin hat conspiracy theorist, but I believe it.
The genii can never be put back in the bottle. Too many People have become aware of the enslavement, since time immemorial, of the human race by the cabal. The Awakening can only continue forward, never backward, once the knowledge has spread as far and wide as it has.
They have lost. The timeline of our empowerment is the only thing in doubt.
What have "we" done? Talking and spreading awareness is not going to topple the machine. Everyone knows the election was rigged and yet we go on playing along. People are still using USD and taking on debt, still voting for the politicians that put us in this mess.
250,000 years ago? Was that the first time some woman offered sex to the returning hunters in return for an extra slab of meat, thus kicking off modern industry?
We the people are a huge force and sheep are waking every minute of the day. I am attending a freedom rally tomorrow, and the last one was huge and very inspiring. I believe the great awakening is happening now. I can’t wait for a quantum financial system to start and new tech to be released. Nikola Tesla tech will be so good, the possibilities will be endless. Not just free energy but how about the medical tech that has been hidden from us. It’s going to be biblical.
This all sounds like a wet dream to me if I can be honest lol, shit is so fucked. Me personally I’m doing pretty great but it sucks so much seeing sheep continuing to buy into so much propaganda and they’re unnecessarily stressing out over it.
I still see people double masking and wearing gloves, you can see the fear and stress in their face. I hope the mainstream media burns to the ground for perpetrating this bullshit.
I hope you’re right, I wish I could ignore all the suffering going on around me and just live my awesome life but I can’t.
I'm behind enemy lines also in the deep blue northeast. I was one of 3 people not wearing a muzzle at the school kids Christmas band concert. Even my coworkers wear masks and purposely move their chairs away from me since I'm the only pureblood in the office.
What is encouraging is word must be spreading. My network of like minded purebloods around town is growing (none are Q followers, but I'm trying to slowly herd them).
Last week a dad I barely know went way out of his way to tell me that things are getting crazy in DC. He's an older vet that served in Iraq so I imagine his network of buddies must see strange things happening also. I'll strike up a conversation next time I see him for reconnaissance.
We are moving in the right direction Fren.
I feel the same way.
Life has been pretty normal for me but then everything else is going down the gutter and lots of people are pumped full of fear.
I hope so my friend. 🤝
Proud to be your 17th updoot, fren
New medical tech is nice but all we really need is an honest assessment of disease and treatments. The knowledge to cure most ills has been available for a century just suppressed by the Rockefellers.
The founding fathers were amazing! I don’t care what color they were, they were amazing! Shows how smart people can be when they spend time thinking about important things and discussing with other smart people.
That has to be the longest sentence ever written. My eyes almost ran out of breath.
That's because they have the Omicron.
Now do who owns those banks
We don't say that word around here.
Or who else fought the banks
I don't think they left us a choice.. Win or die.
Praying for it daily.
This looks like a screen shot from the Money Masters by Bill Still. Good documentary.
Was going to mention that as well. I am half thru it now, most eye opening.
As much as I love this quote, I haven't been able to find any primary sources for it. It's allegedly from a letter he wrote in 1802, but I can't find the letter anywhere. Would love to have that reference in my back pocket if anyone has it readily available.
Closest I could get was from Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations (Suzy Platt, 1993), pg. 229, which checked the attribution. She stated Jefferson couldn’t have said it because these words weren’t in use during his era:
“Inflation was listed in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1864, but the OED gives 1920 as the earliest use of the word “deflation”.”
From there I double checked 19th and early 20th century Google books, and it looks like what she wrote is correct.
But if not Jefferson, then who? The question still stands.
To all the World. President Donald Trump has the most magnificent set of hands in the Universe.
Bill Still: The Money Masters https://www.bitchute.com/video/EOmCSJwvU48P/
How international bankers gain control of America? Bill Still’s seminal work from 1996, “The Money Masters” explores the concepts of money, debt, and taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward.
Twenty-three years later and this documentary still explains perfectly why our current economic, financial and monetary system is broken and how central bank money is nothing but a scheme of wealth confiscation. It explains how, by design, the world can never be debt free as the outstanding personal, corporate, and national obligations are always greater than the current money in circulation.
Anyone who will commit the time stands to be well-rewarded with new insights into historical events and the effects of monetary policy.
Next: Hidden Secrets of Money Documentary Series
Money Masters website: http://www.themoneymasters.com IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954955/ Bill Still’s website: https://billstill.com/
I just watched that.. Amazing 🤝🐸
Aaron Burr shot Alexander a few years too late.
Hamilton was an agent for the Rothschild family and created the First National Bank. Later, when reissuing the bank charter was being debated, Nathan Rothschild supposedly said, “Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.” The War of 1812 started soon after this Call me a tin hat conspiracy theorist, but I believe it.
The genii can never be put back in the bottle. Too many People have become aware of the enslavement, since time immemorial, of the human race by the cabal. The Awakening can only continue forward, never backward, once the knowledge has spread as far and wide as it has.
They have lost. The timeline of our empowerment is the only thing in doubt.
This is my view as well.. Fuck the low info doomers, can't wait to see how it feels to be Free.
Topple? No. You aren't even close.
If you think you are, it's because you can't comprehend their amount of power.
Sooo... killing globohomo bankers it is then?
Except God will never see his children hungry or begging bread.
So if you are begging you better reevealuate.
What have "we" done? Talking and spreading awareness is not going to topple the machine. Everyone knows the election was rigged and yet we go on playing along. People are still using USD and taking on debt, still voting for the politicians that put us in this mess.
"I" have been doing more than you will ever know.
Well, don't let up. You're up against a hundred trillion dollar machine that controls every institution, nation, and politician.
But I have TRUTH. They don't.
What a time to be alive. We shall see.
250,000 years ago? Was that the first time some woman offered sex to the returning hunters in return for an extra slab of meat, thus kicking off modern industry?