This logic is so puzzling . How do you know it is more mild with the jab vs. without the jab? It is not like you get to do a do-over and compare the two experiences.
The PCR 'test' was always a LIE and never worked. How were they 'tested'? This is the Flu, as reported BY THE CDC on their own site. Every other claim is a criminal lie.
That is one of the biggest clues to the crimes of the CDC and fauci. I am amazed that it seems No One has questioned the absurd/insane lie that the flu magically killed No One in 2019/2020.
My aunt just told me this today about my cousin. "Thank God he got vax it saved his life" my response was you cant prove it was the vax. 99% + survival rate. Plus he got antibodies from hospital. She got annoyed oops
Webster's Dictionary just updated the meaning of the word Democrat
-To become delayed to undergo retardation.
-A person affected with intellectual disability.
-A foolish or stupid person.
Same overall narrative, but [they] think [they]'re being clever by using different wording. [they] finally figured out that [they] just can't "copy-paste" the same msg over and over. BUT, [their] overall lack of creativity means that the main msg still jumps out at people when they read these twatter posts. These people are so f@cking stoopid, [they] don't even know [they]'re stupid.
OK, so since they couldn't prove the shots actually protect against Covid, then they are doing this to brainwash the masses that 2 shots and a booster save your life from the "deadlier" version. So go out and get triple jabbed right now, because safe, see? We didn't drop dead! (Because we got saline, you stupids!)
"...only experiencing mild symptoms"
The symptoms were mild to begin with!
'ThIs MeAnS iT wOrKeD! GeT vAcCiNaTeD!"
lOLolOlol. Mo-ranz
This logic is so puzzling . How do you know it is more mild with the jab vs. without the jab? It is not like you get to do a do-over and compare the two experiences.
Even less so with moronic, I mean, "Omicron."
This is part of the brainwashing, setting up an expectation of deadliness.
at least they would die with only mild symptoms.
The PCR 'test' was always a LIE and never worked. How were they 'tested'? This is the Flu, as reported BY THE CDC on their own site. Every other claim is a criminal lie.
I thought the Flu was eradicated in 2020 ?
That is one of the biggest clues to the crimes of the CDC and fauci. I am amazed that it seems No One has questioned the absurd/insane lie that the flu magically killed No One in 2019/2020.
Naw, they just shifted 99.9% of flu cases into the Coof category to push their Scare Event.
Exactly, plain as day for anyone with IQ above room temperature.
So it also means they have to forego their Christmas gatherings since they will have to quarantine for 10 days correct? Ha Ha right...
Wow, what a daily affirmation set.
I am fully vaccinated and boosted, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.
Mockingbird pols. Great meme.
Well.....this is what they're trying to convince us of now....
The comments are hilarious
sweating temples make me laugh!
Mass hypnosis brainwashing
Here I am, with no vaxx, feeling fine.
My aunt just told me this today about my cousin. "Thank God he got vax it saved his life" my response was you cant prove it was the vax. 99% + survival rate. Plus he got antibodies from hospital. She got annoyed oops
It mirrors exactly the behaviors seen in cult members justifying the cult and their membership. Like ..... exactly.
Sounds like the media’s 4am talking points have spread to puppet politicians.
Yep! All the folks I know who have gotten covid are vaxxed
Webster's Dictionary just updated the meaning of the word Democrat -To become delayed to undergo retardation. -A person affected with intellectual disability. -A foolish or stupid person.
Every time, meanwhile purebloods like me haven’t been sick in years
They're called 'sheep' for a reason.
And a bunch of "professional" athletes.
Were members of Congress really vaccinated?
My assumption is they were not, but their symptoms are still mild.
Vax is bullshit
This is Comms. A celebrity/pol "getting Covid" is symbolism for Flipping to the Patriots.
Same overall narrative, but [they] think [they]'re being clever by using different wording. [they] finally figured out that [they] just can't "copy-paste" the same msg over and over. BUT, [their] overall lack of creativity means that the main msg still jumps out at people when they read these twatter posts. These people are so f@cking stoopid, [they] don't even know [they]'re stupid.
Is it healthy to legitimately hate these people, and wish them terrible physical and emotion pain?
These liars were exempt from the vaccine and would not touched it with a ten ft pole.....
All I know, the placebos give a great joy.
Talk about sticking to the script lol
【Execute Order 66】
OK, so since they couldn't prove the shots actually protect against Covid, then they are doing this to brainwash the masses that 2 shots and a booster save your life from the "deadlier" version. So go out and get triple jabbed right now, because safe, see? We didn't drop dead! (Because we got saline, you stupids!)
Jason Crowe will be eating crow soon enough.. 😒