100 how did this person make it out of bed this morning (twitter.com) posted 3 years ago by president_elect 3 years ago by president_elect +100 / -0 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
There you go. It has to take antipsychotics to function.
A "shitton" of benzo's, one of the worst class of drugs Big Pharma has ever inflicted on the public.
I wonder why?
It's like those old west movies... where they have to pull a bullet out of a guy but all they have for the pain is a bottle of alcohol.
Consider the following...
Thorazine aka Chlorpromazine (CPZ), an antipsychotic.
Benzo's in my opinion should be avoided at all costs, put on the same list with Meth, Heroin and Cocaine.
Phizer x3 ≠ Natural Immunity
God might not hate stupid but I sure do... what the fuck lol
How the F do these people still function without oxygen 😑
You don't need oxygen when you're already brain dead.
True dat
Mind control through the TV. I never thought it was this powerful.
It’s not even the TV. It’s narcissism and social media.
“I dID EvERyThInG RiGHt wHy dID I GEt sIcK?!”
Its in the eyes. The window to the soul.👀
Bingo, crazy can always be seen in the eyes
This person should stay home..
Needs more xanax
Sweatshirt full of filthy cat hair. CHECK!!!
Plot twist: "I got covid and in quarantine for 10 days. Stupid antivaxxers."
Coming to you in a couple days.
Its definitely fake. They dont allow N95 masks on airlines
The better question is, how is this person still breathing?
Life Is Hard; It’s Even Harder When You’re Stupid
Is this the triggered girl?
this real?
Or just take 100 miligrams of Zink + HCQ