Exactly. We aren't interested in forcing our opinions on anyone. It's why I respect people like Joe Rogan. He doesn't capitulate. Rush Limbaugh also never gave two fucks if you listened to him or not. And that's what the leftard media hates the most: content creators who are independent.
Can you look around you? Were not winning the information war is a distraction from real change happening, honestly in what ways did we gain back freedom that we've been losing since 2001?
...can you even imagine how this strategy is pissing off those who are bankrolling the "trillion dollar propaganda machine"....
Why do you think they send their shillbots? If this meme weren't true, they would leave us be. But instead they attack, why? Because they are losing.
I have told them once before and I'll say it again: we aren't buying what you're selling.
"Go peddle your papers"...winks....
Perhaps a more profound statement than many give credit?
Yet, somehow... Q knew
We win because the left lectures people ad nauseum. And people HATE being lectured.
Exactly. We aren't interested in forcing our opinions on anyone. It's why I respect people like Joe Rogan. He doesn't capitulate. Rush Limbaugh also never gave two fucks if you listened to him or not. And that's what the leftard media hates the most: content creators who are independent.
đź’— Toshiro Mifune. Best ronin ever.
this might be my favorite one yet!
Can you look around you? Were not winning the information war is a distraction from real change happening, honestly in what ways did we gain back freedom that we've been losing since 2001?
Kaze no yo ni hayaku!
So much winning
With censorship at Orwellian proportions.
Please tell me about it. What am I missing?
Get back with me in a few weeks when we lose billions in trade with Canada because of Biden’s policies. Doesn’t sound like a win to me.