Sorry, not another people got COVID post, but more proof vaccine is a shit sandwich and doesn't work post.
My wife's side all vaxxed tested positive a few different households and have been sick over 2 weeks now. Happened after we met for Christmas. Apparently there one nephew had it and decided to get everyone sick LOL.
My side of the family has the same deal. A bunch of vaxxed people hung out and all got the coof over Christmas. I am not vaxxed so wasn't invited LOL.
I have not been vaccinated, and it took me about 3-4 weeks to fully get over COVID, which was about 2 months ago. Used Zilenko protocol and Ivermectin.
So this is BS when they say it could have been worse. I believe worse is when you go to the hospital, and they vent you to death with remdesivir.
The fact you weren't invited is so delicious I might get diabetes.
Had a work online meeting today, someone off for 10 days was back, sounding rough, he tested + for covid (so, no idea what he actually had), is jabbed, probably 3x. I had a sore throat before Christmas, never did a test (ever) and obviously will never take the vax, and it lasted a few days no great hardship, I didn't even stop drinking (its moderate) or having an evening smoke. I see this again and again.
I’m pretty sure my daughter infected me when she was in a wedding after Christmas. At least 3 people tested positive shortly after the wedding, all vaxxed. She felt a little off and took ivermectin but had no symptoms. I’m on day 4 with a low grade fever, slight cough. It was a high fever, post-nasal drip event for me. I’m just glad to get natural immunity!
A man in the grocery store Saturday was getting impatient waiting for an oblivious family to move out of the way of the cheese (we were both waiting for them to move) and said he was shopping for his family and his son's family. They all have covid and he doesn't. I passed him later and he felt the need to tell me they are all vaxxed (and rolled his eyes). He didn't say he wasn't but that was the impression I got.
My whole family got the coof this holiday. Well. The vaxxed did. The vax free that were celebrating in the same house have yet to show a symptom. Only two of the dozen unvaxxed in my fam actually had symptoms. Im no scientist or doctor. But we're all realizing this fact. So tell me what happened there bill gates? Wait.. You're not a scientist either
Sorry to hear about your family being sick. I have a friend, fully vaxxed, he and his wife are recovering from covid. We hang out some times, I don't wear a mask at all, they do, and use hand sanitizer all the time.
I wish your family a speedy recovery. Hopefully this will open their eyes, unless they are on the "It would have been worse if I hadn't been triple jabbed" bandwagon.
Ya, my mom and husband got triple vaxxed. They haven't got the rona yet. But it's going around.
My wife's family already figuring out the vaccine was BS.
I had corona. I just tell them what I did. My wifes sister almost went to the hospital. We told her don't go, and she is recovering at home.
At one of the offices I work at, all but one of the vaxxed were out sick last week. That's around 20 vaxxed sick, a couple of us purebloods not sick and holding up the whole company. Thanks, Pfizer!
Since December, 47 people in my company have gotten Covid.
23 Fully vaxxed (at least 2 shots, some boosted, but not all)
23 unvaxxed
1 partially vaxxed
At the very least, the vaccine doesn't help at all.
If I had to guess, our company is very close to 50/50 on who's vaccinated or not.
Every BOOSTED person I know basically has been or is sick. Some unvaxxed got sick over Christmas too. I had maybe 24 hours of feeling a little off but bounced right back. Pure blooded here. God help us all.
my dad and his friends tested positive last week "inspite" of being vaxxed.
I reserve 'got the covid' for those that are not vaxxed but get sick.
Those that are vaxxed and get sick have the spike protein disease. It may test out as the same as covid, but it is not. The effects from the spike protein disease are not going to go away and immunity is not going to be gained. In fact I think they may be looking at a recurring illness that will affect them for a very long time, and possibly until it actually kills them.
I dunno. I got covid twice and I am not vaxxed. My aunt the same and her family not vaxxed. My wives' cousin, apparently 3 times.
But we all survived. Seems like second time for me wasn't as bad.
The vaccine doesn't prevent them from getting Covid, it just prevents them from dying from it. So unless one of those 30 people died, the vaccine possibly did work.
can't wait to hear what you shills come up with next when you keep getting sick worse and worse while we sit here healthy in the state God made us.
Reading comprehension, please use it.
Again, the vaccine doesn't prevent people from getting Covid, it's just preventing people from dying from it.
Since December, 47 people in my company have gotten Covid.
23 Fully vaxxed (at least 2 shots, some boosted, but not all)
23 unvaxxed
1 partially vaxxed
At the very least, the vaccine doesn't help at all.
If I had to guess, our company is very close to 50/50 on who's vaccinated or not.
ZERO deaths. ZERO hospitalizations from both groups.
I highly suspect the unvaxxed are catching it from the vaxxed.
We did a rough count based on people we know who got sick at the holidays. Of the 45 or so folks we knew were sick, only 4 or 5 were not vaxxed. Everyone who got sick, had the jab. No one required hospitalization.
That doesn't disprove anything I said.
And nothing you said is proven either. I trust what I am seeing anecdotally more than what Pfizer and the media are telling me.
You realize that in Pfizer’s brief trial, the vaccinated group had one Covid death and the unvaccinated group had two??
But the vaccinated group had higher overall deaths (all causes) because they had more heart attacks.
Here's an anecdotal sample size from my area:
Last year (January) I got vaccinated, so did my entire department (100+ people), and my family, girlfriend, and her family.
If just 1% of people from those 100+ were harmed, then at least 1 person in that group would have been harmed.
Everyone is totally fine.
If you don't like anecdotal information, you don't have to trust Pfizer to look at empirical data. There's thousands of state hospitals reporting these days, and they're overwhelmingly in favor of the vaxx.
Ok, maybe big pharma and the entire Democratic Party, using the full weight of the MSM, big tech and Hollywood really do have your best interest at heart lol
I'm not betting on that. My wife and I have already had Covid back in August, and it was mild. My entire company (over 600) has only had 1 hospitalization, and he has HIV. Not sure why I'd take a vaccine for that even if it was effective.
Also, I have seen numerous (likely) vax injuries in my social circle, so each of us have to make our own decision.
I never said that.
I understand, you do you.
Heart attacks from your chunky style blood though if you took clot shots.
Is that a medical term? Like chunky style salsa? :)
The word clot is too offensive these days.
This is not empirical evidence, it's just your anecdotal opinion.
For example, my gym buddy, a college student, got Covid before the vaccine was available. He almost died and told me he was close to being put on a vent. My 96 yr. old grandma got Covid, after getting vaccinated, and just had cold symptoms.
But again, that's anecdotal information. You have to look at the empirical evidence, which is overwhelmingly in favor of the vaccine.
This is also your opinion since you have no sauce to support. Of course if you go on VAERS and see the vaxx data, you’ll quickly learn that more people have died and have had adverse affects from the Covid Vaxx than all other vaccines combined in history. The media, NIH, CDC and every hospital in the US and other Fauci-crazed countries stated it was the safest vaccine ever. By actual data counts, that is an outright lie by the data alone. You might be okay, you might have had a not-so tainted vaxx batch, but go tell the 30,000 plus that have died and the hundreds of thousands plus that it’s the safest vaxx ever. The sheer numbers will prove your vaxx opinion is FOS (Full of Shit).
Nope, I'll be fine.
Historically, with all vaccines, possible negative reactions have only occurred 2-3 months after being vaccinated.
I'm going 1+ year now and totally fine, so is everyone I know.
No offense but thats the dumbest thing I have ever read.
It's true. If you look into rare vaccine side effects of the past, they typically occurred within a 2-3 month window of being administered, not years later.
Everything is dumb to the ignorant.
Keep drinking their koolaid and maybe they will let you live in a corner somewhere. If you want to know the truth, there is a stickied post that talks about how the vaccine industry was exposed poisoning a whole generation of kids with toxic levels of mercury, and how it was all covered up:
But yeah, truth is very uncomfortable, so better plug back in.
You made a reply to a 2 month old comment and yet someone came and downvoted you right away ... Interesting.
Enjoy your heart attacks.
The rare occurrences of myocarditis have only happened within a week of being vaccinated, so I'm fine.
That's a hilarious comment though, going to show it to my friend, thank you.