The globalist pigs running Australia didn't arrest Novak Djokovic over the virus. It's something else. Djokovic isn't sick... Australia is!
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸

All the evidence to back up the post - this is how these should work!
Well done
Definitely look into Rio Tinto as the largest shareholders are none other that our old Family friends the Rothschilds
great research!
Lithium mines eh? Sounds like more deep state climate change fuckery to me.
Rio Tinto bad medicine
I am not sure that Novak is such a great guy when I saw him hiding one eye on two pictures on this site. He may be part of the cabal ring and this may be a diversion to garner support for him while ignoring other areas of importance. Everyone should care about Australia because what happens there, Europe and a Canada will spread here. So while we might like to live in an American bubble we can’t because it will and does effect us eventually.
I'm torn. Novak could be a lightning rod for attention, could be an example set up to demoralize us when he gets rejected, could be to show us that there are no exemptions..
Why was he allowed in and not sent back out? Morrison himself said if you come without a vaxx card you will be in the first plane back out, why hasn't Novak been sent back immediately?
Have a look at the Hugo Talks vid that u/eagle-eyes2020 brought up: https://youtu.be/AJfdCW38bsg
People read into that marketing style way too much.
Yep. This is why big protests in Melbourne.
Refused a swab test for Rio Tinto, 6 weeks of HR nightmare can confirm I was not sat in HR with just human entities. Shit got VERY ODD, I was due to start this year for a contracting company on a Rio site but they want to test the unvaxxed every second day. Evil.
Great dig fren. Backed up with sauce. Well done. And thanks for posting.
All the best dishes come with great sauce.
Be careful with this guy...one of schwarbs world economic forum pets..like macron . Something more going on..don't know what
Novak Djokovic one-eye pics. https://greatawakening.win/p/140vxp965Z/x/c/4JKyGxNS2On (also click my link within this thread for yet another one-eye pic)
Jelena Djokovic (his wife) throwing praise on Marina Abramović. https://greatawakening.win/p/141EiVH5sd/follow-the-wives-these-people-ar/c/
All three are from Serbia.
I see his wife runs their children's Foundation...not looking good are they?
I smell a rat too. Searched for the WEF connections unsuccessfully. You got any of that sauce mate?
Here you go - a very good video:
Thank you Eagle Eyes! Hugo does good work. A few interesting points in this: His foundation is/was connected with the WEF (connections deleted off the foundation's site as of today, but were up for at least a year); is all about "reimagining education"; it's about caring for the children (even though there's a photo of a young girl wearing a mask); and is partnered with the World Bank and Unicef (UN). Oh, and I just noticed the recent tweet of Novak after his release is a Rod Laver Arena photo of him with a bloke wearing red shoes hmmm... Call me suspicious...
His wife showed her love for Abramovic (see Hugo's video), so red shoes - nothing to see here!?
Yeah I saw Purkiss' post about the wife's tweet too, but noone as of yet has found defintive proof it's legit. If it is, then ouch Novak, busted. Follow the wives they say... And red shoes = bad news.
I'm not Purkiss
Archive in case it gets taken down-
OOhh, well done Fren! Can we say psyop confirmed? Probably! Discernment in everything. Question everything Frens!
Went back to check. It isn't him. Sorry about that. Hadcjust seen pics of him covering his eye and just took it pic of him with the others!!
Still think he is fake..Albert pike quote if a hero is needed we will supply one! Malone's another one..Dr David Martin question mark..keen to throw trump in with bad guys...Baptist..Flynn mentioned favourably not by him by guy next to him..smart guy is Dr Martin
One pic of Novak hiding his eye but not six with him in different clothes and settings.
I suspect everyone that gets to the top in anything! If you aren't in the club how will they let you in?
You can end up paranoid!!
On dr martin trail His breath work seminars got a recommend from a Mrs gore....baron harlecs wife 6th baron of harlech. Now she is connected with Chanel thecguy who took over and deep state people in fashion..so interesting she was picked.. childhood friends with Jasper Conrad. Well connected money
I had noticed that Dr David Martin patent guy has never talked about the rothschilds owning . Coronavirus Sars two patents and Richard Rothschild owning track and trace..maybe he did and I missed it..could be worth digging as baron harlec and Rothschilds would be rubbing shoulders . ..
Dr Martin in his documentary..long expensive documentary wearing open necked blue shirt.leftcwell opened to display .an extraordinary necklace and five rings..one on his forefinger which I have seen before...to tell people how spiritual you are and a ruby! On his pinky to tell them how ambitious money oriented ...or sex oriented....depending left or right.
How funny, that questioning humans that dare say they "smell a rat" are getting downvoted these days. Dare to question? How very dare I lol!
It was a picture of him with the others..Merkel etc on telegram. Will try and find it but I don't know how to get it across
Boom! Thank you Cats!
At least we now have evidence that it's the corporatocracy that rules the earth. In other words, fascism is alive and well globally.
Dark to light Pedes. This year will be an epic CRUSHING of the DS. God WINS!!!
Man covid has been a cover for everything. This is just the beginning of the corruption and it’s already huge. “Bigger than you can imagine.”
Rio Tinto means dark/tainted river in Spanish. How ironic..
Yo whoever dug this up, this is awesome. This is why I come here!
Worship Satan and you don't need a vaccine passport. it's true.
I mentioned this before here Rio Tinto is trying to get to Yadar area in west Serbia and they offered even 1 billion $ to ex serbian prime minister of bribe which this one refused. So Rotshild unlimited money supply is working there, Avala resources and Dundee are trying to open mines in Homolie and Timok areas of East Serbia mainly inhabited by Romanians which are all emigrated after the Yugoslav wars. Those pricks want to extract gold with cyanide on the spring sources on the top of the mountains.
But now these people have the $$ and numbers and ower and they are not selling. I am guaranteeing real rebellion to protect the forests and nature, I have alot of friends there and they are ready to fight against corrupted cabaalist servant government of Serbia and Europe.
No one cares about Austrailia, all they have are stupid Koalas who legit feed their kids poop and overpriced internet.
fuck you cunt
Ken oath brother!
National socialist practices being trialed in Australia right now will soon be coming to a governor near you.
You should care, or at least pay attention.
Got them flies, cos you smell like...