Its a shame what they did to people. But I find it hilarious.
Out food shopping the other night. There was a guy wearing a mask,a clear face sheild,shield, of them sock things painters use that cover thier whole head.
This dude was scared to fuck8ng death of me and my unmasked wife. He would wait at the end of the isles till we were done,then he'd enter. I had to get back to an isle he was in,he ran to the end. Fuck8ng hilarious.
Some of these are people purposely being funny, The shoe? The face diaper? LOL. I bet they live in a blue state and are forced to wear masks, so they find the stupidest mask in order to make the point.
I think so too. That's how I felt under Inslee Nation when the masking garbage first came out. I wanted to go in to a store with saran wrap wrapped around my whole body mummy-style. But didn't want to waste the saran wrap or accidentally suffocate myself. Tho I should have sacrificed my body if it would have woke up one person to the insanity.
The scuba guy should get extra points for doing something that could actually provide protection. Of course, putting a shoe on your face could also work because it makes you not want to breathe at all. But the top award should go to the woman who was able to get her husband to wear a maxi pad on his face in public!
Even a beachball sized redpill suppository would scarce be noticed by some of those specimens.
Truly an absolute dearth of self awareness. That's what got me, the fact they all looked in the mirror that morning and went ''Yep, honey you looking gooood'' and went about their day.
I still haven't relocated my jaw after it parted company with my face.
Oh man, I just realized, in 30 years, retro parties for this decade are going to be a trip! (It seems to be a 30 year gap before we want to revisit a decade 🐸)
I just saw an instagram clip of someone wearing a full-bore military fighter pilot helmet with the mask+hose and all.... 😂😂⚡😂⚡🤣🤣🤣
I told my wife to watch out because the next time we have to fly, if these bullshit mask orders are still in place, I'm rocking a Maverick helmet!!!
Honestly the guy in scuba gear is the only one even sort of protecting himself for real. If he has a way to rinse himself off properly before he takes his gear off then I give him props for going all out in an effective way.
If the virus had like a 20% kill rate that is a great idea. For less than a 1% kill rate it seems a bit insane.
The rest are just crazy people doing stupid shit that doesn't even work.
Its a shame what they did to people. But I find it hilarious.
Out food shopping the other night. There was a guy wearing a mask,a clear face sheild,shield, of them sock things painters use that cover thier whole head.
This dude was scared to fuck8ng death of me and my unmasked wife. He would wait at the end of the isles till we were done,then he'd enter. I had to get back to an isle he was in,he ran to the end. Fuck8ng hilarious.
You and your wife should have stood at either end of an aisle to see what he would do.
That would be very interesting...
Some possibilities -
Climb the shelves, jump to next aisle
fetal position, start crying
freeze - catatonic mumbling and drooling
start screaming frantically for the police, fauci, bidan, mommy, etc
Or, post a fictitious story on Reddit about how he stood up to you and everyone clapped a.k.a. "that happened".
You forgot the Biden effect ~ shit pants! 🤣🤣🤣💩💩💩
Pig in the middle!
When I see those psychos I start hacking up a lung. Im pregnant too so they don’t say anything they just leave 😂 preggo privilege
Check your pregnant privilege!!!
Men can get pregnant too! Stop being sexist!!!!!!!
Oh gosh they make me sick 🤮
Not as bad as they make ME sick!!!!!!
They are a perfect example of why all the LGBTQXYZABC psychos used to be legitimately classified as mental illnesses and locked up.
My understanding is LGBT was only removed from the DSM in the 70's and only due to political pressure; NOT scientific reasons.
And it shows...
“Oh sorry allergies”
Don’t forget to sneeze too
I'm a cig and weed smoker. I get a runny nose and a cough every winter.
The looks I get from people.😅🤣😂
He's acting as if it's literal ebola.
Can you even imagine how hard the elites who did this to us are laughing at absolute potatoes like that?
They prob have literally laughed til they've thrown up their dom perignon....multiple times....
So funny.
I saw a guy like this at a local wally world. He nearly fell over trying to get away from me.
It must be so sad to live in fear.
and the MSM must be sooooo proud
Some of these are people purposely being funny, The shoe? The face diaper? LOL. I bet they live in a blue state and are forced to wear masks, so they find the stupidest mask in order to make the point.
I think so too. That's how I felt under Inslee Nation when the masking garbage first came out. I wanted to go in to a store with saran wrap wrapped around my whole body mummy-style. But didn't want to waste the saran wrap or accidentally suffocate myself. Tho I should have sacrificed my body if it would have woke up one person to the insanity.
The scuba guy should get extra points for doing something that could actually provide protection. Of course, putting a shoe on your face could also work because it makes you not want to breathe at all. But the top award should go to the woman who was able to get her husband to wear a maxi pad on his face in public!
A face diaper
It's embarrassing to think what future history books are going to say about this. These people make all of us look stupid.
Some of these seem like jokes, not serious.
How refreshing...someone with faith in humanity. ;-)
Come on, a shoe, a water jug, a cardboard box? Those are malicious compliant types. Some of the others, I'm not so sure.
I take it you're not familiar with Walmartians?
That was a lot of fun. Stunned.
(Now you know why we're having such a hard time red-pilling people.)
Even a beachball sized redpill suppository would scarce be noticed by some of those specimens.
Truly an absolute dearth of self awareness. That's what got me, the fact they all looked in the mirror that morning and went ''Yep, honey you looking gooood'' and went about their day.
I still haven't relocated my jaw after it parted company with my face.
You don't know what you're missing...lucky you! kek!
Oh man, I just realized, in 30 years, retro parties for this decade are going to be a trip! (It seems to be a 30 year gap before we want to revisit a decade 🐸)
The sponge lady may actually get sick from that scour pad. Those things doused with Comet-like substance on the green side. Poor lady,
I just saw an instagram clip of someone wearing a full-bore military fighter pilot helmet with the mask+hose and all.... 😂😂⚡😂⚡🤣🤣🤣
I told my wife to watch out because the next time we have to fly, if these bullshit mask orders are still in place, I'm rocking a Maverick helmet!!! 😜😎😋🤣⚡🙌🏻🔥🔥
Heeeeey! I saw a pic of you in Ukraine! You are a wartime hero!
I legit thought these were costumes. Especially the dude dressed up in what I thought was a BIack Friday the 1 3th cosplay.
If Only...
The dude with the shoe on his face MIGHT be on to something. Lol
Right hand, second from the bottom… that guy is poking fun at all this. He made out of paper a replication old doctor plague mask. Funny
Almost as funny as the people of Walmart videos...
Reminiscent of the character select screen in arcade fighters.
Scuba-Baba wins!
I can't decide which one is my favorite.
You are for living your life and not believing the Tell-A-Lie-Vision
Some of those are fucking hilarious you guys 😂😂😂
Props to scuba guy…. Closest thing to a self contained suit….
Honestly the guy in scuba gear is the only one even sort of protecting himself for real. If he has a way to rinse himself off properly before he takes his gear off then I give him props for going all out in an effective way.
If the virus had like a 20% kill rate that is a great idea. For less than a 1% kill rate it seems a bit insane.
The rest are just crazy people doing stupid shit that doesn't even work.