What a stupid idea. That if he can get Gitmo closed, then he and all his little friends will go free.
It doesn't work like that. We aren't going to say, well we know what he did and have mountains of evidence. But because they closed Gitmo we will gather our marbles and just go home.
My first comment on normie platforms when that topic started coming up yesterday was on the lines of "yes, it should be shut down, but what better place to hold an international tribunal for the crimes against humanity that came from Covid. Afterward, there shouldn't be the need for it."
LOL High Comedy. "Biden" could save a lot of money by shutting down Gitmo and cancelling the multi-million dollar upgrades.
Thing is, he actually can't make that call.
Well i sorta agree. If we were doing this right we'd just need the courtroom, a pallet of ammo and a large, deep pit behind the building for when the trial is over. I seen zero reason to sentence anyone involved in the election, covid, human trafficking or sex abuse to anything but death.
...to do what our faggot pedo commie foreign islamic terrorist of a president could not get done in eight fucking years, and his faggot pedo commie traitor VP still can't get done LOL
Honestly, this guy is just dumb as a post.
What a stupid idea. That if he can get Gitmo closed, then he and all his little friends will go free.
It doesn't work like that. We aren't going to say, well we know what he did and have mountains of evidence. But because they closed Gitmo we will gather our marbles and just go home.
No, Adam. It doesn't work like that.
For context obama and dems wanted to shut Gitmo down for years now. So Trump expanded it. If Trump kills terrorists why the expansion ?
Pencil neck is 100% pedo & traitor. He needs to go, like 5 years ago.
what if they are killing each other off at this point ?
^^ this.
My first comment on normie platforms when that topic started coming up yesterday was on the lines of "yes, it should be shut down, but what better place to hold an international tribunal for the crimes against humanity that came from Covid. Afterward, there shouldn't be the need for it."
I pray that soon it’ll be his home sweet home!
i agree "soon" but not for long...
He has a point,let's nock down all the nice cells and keep them in a barb wire compound.
No tents.
i suggest let Sheriff Joe Arpaio run the joint...wait, though, schiff already wears pink panties...
He is worried about the cost? He is right, we should execute all those prisoners and close it. Save money. Schiff included..
LOL High Comedy. "Biden" could save a lot of money by shutting down Gitmo and cancelling the multi-million dollar upgrades. Thing is, he actually can't make that call.
The cost of maintaining Gitmo = Priceless.
This is also PROOF that the fake administration is NOT in control.
Just count your blessings, Adam. You will have a shiny new facility to greet your arrival.
That prick is gonna wish we spent more on that facility for creature comforts when he gets there.
Well i sorta agree. If we were doing this right we'd just need the courtroom, a pallet of ammo and a large, deep pit behind the building for when the trial is over. I seen zero reason to sentence anyone involved in the election, covid, human trafficking or sex abuse to anything but death.
I hope his room is ready for check in!
Stand for the rule of law while he commits perjury, illegally wiretaps phones, tampers with evidence and openly commits treason?
Close it? Nah! We just expanded the fuck out of it you pedo faggot so we can welcome people like you to it. Tick tock, tick tock.....
...to do what our faggot pedo commie foreign islamic terrorist of a president could not get done in eight fucking years, and his faggot pedo commie traitor VP still can't get done LOL
This guy who wants 80 BILLION DOLLARS for the IRS in the BBB bill.
Sounds like someone's scared.
But, But But.... why hasn't the President of the US of A DONE THAT already?????? Unless he's not really the President? 😃😃😃😃😃
Alternate Caption: "Adam Schiff publically criticizes his own future home!"