They used false flags to lie us into Vietnam, WW1, WW2, among others. Then there's all the "police actions" like the Spanish American War, invasion of Philippines, Desert Storm(s), Afghanistan, etc.
Every man who served thought he was protecting his country, but it was the war profiteers and multinational corporations who were behind all of them. We were lied to, and the media happily carried their water every single time.
Was this an attempted trick or was it a poor attempt at representing what they saw in the image?
A couple ways to fix this problem in the future; Side by side or a specification that the edit was added after the fact. Could also have writing outside of the post like in this case an arrow in the same color from above in the white part pointing at the Q.
I took my 11 year old daughter to the rally in Alabama and that’s exactly how it feels! The positive energy is unreal! We stood in a thunderstorm for HOURS to get in but nobody complained. I hope we’re able to make it to another one!
So true! Uplifting! Thrilling! Patriotic! Husband and I have been to 2 rallies. Such an amazing experience... hard to explain to our friends who haven't been fortunate enough to attend.
We were at Omaha Beach for the 75th Anniversary of D-Day with some Italian friends who are part of a group that honor WWII Veterans. During the ceremony at the American Military Cemetery in Omaha Beach even the roads to cemetery were blocked of course so we were having lunch on the terrace of a wonderful restaurant overlooking the beautiful beach. While we were dining we heard a loud vibration in the distance and we could see Ospreys flying toward us.
I suddenly realized it was POTUS' air convoy! I jumped up and and started cheering while taking video with my phone and hubby took still shots. EVERYONE around us jumped up and cheered and waved. Italians, French, Dutch and many others were around us and they ALL LOVE POTUS!! It was a moment i'll NEVER forget.
Wow! Fake Book somehow deleted this post of pic before I'd finished writing about it and clicked post... I have another way! Suckaturd I will not be foiled!
OK, I'll ask it and I might get shit for it but..was that actually Trump? It didn't seem like him at all. The way he talked,his mannerisms, the way he looked, something was (at least to me) off.
I saw that too. It makes sense that a double would be used. The price tag on his head must be astronomical. Remember on Jan 6, he was behind that enclosure? And he's told us that some very important, rich people are mad at him; and that we wouldn't be seeing him for a while. Even if it was a double, I don't think that affects the message.
Probably cuz he looked stronger & healthier than we’ve seen him…plus he’s aged a bit? We haven’t seen a Rally in a while so? Others mentioned this but it’s him Dude 👍🏽
Dan did not post it with the Q, obviously... 🚨this was EDITED
I saw POTUS make an "air Q" when he made his entrance after he had thrown the last MAGA cap to the crowd!
the air Qs alone are all I need to know that the plan continues to move along
Yep, that and faith fren!
I mean… That is a very unusual gesture that he makes. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody else make a gesture like it.
Hard to explain it as being anything other than a Q, in my humble opinion…
You are a wise pede!
Thank You!
I hope we all are right on this!! (I think we are...LOL...)
Me, too!
I know that I know that I KNOW! 🙏
Imagine if we just posted facts instead of trying to trick people with edited posts.
If we posted the real facts, we'd lose many to despair.
The fire burns away what is not worthy of its heat.
I have seen strong men break upon realizing that the US hasn't fought a war since 1776 that wasn't for the benefit of financial special interests.
Seriously? What do you mean? Can you give some examples / more info?
They used false flags to lie us into Vietnam, WW1, WW2, among others. Then there's all the "police actions" like the Spanish American War, invasion of Philippines, Desert Storm(s), Afghanistan, etc.
Every man who served thought he was protecting his country, but it was the war profiteers and multinational corporations who were behind all of them. We were lied to, and the media happily carried their water every single time.
All Wars Are Banker Wars.
Who researches this shit and wants things sugar coated? This isn't for children.
Was this an attempted trick or was it a poor attempt at representing what they saw in the image?
A couple ways to fix this problem in the future; Side by side or a specification that the edit was added after the fact. Could also have writing outside of the post like in this case an arrow in the same color from above in the white part pointing at the Q.
I took my 11 year old daughter to the rally in Alabama and that’s exactly how it feels! The positive energy is unreal! We stood in a thunderstorm for HOURS to get in but nobody complained. I hope we’re able to make it to another one!
Can't adequately describe the spiritual lift one gets from spending hours around America First Patriots at a Trump Rally.
It has to be experienced to really understand how that can lift one's sails for months.
So true! Uplifting! Thrilling! Patriotic! Husband and I have been to 2 rallies. Such an amazing experience... hard to explain to our friends who haven't been fortunate enough to attend.
We were at Omaha Beach for the 75th Anniversary of D-Day with some Italian friends who are part of a group that honor WWII Veterans. During the ceremony at the American Military Cemetery in Omaha Beach even the roads to cemetery were blocked of course so we were having lunch on the terrace of a wonderful restaurant overlooking the beautiful beach. While we were dining we heard a loud vibration in the distance and we could see Ospreys flying toward us.
I suddenly realized it was POTUS' air convoy! I jumped up and and started cheering while taking video with my phone and hubby took still shots. EVERYONE around us jumped up and cheered and waved. Italians, French, Dutch and many others were around us and they ALL LOVE POTUS!! It was a moment i'll NEVER forget.
They ALL wish for a man such as POTUS.
Sounds like an awesome moment. Glad you captured it.
It was...and the best part was seeing how much POTUS is loved, respected and admired by citizens of other nations!
I was there and the sunset before Trump came on said it all. God after the storm. What mud? 😇💯
How wonderful for you Phish...very spiritual!
It was noted as such, yes 💕😇
Yes! 🙌
I watched it on rsbn and Carrie Lake was very good.
Lucky you! Double-lucky that your daughter has a brain that functions!
Wow! Godwink that you saw your Patriot daughter! 🙏🇺🇸
I really like Carrie Lake. What’s not to like?
So excited your daughter was able to attend! It's the best blessing to be surrounded by Patriots! 🇺🇸🎉🇺🇸
I don't get it. Seems far fetched?
Because all the guy did was post a picture of Trump pointing to the crowd and call it "SQAVINO RIDES IN WITH THE Q!!!!"
Hard to tell what's more deeply lame: the post, or the fact that it's stickied ;p
LOL, I just checked your post history and, Holly mother of God, I caught ANEMIA looking at you. I'd happily sticky YOUR posts, but, ughhhhh...
See you in a couple days
You, sir, are no fun. Lighten up.
Well, mods tend to self-sticky their posts ;) it's a bit, well,.. for those of us who only check the pinned posts, it's a bit of a waste of time
I'd be happier if he actually did a Q circle point.
Trump did do one at the rally as he was heading to the stage. He was facing one of the crowds and did his air Q.
I saw that!
I saw it , too! Q+ made an air Q! 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸
Wow! Fake Book somehow deleted this post of pic before I'd finished writing about it and clicked post... I have another way! Suckaturd I will not be foiled!
"SUN to SHINE" seems relevant, why are we here = rally?
Slight reach here but I’ll take it
Time to shine some light in the dark?
Trump looks like he's about to blast Ultron with the power cosmic.
OK, I'll ask it and I might get shit for it but..was that actually Trump? It didn't seem like him at all. The way he talked,his mannerisms, the way he looked, something was (at least to me) off.
I finally listened last night. Where is this coming from? I am guessing fbi. It was Trump.
I saw that too. It makes sense that a double would be used. The price tag on his head must be astronomical. Remember on Jan 6, he was behind that enclosure? And he's told us that some very important, rich people are mad at him; and that we wouldn't be seeing him for a while. Even if it was a double, I don't think that affects the message.
Probably cuz he looked stronger & healthier than we’ve seen him…plus he’s aged a bit? We haven’t seen a Rally in a while so? Others mentioned this but it’s him Dude 👍🏽