Is this the man who will conclusively prove the 2020 election fraud? ๐บ๐ธ๐ช๐บ๐ธ
Google his name- Douglas Frank. Main stream media is attacking him everywhere.
Over the Target ๐ฏ๐ฅ๐ฏ
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I'm on the fence with him.
Pulitzer drags him really hard, claims he just ripped off Piton and Keshel, and did some attacks on his credentials, says Frank+Clements fucked up some audit proposals.
I still like Clements but quit following a lot of the different folks due to all the infighting and religious purity and other bullshit.
Equations/computers/foreign interference, until courts rule on it, is smoke and mirrors to me and requires Government to validate, including Lindell's data that Merritt said was dogshit.
We need people from as many sides as possible to tally and validate the ballots, not a computer. I do see how attacking the computers could be possible, but there's also incompetence, hardware malfunction, and a slew of other problems that exist just to add a 1 to a count, something I was taught in Kindergarten, I'm sorry that America is so goddamn inept that we can't trust our education system to do that anymore, but the solution isn't to make the system more complex.
Thatโs not saying much coming from a piece of dog shit.
Like him or hate him, it was the only sort of opinion that I heard voiced after that Symposium about what Lindell had. He probably violated an NDA, but Lindell and him can settle that beef themselves.
I don't really like the dude, I saw him talk on Clements Professor's Record program before the Symposium a couple of times. The vibe I got is that I probably know more about the nitty gritties than him when it comes to developing novel exploits and deciphering data streams. He was what I would've called a "script kiddie" in the days of old, a person who never found his own exploits but was able to use others and probably has some friends in dark places, a stage magician using other people's tricks and props they bought or traded for. Keeping up to date on Bugtraq (if that's even a thing still) and other peoples exploits to me is like a fast food employee telling Gordon Ramsey how to cook a burger.
So while my impression of the dude is disdain, I can still rely on a fast food employee to tell me how they cooked a burger. "I take the frozen meat patty out, I cook it for the time the grill tells me to, then I flip it, then I cook it until the grill tells me to, then I read what I need to put on it and I put that stuff on it except for leaving one item off" vs Gordon Ramsey going into great detail about how this type of cheese has these melting properties, and this slice of beef and yada.
I wouldnโt rely on a known liar to tell you anything.
He was part of the red team that confirmed the data Mike had was from the 2020 election which is what the 5 million reward was for, which the red team did in fact confirm. He then ran to the M$M with lies about how he didnโt confirm that China remotely connected to election machines, falsely claiming thatโs why he didnโt get the 5 million.
He lied about Mike Lindell and stated that the physical attack on Mike during the symposium was not true. He wasnโt even in the room when it happened.
Itโs a good thing Mikeโs CI team sniffed him out before Mike dropped the PCAPs to the red team. Who knows what that lying fool had planned for them.
You are misinformed and misframed.
Lindell's symposium was to award "to disprove" the data, not "to prove". Packet logs are nearly impossible to prove and also nearly impossible to obtain unless you own or hacked equipment between src/dst to MITM it.
I've gone into great lengths on this on various parts of my thread and on this subject in prior (go back to the Symposium threads and you'll see). In order to prove this data is what he says it is requires so many lego pieces that it is infeasible for me without seeing how he's going to prove it.
The only reasonable easy proof I would be able to slam my fist down on a table would be if foreign actors backdoored the machines and used some commonly available remote desktop utility like Teamviewer that you'd actually be able to easily replay the stream showing them actually using that computer. Now that could be a possibility, Solar Winds was a thing, the Symposium was Lindell's shit or get off the pot for me on his data and he's still on the toilet.
I don't trust Pulitzer, he and Piton started the infighting. Dr. Frank offered to debate them and they caved.
Piton later apologized.
Seems Jovan is the reason behind a lot of pointless infighting. He may have good intentions, but he is incapable of working alongside others without acting juvenile. Or maybe he's straight up black-hat.
Pulitzer is a Jew. Just sayin... lol
I'm not personally interested in the stats/analytics side of Frank, Piton, Shiva, or Keshel as it's a "canary in the coalmine"/red flag type situation, but gets too into the weeds for me, I like things that I can show to people and explain without them going "Huh?".
I like Pulitzer from the standpoint of he's explaining how things work and how he's going to prove it. That being said, here we are almost a year later and he's just wanting to release volumes of shit to sell (which I don't think it will, and I hope it doesn't really), uses legal as a reason as to why he can't go into more depth after saying he's going to go into more depth. Shiva raised some very important questions when Shiva attacked Pulitzer on ConservativeDaily and I'm glad Pulitzer addressed them the following day on Pulitzer's platform. I really didn't like Pulitzer attacking Oltmann as Oltmann was just trying to be an arbitrator and Pulitzer did act childish in my eyes about the whole Clements vs Pulitzer debate. So I definitely understand the criticism against him and also don't believe he's pure but he also states why he's not pure. I think he's devious and intentionally not forthright about the details of facts to lure people into traps, but feel that's needed for the shitstorm, provides just enough rope for people to hang themselves. IE being deceptive about what he was looking for about vote secure paper so that Shiva attacked him on a particular detail so he could counter while still not reveal what he's actually looking for to prove vote secure wasn't used. โ
My personal favorites:
For betting on winning in lawsuits/overturn:
Pulitzer is my lead horse in the race, it starts with the paper and our elections need to end with the paper. Explains how things will be brought to light, has active involvement in developing the technology and procedures for the audits that will make or break the election overturn.
Oltmann for his Dominion/Coomer exposure. In the "feels" department he's the one I would consider to being most genuine. If we're going to take down Dominion, he's my lead horse in that race.
Sidney Powell probably my third and the only lawyer I'd bet on out of the bunch. I don't actively listen to what she's up to but know she's still working on things and still surprises me every month or two. I always have different podcasts playing in the background and her voice has a certain shrill to it that just drives me crazy and sadly that's the only reason I don't follow her more.
For cheering:
Lindell, even though I question the data he has and where he got it from (which I truly hope it ends up being Space Force or military whistleblower or the like). Appreciate that he's in front constantly attacking the media and Dominion, invests in setting up his own platform, puts his money where his mouth is and it's a big mouth!
Lin Wood, gets a little bit too over the top religiously for me, but he seems to have no problem stirring the shit. I think we need to challenge ourselves so while I view character attacks as a turnoff I appreciate someone that is willing to challenge our own side's opinion.
Clements, he's second in my feels department, I spent many nights on his late night podcasts early 2021. Saw him grow from a nobody in the sphere with like 100 viewers a night just shooting the shit back and forth in the middle of the night and had back and forths on his youtube streams before he got canned.
I could edit it, but would rather just post, another pede questioned what I was looking for out of Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium above. I decided to review Mike's challenge and conceded. The guy has now been moved to my shitlist. He has no packet logs. He hyped up a nice steak dinner only to bring home a mcdonalds happy meal. I believe him to be 100% full of shit and memory foam peanuts.
"...requires Government to validate..." You mean that hydra-like entity that fucks up everything it touches? Alrighty then.
Who has access to the invisible tire treads left by data communication? How else are you going to prove packets were transferred?
The only sources that I know that would have access to that are Big Tech due to owning a lot of the infrastructure, some random intermediary hops that might exist between src/dst, src computer, dst computer, and possibly some equipment in between, our government, and the other "4 Eyes". Out of those, the only potential one that I could see being on our side and having a dog in the fight would be our government. It might be fucked up, but keep in mind if you want to go against our government, that includes going against its military including NSA (be it "No Such Agency" or the other initialism) Space Force and etc. Keep in mind it is still "our government" even with devolution in place.
"until courts rule on it"
"requires Government to validate"
Welp, the courts have ruled that there is no law and the Government has already validated the election, so I guess you're all set glowie!
Sounds like you're the one glowing to me.
If you're not working to correcting the system and just want to see it overthrown, you're just a lefty that went a little bit too far left and found out the earth wasn't flat so you ended up on the far right.
If you don't want this system overthrown then you haven't done enough research. Our law has been subverted ever since the Civil War at least.
I can't wait till you find out the entire field of virology is a fraud, and that's just the tip of the medical part of this iceburg.
Since I'm seeing some comments on this, I will elaborate, as I am passionate about this.
I can produce you a bunch of random garbage and call it "proof of election fraud" and then tell you to "prove me wrong". Which is all essentially Lindell has done or has had done to him.
Now if he brought this to the NSA and the NSA is like "we can validate this based on these connection logs" or etc, then that'd be at least corroborated proof and I would expect the court to side with, likewise we'd have to rely on them being honest so again "requires Government to validate" the same thing that we're fighting upstream against. Just because it's our government doesn't mean it's the bad actors in our government. Devolution, No Such Agency, National Security Agency, Space Force all being a part of our government in some form.
I was expecting someone at the symposium to pull the connection logs from the Tina Peters backed up machine at the symposium and then search for the dest/src IP addies in that log on the 1 terabyte of data that Mike brought that was supposed to be the star of the show. The least Mr. Lindell could've done was a dog and pony show bullshitting up some data that matched his bullshit he showed about "this computer from china connected this voting machine" from Absolute Proof. Instead you got Cowboy Ron asking if anyone knows how batch programming works on live tv. It was a complete fucking disgrace as someone that spent my youth in the late 90s taking apart client<->server communications and peer-to-peer to cheat and hack games and applications.
The only real way I would say we could validate is if say they have a whole datastream from say something like Teamviewer which I've heard Dominion uses for "troubleshooting". Never taken apart a Teamviewer stream before, but I'd suspect it either sends a screencap or has a way to "replay" the stream which would show you exactly what happened, otherwise it would be a proprietary data stream that Dominion/whoever sets up, and I'd suspect would be encrypted, but then again, company uses old versions of Windows and shit.
This thread will not win me any friends I'm sure, but I have to call out the bullshit as I see it from my past expertise in the field and while I was on board in the beginning, as Lindell drug it out I became more skeptical, after the Symposium I lost all hope in what he has but am open to him being scammed or misinformed, dude is putting his money and reputation on the line and I will always respect that. While I moved away from programming and hacking after I got out of college and found a shitty job field in the early 2000s mixed with my introverted bashfulness, I ended up landing a job in a different field and broke my introvert shell as I learned how to communicate with people while managing businesses. I still know the underpinnings and logic behind how these things work and that hasn't changed. The TCP/IP stack is still the same except for the introduction of IPv6, but I remember IPv6 being hyped to replace IPv4 "soon because we are running out of addresses" when I was in College in early 2000s. Here we are still utilizing IPv4 for most things and many ISPs ended up just making static IPs more rare for customers and just hiding people behind their local subnets, the majority of businesses also rarely run more than one external IP now as well, whereas before it may have been common for them to have multiple ISDN or T1 lines in the olden days.
I've been debating about getting back into this and seeing if I can use my govdeals account to pick up some voting machines (saw some old diebolds up there at one time) so that I can try some attacks against them and MITM them to learn the packet structure. I know Defcon has a voter village and such that already tears into these things though and those people are probably quite more advanced than I was especially after my 20 year lull, that being said, I've spoken with numerous gaming higher ups in the past about major flaws in their MMOs by providing novel exploits that I had personally found.