Yes it is. As an aside I bought that movie for my child and after I watched it, I decided against ever giving it to my child. It is a tell you what we are doing in barely concealed coded messaging to disarm your critical thinking about such things by telling you it's a fantasy type movie.
By the way, if there was literally zero stories or shows in "fiction" to tell this coded story about the elitists activities in our world, when someone you come across starts talking about what they witnessed or experienced as a child, people they tell might find they have nothing in their experience or studies to compare such a thing to. This might spawn more interest in the incredibly dark story being told. But thanks to media, we have these encoded stories that are similar enough and prevalent enough in society's memory, that instead people ignore the person sharing their actual story and decide said person is crazy, off their meds, and recounting some jumbled mixed up story from all these works of "fiction" that are commonly known in that society. Thus the person is dismissed and ridiculed for their supposed disconnect with reality (as perceived by society).
At first I thought a lot of it was just makeup and access to chefs/trainers to keep them in great shape but seeing a trailer for that new Jennifer Lopez movie and realizing she will be 53 this year -- that cant be completely natural in terms of makeup and all. She looks nearly the same as she did 20 years ago.
Lasers, microneedling, and Botox. I had skin issues as a teen which led me to learn all about this med spa stuff. Lasers and micro force you to produce collagen in the area that is treated, which will treat scarring but also make you look a lot younger. The pictures where all of these celebs look great are professional photos and/or with Photoshop or filters. It's like thier social media photos vs. their candid photos. I do believe many celebs are into adrenochrome, but I don't personally think it is what keeps them looking young.
It gets you high, and is symbolically/religiously important to them. It's a pedocrat luxury drug that is more likely for ceremonies, initiations, and recreation.
But without baby blood, they shrivel like old moldy prunes. Because that does actually have a lot of anti-aging properties to it. In the yahoo news articles about "young blood transfusions", they make it sound like some college freshman edgester schmuck is selling their plasma by the ounce. But the reality is FAR more sinister. The overlords aren't taking tiny consentual sips of blood from twentysomethings. They're stealing it by the liters from unconsenting children and infants, who have no ssn's and who nobody will miss, who are discarded after use like a fucking juice box.
Yes, I absolutely agree that is what they are doing, it's well known in Hollywood yet they try to act like it's so outlandish. I'm just not convinced that it really keeps them looking as young as they think it does. I think they are fooling themselves in that respect, you can find lots of candid photos of them from any time period where they look like shit. Maybe it's that the karma of those actions outweighs any potential anti ageing benefits. And yes, any benefits I would think would rapidly fade and leave them looking like the monsters they are in a short period of time, whereas if you go to the spa and get something legitimate, it won't end up actually making you look worse when it does wear off. When I look at jlo I see lasers, micro, Botox and lots of working out / dancing. She also still looks good, so maybe she never got into adreno. More important than how that might affect her looks is how if affects her eternal soul.
another good example of what youre talking about is Ol' Ballsack, or Maria Abromavic. Maria is unnaturally old for her looks, but she aint no JLo, so you can see how young blood works there, or with ballsack, same thing he's just not as decrepit as he would be without it, but it doesn't make him look like he's reversing time or anything. The Pedostas. It looks like without any other strategies, just the blood components alone, it just sort of makes them look healthier for their age, without taking years off.
It’s widely known that rich and famous people get a lot of plastic surgery. They’ve honed it over decades and the best drs are amazing at what they do.
I am so effin sick of this going around. It's not the adreno that provides anti-aging. It's the baby blood transfusions that provide the anti aging.
We have no effing proof whatsoever that that bitch started looking like a hag because of an adreno habit she crushed. Why can't we make redpill bait that is at least verifiable when a normie goes to look it up.
All we'd have to do to is change it from "adreno" to "baby blood" and instantly it becomes a way more powerful meme, IMO.
I agree friend. I was having a redpill discussion with a recently wakened old fraternity brother of mine this past week and he asked me what I really thought about "Q anon".
I had to choose my words very carefully but I inadvertently came to the realization that I haven't actually ever seen much compelling evidence about adrenochrome being a real thing, and that it may very well be the point of disinformation purposefully pushed by the cabal in order to steer people away from the very real pandemic of child sex trafficking.
I suggest then that you look up one of In Pursuit of Truth's videos on this subject. I cannot recall the title of the video, and he has many. (perhaps someone here can help with that). But he did an excellent dig on this subject specifically which might clarify what we know and what we can reasonably infer. He is no longer on youtube. Try bitchute/rumble.
Nope, lol. I honestly can't recall specifically enough to share. I watched it a year or two ago, when I was soaking up way too much information at one time. But he presented the topic in terms of science, language and historic happenings. Factual offerings. Then added in things like companies, locations and dated news items that could be dots to connect, allowing the viewer to gauge the odds or to continue digging on your own.
If the goal is adrenalized blood, all you have to do is torture and terrify the creature in question. The more pain and fear it suffers, the more adrenaline pours into the blood just before you drink it.
I suppose pure adrenochrome would be even stronger, but you don't have to go to that much trouble to get the effects. Adrenochrome is probably for when you can't be there in person to get your fix of adrenalized blood. The "to go" version, so to speak.
again, the adreno component of what they do is to get you HIGH. Not anti-aging. That comes from the plasma or whatever and how much adrenaline is in it has nothing whatsoever to do with anti-aging. It's just a thing they like to do.
And terrorizing children is something done for multiple purposes, for example MK cannot happen without torture. Scaring the crap out of children MAY be so the blood gets you high, or it MAY be part of MK conditioning, or it MAY be because these people are completely evil and whacked out of their minds with sadistic lunacy. Each instance of child torture may have a different purpose in mind.
Putting side by sides together in a meme that makes it sound like it's a foregone conclusion that what causes the withering is adreno, is inaccurate and low energy memeage.
yes I've been pointing that out since 2017! when you side by side anderson and "Kathy" you see they're brothers and he's a tranny! just like Michael robinson I mean "michelle" and just like Trudeau is actually Castro and just like Merkel is hitlers daughter etc etc etc or how Obamas kids are his LIVE IN BEST FRIENDS kids..just look..and how chelsea clintons dad is HUBBLE and prince harrys dad is his mom horse trainer!! all of it is bullshit once you see you can't un see
Death Becomes Her is a 1992 American satirical black comedy fantasy film directed and produced by Robert Zemeckis. Written by David Koepp and Martin Donovan, it stars Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn as rivals who fight for the affections of the same man and drink a magic potion that promises eternal youth, but causes unpleasant side effects.
Thats a 30 year old movie now. Maybe this stuff has been going on for a long time.
True Blood/ The Southern Vampire Mysteries: At the beginning of both series, it's established that the Japanese have created synthetic blood that allows vampires to "come out of the dark" and announce their presence to the normies. It's also mentioned that vampires still prefer the real thing.
The Santa Clarita Diet: A brief Netflix series with Drew Barrymore where she becomes infected (I think something zombie related) and has to have human blood to survive.
A Song of Ice and Fire/ A Game of Thrones: I can't be the only one who read the series and had Marina Abramovich in my head every time Melisandre came up (okay, maybe I was, but you're thinking about it now, aren't you?)
Elizabeth Bathory was 16th century, and she actually did it for real.
Then all these stories start forming, and create lore. Lore gets used for plotlines in modern stories.
The reason Elizabeth was bathing in and drinking virgin blood was because she was doing what a lot of royals used to do... ingesting blood of commoners to treat genetic blood disorders that come from severe inbreeding.
This is the origination of all the lore about blood drinkers and people using blood for anti-aging. Because royals did it all the time ever since they discovered that ingesting healthy blood was a treatment for their illnesses. The public could never know this, as their reigns always based their legitimacy on having the blessing of God behind it. How could someone chosen by God to rule a nation be a blood drinker who cant walk in daylight due to porphyria? It would destabilize their power in catastrophic ways.
Everybody loves the Muppets right? When the movie 'The Dark Crystal' came out, I remember thinking, 'who the hell dreamed up this bizarre shit'? Fast forward to now after I've been red-pilled by this community. Evil nasty creatures strapping innocent cute things into a chair and forced to look in horror at this dark crystal as their 'essence' drains into a flask that is drunk to defy aging. Real sick effing shit.
I hope they publicly uncover all involved. When they are arrested, a fraction of their wealth may be turned over to their children and spouse, the rest goes into a pot for restitution to the victims and their families.
Anyone got any suggestions for sources on this? On adrenochrome that is. I first heard of it in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It's like the fabled fountain of youth... These people may look younger, but are they living longer? Could this just be decades of plastic surgery stretched to the breaking point plus bad/good pictures?
Do people really believe this? Like why would they bother to get it from frightened children when they could just easily have it synthesized in a lab?
Is there even a shred of evidence that adrenochrome is some sort of youth serum?
Don’t get me wrong I love conspiracy theories but they at least should have some basic logical premise behind it or it’s just a bit ridiculous. I do believe that the govt perpetuates a lot of crazy conspiracy theories to invalidate in the mainstream more likely theories and I think this is one of those.
Because reptiles love watching something suffer. To them, it means the reptile is fully in control and dinner will soon be served.
Look up the ways in which Komodo dragons kill their prey and what they do while it's dying. You'll understand exactly what these human monsters are doing.
These humans are "reptiles" in the sense that they do not process emotions in normal human fashion, but solely in a more primitive reptilian fashion. That's why they have no empathy and therefore no conscience. The technical term for this is "sociopath."
OK. But...they are not literal reptiles. And how do you know how they 'process' human emotions? Have you ever had any direct interaction with any of them? Where is this thing about adrenochrome documented? I know all the stories around it, but I have never seen anything that leads me to believe it is actually true. Where is the list of kids that have been disappeared? How much time has passed between the before and after photos?
Umm also it does not cost $1.5 billion/kilo. It costs $15.00/mg
Start by looking at The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan. It came out decades ago.
Read up on anything else you can find about narcissists and sociopaths and how they process emotions. I've been around them and I guarantee, so have you.
Adrenalized blood is not a theory. It's how every prey animal dies. You can look that up, too.
List of kids that have disappeared? You don't understand. There are no lists. They use children with no parents, no birth certificates, nothing. They get them from third world hellholes, especially after disasters like earthquakes and typhoons. They look for the victims who have no one, no family, nothing to protect them.
Why do you think the Clinton Foundation ran top-speed to Haiti after that earthquake? Why do you think Oprah started her "girl's school" hidden away in Africa instead of in Chicago? I know it's hard to imagine. But it's what they do and have always done, and it's worse than any normal human being can fathom.
What does a book by Carl Sagan have to do with any of this? All that book talks about is a theory on how humans evolved to become intelligent.
How do you know that the people in this photo (or anyone who is being accused of eating children's blood) are sociopaths? Have you ever interacted with any of them ever?
I never asked about adrenaline in the blood when an animal dies. I am asking about the proof that adrenochrome is either addictive, psychoactive, or reverses aging.
So there is no list of kids who have disappeared. But somehow we know there are LOTS of them who have disappeared. How exactly? How does one know that a child that no one in the entire world knows about has been killed? Where is the paper trail, or indeed, ANY trail whatsoever that shows a child from a disaster has been taken and murdered?
Ummm yes, the drug costs a lot because they have different "strengths" where children are tracked on how many times they resecitate the child from death before they succumb to death finally.
I am hoping you are genuinely curious or not playing the concerned troll card by providing you this information.
$15.00/mg is not expensive in the least. There are a LOT more expensive chemicals.
This image claims that the cost is $1.5 million/mg. That is completely untrue.
What does the link to the patent for synthesis have to do with anything you are claiming? All it states is the methods for making it in a lab. It is a very straight forward process involving reagents that are easy to get and easy to work with. I have worked in a Chemical Engineering field.
Yeah im of the opinion that all the adrenochrome stuff might be intentionally placed there to discredit our movement and steer people away from the very real issue of child sex trafficking.
some people aren't really partiers, they don't get why people go out and party. They don't get what its like to be cool or even want to be cool. What it's like to get swept up in that, and then feeling like you need to 'get ahead'.
Which is good! It means they've been following the Lord like they're supposed to, and they have other things to fulfill them, or different personalities and different strengths and things that make them cool people.
But they aren't seeing the full picture. If you go out and party your ass off and it is FUN AF to you, then you want to do it again. But you discover quickly that you want to party more than your body can handle. If you drink ten beers one night and get wild, the next day your body needs to recover from it. You can't just go back out immediately and party again, you have to rest.
Well, all addicts will do things like watch their diets, get into supplements and superfoods, sleep well and exercise, etc. And it's to GET AHEAD, so that they can then go back out and party some more.
Hollywood is just one big continual party. Politics, power interactions, romance, business, everything happens at a party. If you aren't there, you are missing something. So if you get bit by the devil, you just keep racing and racing to catch up, to stay ahead, to party the most, to be the strongest and the coolest and have the most connections and the most power.
So these hollywood people who have the devil disease, they will eat right, they will hire a trainer, they will get plastic surgery, they will get botox with friggin lazers, they will do anything they have to do, and if that includes baby blood, so be it. That's their thinking. So these same people who are drinking baby blood are ALSO doing drugs, getting aids, puking after eating, seeing plastic surgeons, they are doing ALLLLL that shit. All of it. As much as they can get their hands on. You have to stay in the race, baby.
I watched the half time show to decode satanic symbolism, but all I saw was Holly Woods Witches and Wizards body doubles. Happy to see more pedophiles disappear daily. Best decode I got; releasing all the violent criminals to weaken America more. We can thank our Commie politicians for that Cofid prison plan.
Isn't this the plot of Monsters Inc.? I might have to go back and rewatch that now.
Yes it is. As an aside I bought that movie for my child and after I watched it, I decided against ever giving it to my child. It is a tell you what we are doing in barely concealed coded messaging to disarm your critical thinking about such things by telling you it's a fantasy type movie.
By the way, if there was literally zero stories or shows in "fiction" to tell this coded story about the elitists activities in our world, when someone you come across starts talking about what they witnessed or experienced as a child, people they tell might find they have nothing in their experience or studies to compare such a thing to. This might spawn more interest in the incredibly dark story being told. But thanks to media, we have these encoded stories that are similar enough and prevalent enough in society's memory, that instead people ignore the person sharing their actual story and decide said person is crazy, off their meds, and recounting some jumbled mixed up story from all these works of "fiction" that are commonly known in that society. Thus the person is dismissed and ridiculed for their supposed disconnect with reality (as perceived by society).
Yep. "That's sounds like it's right out of a movie! You just made that up."
Literally had a friend tell me that.
Yes. That movie was a them revealing the sick shit that they do.
Yes. Where the world is powered by the terrified screams of children.
Also, take a look at Torchwood (Doctor Who spin-off) series 3, Children of Earth.
And Hocus Pocus
Ironically I believe John Depp's "band" is called Hollywood Vampires
Macaulay Culkin's is Pizza Underground D:
Tales of witches and vampires make a lot more sense now.
Ever hear of Elizabeth Bathory? This has been going on for far long than most people think:
Yep-, the original Lost Boys came to mind the other day while looking at some supposed pics of DUMBS.
At first I thought a lot of it was just makeup and access to chefs/trainers to keep them in great shape but seeing a trailer for that new Jennifer Lopez movie and realizing she will be 53 this year -- that cant be completely natural in terms of makeup and all. She looks nearly the same as she did 20 years ago.
Lasers, microneedling, and Botox. I had skin issues as a teen which led me to learn all about this med spa stuff. Lasers and micro force you to produce collagen in the area that is treated, which will treat scarring but also make you look a lot younger. The pictures where all of these celebs look great are professional photos and/or with Photoshop or filters. It's like thier social media photos vs. their candid photos. I do believe many celebs are into adrenochrome, but I don't personally think it is what keeps them looking young.
It gets you high, and is symbolically/religiously important to them. It's a pedocrat luxury drug that is more likely for ceremonies, initiations, and recreation.
But without baby blood, they shrivel like old moldy prunes. Because that does actually have a lot of anti-aging properties to it. In the yahoo news articles about "young blood transfusions", they make it sound like some college freshman edgester schmuck is selling their plasma by the ounce. But the reality is FAR more sinister. The overlords aren't taking tiny consentual sips of blood from twentysomethings. They're stealing it by the liters from unconsenting children and infants, who have no ssn's and who nobody will miss, who are discarded after use like a fucking juice box.
Man the juice box analogy is just too close to home. Poor kiddos.
Yes, I absolutely agree that is what they are doing, it's well known in Hollywood yet they try to act like it's so outlandish. I'm just not convinced that it really keeps them looking as young as they think it does. I think they are fooling themselves in that respect, you can find lots of candid photos of them from any time period where they look like shit. Maybe it's that the karma of those actions outweighs any potential anti ageing benefits. And yes, any benefits I would think would rapidly fade and leave them looking like the monsters they are in a short period of time, whereas if you go to the spa and get something legitimate, it won't end up actually making you look worse when it does wear off. When I look at jlo I see lasers, micro, Botox and lots of working out / dancing. She also still looks good, so maybe she never got into adreno. More important than how that might affect her looks is how if affects her eternal soul.
another good example of what youre talking about is Ol' Ballsack, or Maria Abromavic. Maria is unnaturally old for her looks, but she aint no JLo, so you can see how young blood works there, or with ballsack, same thing he's just not as decrepit as he would be without it, but it doesn't make him look like he's reversing time or anything. The Pedostas. It looks like without any other strategies, just the blood components alone, it just sort of makes them look healthier for their age, without taking years off.
Lots of digital effects too. e.g., Check out "Gemini Man"
true - but then I saw a clip of her at the Superb Owl and she still looked young there.
It’s widely known that rich and famous people get a lot of plastic surgery. They’ve honed it over decades and the best drs are amazing at what they do.
Why did Joan Rivers die from routine plastic surgery then?
She was murdered for outing Michael Robinson Obama.
Because there’s always risk to every medical procedure or drug. I was talking about amazing results not that they’ve eliminated all risk from it
I am so effin sick of this going around. It's not the adreno that provides anti-aging. It's the baby blood transfusions that provide the anti aging.
We have no effing proof whatsoever that that bitch started looking like a hag because of an adreno habit she crushed. Why can't we make redpill bait that is at least verifiable when a normie goes to look it up.
All we'd have to do to is change it from "adreno" to "baby blood" and instantly it becomes a way more powerful meme, IMO.
I agree friend. I was having a redpill discussion with a recently wakened old fraternity brother of mine this past week and he asked me what I really thought about "Q anon".
I had to choose my words very carefully but I inadvertently came to the realization that I haven't actually ever seen much compelling evidence about adrenochrome being a real thing, and that it may very well be the point of disinformation purposefully pushed by the cabal in order to steer people away from the very real pandemic of child sex trafficking.
This makes sense seeing Biden brought it up in public (twice?) as his main accusation of Q and us crazies'.
Man, it's nice to hear someone else say it too.
>(clinks covfefe mug)
Haha amen brother!
I suggest then that you look up one of In Pursuit of Truth's videos on this subject. I cannot recall the title of the video, and he has many. (perhaps someone here can help with that). But he did an excellent dig on this subject specifically which might clarify what we know and what we can reasonably infer. He is no longer on youtube. Try bitchute/rumble.
Care to share any specifics regarding the most compelling evidence you remember?
Nope, lol. I honestly can't recall specifically enough to share. I watched it a year or two ago, when I was soaking up way too much information at one time. But he presented the topic in terms of science, language and historic happenings. Factual offerings. Then added in things like companies, locations and dated news items that could be dots to connect, allowing the viewer to gauge the odds or to continue digging on your own.
I'm an absolute fan of IPOT and Amazing Polly.
Hmm I'll check it out then. Thanks.
It's pretty much the same thing, really.
If the goal is adrenalized blood, all you have to do is torture and terrify the creature in question. The more pain and fear it suffers, the more adrenaline pours into the blood just before you drink it.
I suppose pure adrenochrome would be even stronger, but you don't have to go to that much trouble to get the effects. Adrenochrome is probably for when you can't be there in person to get your fix of adrenalized blood. The "to go" version, so to speak.
again, the adreno component of what they do is to get you HIGH. Not anti-aging. That comes from the plasma or whatever and how much adrenaline is in it has nothing whatsoever to do with anti-aging. It's just a thing they like to do.
And terrorizing children is something done for multiple purposes, for example MK cannot happen without torture. Scaring the crap out of children MAY be so the blood gets you high, or it MAY be part of MK conditioning, or it MAY be because these people are completely evil and whacked out of their minds with sadistic lunacy. Each instance of child torture may have a different purpose in mind.
Putting side by sides together in a meme that makes it sound like it's a foregone conclusion that what causes the withering is adreno, is inaccurate and low energy memeage.
Isn't Kathy Anderson Coopers Trans/sacrificed Vanderbuilt brother? I just read something about that over the weekend diving through threads.
yes I've been pointing that out since 2017! when you side by side anderson and "Kathy" you see they're brothers and he's a tranny! just like Michael robinson I mean "michelle" and just like Trudeau is actually Castro and just like Merkel is hitlers daughter etc etc etc or how Obamas kids are his LIVE IN BEST FRIENDS kids..just look..and how chelsea clintons dad is HUBBLE and prince harrys dad is his mom horse trainer!! all of it is bullshit once you see you can't un see
They all look like cancer patients....
She looks more like a literal troll
see example
Reminded me of:
Thats a 30 year old movie now. Maybe this stuff has been going on for a long time.
Off the top of my head:
True Blood/ The Southern Vampire Mysteries: At the beginning of both series, it's established that the Japanese have created synthetic blood that allows vampires to "come out of the dark" and announce their presence to the normies. It's also mentioned that vampires still prefer the real thing.
The Santa Clarita Diet: A brief Netflix series with Drew Barrymore where she becomes infected (I think something zombie related) and has to have human blood to survive.
A Song of Ice and Fire/ A Game of Thrones: I can't be the only one who read the series and had Marina Abramovich in my head every time Melisandre came up (okay, maybe I was, but you're thinking about it now, aren't you?)
Of course it has. Even the Disney version of Snow White had the hag drinking a magic potion to make her more beautiful than Snow (didn't work, though)
Watch Tangled and look again at how the evil stepmother keeps her youth.
There are other tales far, far older than these.
Elizabeth Bathory was 16th century, and she actually did it for real.
Then all these stories start forming, and create lore. Lore gets used for plotlines in modern stories.
The reason Elizabeth was bathing in and drinking virgin blood was because she was doing what a lot of royals used to do... ingesting blood of commoners to treat genetic blood disorders that come from severe inbreeding.
This is the origination of all the lore about blood drinkers and people using blood for anti-aging. Because royals did it all the time ever since they discovered that ingesting healthy blood was a treatment for their illnesses. The public could never know this, as their reigns always based their legitimacy on having the blessing of God behind it. How could someone chosen by God to rule a nation be a blood drinker who cant walk in daylight due to porphyria? It would destabilize their power in catastrophic ways.
This is a thousands year old globotrash secret.
Everybody loves the Muppets right? When the movie 'The Dark Crystal' came out, I remember thinking, 'who the hell dreamed up this bizarre shit'? Fast forward to now after I've been red-pilled by this community. Evil nasty creatures strapping innocent cute things into a chair and forced to look in horror at this dark crystal as their 'essence' drains into a flask that is drunk to defy aging. Real sick effing shit.
Apparently ages… but it’s getting done👍
Many ahem "famous" types have aged 30 years in the last 5-6.
Aside from those pictures being YEARS apart…
Dude, this is what happened when you run out of photoshop.
I hope they publicly uncover all involved. When they are arrested, a fraction of their wealth may be turned over to their children and spouse, the rest goes into a pot for restitution to the victims and their families.
Erzebet Bathory did it first!
Anyone got any suggestions for sources on this? On adrenochrome that is. I first heard of it in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It's like the fabled fountain of youth... These people may look younger, but are they living longer? Could this just be decades of plastic surgery stretched to the breaking point plus bad/good pictures?
It could also be because they're trannies and their inner man/woman is coming out because they need more plastic surgery.
How many kids per kilo?
Do people really believe this? Like why would they bother to get it from frightened children when they could just easily have it synthesized in a lab?
Is there even a shred of evidence that adrenochrome is some sort of youth serum?
Don’t get me wrong I love conspiracy theories but they at least should have some basic logical premise behind it or it’s just a bit ridiculous. I do believe that the govt perpetuates a lot of crazy conspiracy theories to invalidate in the mainstream more likely theories and I think this is one of those.
Because reptiles love watching something suffer. To them, it means the reptile is fully in control and dinner will soon be served.
Look up the ways in which Komodo dragons kill their prey and what they do while it's dying. You'll understand exactly what these human monsters are doing.
These humans are "reptiles" in the sense that they do not process emotions in normal human fashion, but solely in a more primitive reptilian fashion. That's why they have no empathy and therefore no conscience. The technical term for this is "sociopath."
TIL, tanks
great comment.
OK. But...they are not literal reptiles. And how do you know how they 'process' human emotions? Have you ever had any direct interaction with any of them? Where is this thing about adrenochrome documented? I know all the stories around it, but I have never seen anything that leads me to believe it is actually true. Where is the list of kids that have been disappeared? How much time has passed between the before and after photos?
Umm also it does not cost $1.5 billion/kilo. It costs $15.00/mg
Start by looking at The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan. It came out decades ago.
Read up on anything else you can find about narcissists and sociopaths and how they process emotions. I've been around them and I guarantee, so have you.
Adrenalized blood is not a theory. It's how every prey animal dies. You can look that up, too.
List of kids that have disappeared? You don't understand. There are no lists. They use children with no parents, no birth certificates, nothing. They get them from third world hellholes, especially after disasters like earthquakes and typhoons. They look for the victims who have no one, no family, nothing to protect them.
Why do you think the Clinton Foundation ran top-speed to Haiti after that earthquake? Why do you think Oprah started her "girl's school" hidden away in Africa instead of in Chicago? I know it's hard to imagine. But it's what they do and have always done, and it's worse than any normal human being can fathom.
Ummm yes, the drug costs a lot because they have different "strengths" where children are tracked on how many times they resecitate the child from death before they succumb to death finally.
I am hoping you are genuinely curious or not playing the concerned troll card by providing you this information.
$15.00/mg is not expensive in the least. There are a LOT more expensive chemicals.
This image claims that the cost is $1.5 million/mg. That is completely untrue.
What does the link to the patent for synthesis have to do with anything you are claiming? All it states is the methods for making it in a lab. It is a very straight forward process involving reagents that are easy to get and easy to work with. I have worked in a Chemical Engineering field.
You ever have lab grown hamburger meat? It’s not the same. I would imagine the synthetic adreno pales in comparison to the real stuff to them.
Yeah im of the opinion that all the adrenochrome stuff might be intentionally placed there to discredit our movement and steer people away from the very real issue of child sex trafficking.
Yeah, I think it is real but maybe not AS prevalent among the rich and wicked as it's made out to be.
There are other reasons they could be falling apart so visibly.
AIDS, for one. Caught the old-fashioned way.
Drugs, for another.
Bulimia or other eating disorders.
Myriad possibilities.
some people aren't really partiers, they don't get why people go out and party. They don't get what its like to be cool or even want to be cool. What it's like to get swept up in that, and then feeling like you need to 'get ahead'.
Which is good! It means they've been following the Lord like they're supposed to, and they have other things to fulfill them, or different personalities and different strengths and things that make them cool people.
But they aren't seeing the full picture. If you go out and party your ass off and it is FUN AF to you, then you want to do it again. But you discover quickly that you want to party more than your body can handle. If you drink ten beers one night and get wild, the next day your body needs to recover from it. You can't just go back out immediately and party again, you have to rest.
Well, all addicts will do things like watch their diets, get into supplements and superfoods, sleep well and exercise, etc. And it's to GET AHEAD, so that they can then go back out and party some more.
Hollywood is just one big continual party. Politics, power interactions, romance, business, everything happens at a party. If you aren't there, you are missing something. So if you get bit by the devil, you just keep racing and racing to catch up, to stay ahead, to party the most, to be the strongest and the coolest and have the most connections and the most power.
So these hollywood people who have the devil disease, they will eat right, they will hire a trainer, they will get plastic surgery, they will get botox with friggin lazers, they will do anything they have to do, and if that includes baby blood, so be it. That's their thinking. So these same people who are drinking baby blood are ALSO doing drugs, getting aids, puking after eating, seeing plastic surgeons, they are doing ALLLLL that shit. All of it. As much as they can get their hands on. You have to stay in the race, baby.
Well said fren!
"Cant beat the real thing" - Coke-Cola
I watched the half time show to decode satanic symbolism, but all I saw was Holly Woods Witches and Wizards body doubles. Happy to see more pedophiles disappear daily. Best decode I got; releasing all the violent criminals to weaken America more. We can thank our Commie politicians for that Cofid prison plan.
Refreshing to know that the “obama nation of desolation” is a thing of the past isn’t it?