Discussion topic: What could happen if we the people just didn’t pay our taxes? If participation was large enough, it could have the possibility of being a huge movement. Thoughts?
Edit: Yes, most employers take out taxes automatically. So why do we have to “file.” You know, the whole “tax season thing.” What if we didn’t file?
**stopped (couldn’t edit the title)
Print more currency
Makes me think that people in the parallel economy should insist on being paid under the table in gold and silver, and not mention any of it to the commies. Let them print worthless shit.
Ron Paul wanted to pass legislation to have competing currencies.
Aluminum copper nickel and tin would be good for barter
and of course gold and silver
The taxes you mean are voluntary and are dependent on your own lack of knowledge. You did declare to be US citizen, yes? That is your current status, an employee of the USA-inc. congratulations. And as an employee you pay taxes and are governed by statute.
You just found out the Constitution does not apply to you. And stay out of court. It is a foreign vessel in dry dock of which you do not speak the language and have not the correct authorization to step into.
When Trump said to give power back to the people, he was not jesting. It is up for grabs.
You've hit on something that points to the true nature of "income" taxes.
Why file, if they already supposedly know what you owe? They need you to swear to a statement that you have "income" (as THEY define "income" in the tax code!) and thus declare yourself liable to pay the tax.
Most of what people think of as income is not taxable under the Constitution. But the IRS will still try to shake you down.
This 👆. Great info at this site, dig deep and it will sink in. Make sure you know who you are and where you are from. Glad to see others out there.
Thank you!
They don't need taxes when they have an unlimited money printer. The Grace commission determined that all income taxes went toward the national debt and didn't buy a single service from government. Our money isn't ours anymore, it belongs to a private cabal of banks. It hasn't been our money since 1913. Our forebears weren't paying attention at the time and let these criminals rob us blind for generations. It is no coincidence that the Fed and the IRS were created in the same year. We didn't tax personal income before the Fed. There is only one solution, end the Fed.
Incidentally, many problems we now suffer from would be solved by doing this. If you want to read an interesting take on this, read The Cultural and Spiritual Legacy of Fiat Inflation by Jorg Hulsmann.
I’ve noticed 3 places I shop now have signs saying cash gets a 3 % discount. Imagine owning 3% of every transaction as precession get fee. It’s like another tax. Use cash when you can. Always.
So in the USA we all pay a flat rate out of our paychecks, we can pay less if we have exemptions (we get an exemption for ourselves and any dependents). When we file our taxes those are based on the income we made last year and we are put into a bracket, if they took more from you than they should have based on what you made, you get a refund (you usually don't get back everything they took though). However, the more you make, the more you pay. So, if you make at least $50,000 the feds usually take about 15-20% of that from you! The amount goes up the more you make, each income level has a set amount they take from your salary. Of course there are tons of tax write offs and sometimes you can pay less. If the IRS finds out you didn't file or incorrectly filed they can take your home, car, property, bank account, and set it up so that money comes out of your paycheck and goes to them. They also add insane late fees when you don't pay on time! It is one big scam and it's time we stood up against it. I'm tired of having my money taken from me and used for things I have no say over! This doesn't even cover the money they take from us to pay for medicaid and social security benefits! Those are two things you can never stop them from taking from your paycheck, even if you never plan to use those services yourself.
Incorrect on some of your statements. You don't have to pay anything out of your paycheck however you do not get those services and don't go begging for help later when you are in trouble. You don't get to play ball at your convenance, either play their game or not, until you know how to operate in both worlds properly. Don't go to a Chevrolet dealer saying Ford does it this way, learn both ways until then stick with one and don't complain either way it's your choice. If someone comes to take something you own that is theft and should be treated as such. No one should fear thieves.
EDIT: this only applies if you are not employed by the public/federal or do business with them.
Thanks for the response. That explains why we still need to “file.” I still think it’s absurd and can’t believe more people are not thinking like me and seeing how ridiculous the filing part is. I actually just quit my profession at the beginning of this whole thing. The paycheck became worthless because of things like this.
Learn and practice ways to make your interactions with the monetary system non taxable events whenever possible. I think the zombie economy has devolved to the point that our taxes don't pay for anything, with unlimited debt creation and using that debt to back new money, there is literally no need for taxes.
Taxes are taken automatically before wages are paid in my country.
Here too, so you’d have to get many employers onboard with not complying with automatic withholding
In USA the employer deducts the taxes and remits that amount plus a matching amount and a bit more to the IRS.
I’m in the US and yes, taxes are taken out by the employer. I must admit I’ve always been a “stick it to the man” type of person so I am not too knowledgeable with this type of stuff. My spouse takes care of all of it because it infuriates me.
What are we still “filing” for then? You know, the whole “tax season” thing. What’s the point?
How does it work? Here, my employer grabs the income tax (singular, not "taxes") before I even see my payslip. Same for National Insurance payment which is supposed to be my contribution to social security but really it's an additional tax.
Sounds like same for you. So what is the "filing" all about?
Fill out your W-4 correctly, nothing will be taken out. Social security is a participation program, if you want it pay into it, read all the fine print. However, if you choose this route do not go begging for welfare, unemployment bs. You keep what is yours and they keep what is theirs, no handouts in this relm. It is not hard, but it isn't easy either. You have to learn to navigate things differently for a while before it become second nature.
EDIT: this only applies if you are not employed by the public/federal or do business with them.
File exempt on w-2 in U.S. this thought crosses my mind often, but how do we organize? 100mil+ not backing them, whats the irs gonna do? Seize a couple thousand folks?
Hoping Trump abolishes the illegal tax in due time anyways. Glass Speagle please.
It's a rough around the edges potentially great idea.
I agree, it is. I’m not scared of them and in my case they always owe me. So, I guess I could also say why do most of us file when they owe us. I don’t want their money bad enough to comply to stupid rules. I’m not a slave to the credit system, and they could take all I have and I would still survive. I know there are a lot of patriots who would agree, especially at this point in the game. So why are we still playing their game?
Some of our ancestors chucked tea off the side of a harbor. We’ve already made a movement by not wearing masks, Ottawa, protests, refusing vaccinations, etc.
A statement like this could have the possibility of pushing the timeline too, because I truly do think taxes will be gone when all comes to light. Why keep playing this game when it’s evident we see through all their bull crap. Plus the IRS is already swamped from “covid” why not give them a break. Some people are still waiting on their returns. Why should we comply if they can’t even get it together?
I am with you. Never had a loan, creditcard, debt of any kind, etc. If I aint got cash, I dont buy. The wife and kids are fine; they know the gig. But the slow crawl overreach has come to a head and I am more curious than scared of what's next. Are we finally gonna ditch this proverbial monkey or what? Let's Gooo!!!
I agree! We didn’t file last year because I was so fired up over everything and still am. Now the spouse (who is just as awake as I am) is gathering up things to file for last year and this year, because you know, “It’s what you do.” I still can’t get on board! That’s why I needed to hear what some of you brilliant people thought!
LOL You guys kill me when you say that. I dont know how it works in the US but here in Canada you have no choice. Taxes are taken by your employer there is no way to get out of paying them. If you are on pensions and you dont pay they stop your pension. If you are a trucker and dont pay they stop your license. No matter what your job you pay or they end you.